Little Boss

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Name:"Huh? I'm busy come back later" Huxley Lucien

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Name:"Huh? I'm busy come back later" Huxley Lucien

Age:"I told you…. I'm 32 happy? Go away please" 32

Gender/Gender identity:"what part of busy do you not comprehend?" Male

Sexuality:"That's a personal question and not appropriate for the workplace. Besides why do you want to know?" Gay

Species:"I'm a fairy clearly *snorts*" Human

Personality:"We could go out for drinks or something for this questioning. When I'm able to talk" Huxley is a goal oriented man, he always plans ahead when it comes to business. At work he puts on a rather polite but serious demeanor though at home he's laid back and more fun loving this sometimes coming out at work. He can be a right brat at times, he's used to getting what he wants in life so when something doesn't go his way he gets rather upset about it. He's very conniving and cunning. He has sabotaged rival businesses in the past to get ahead of them and will exploit any and all weaknesses they have. While he tries to remain polite with his employees and other people he sometimes gets a bit rude especially when he's in a bad mood. He is also a bit of a show off being a rather proud individual

Likes:"Work. I like to work in silence." Huxley enjoys his work quite a bit and wants to be at the top. He enjoys going out for drinks with friends and family, he also enjoys business trips as they often give him time to show off. He likes cartoons and toys as well as pacifiers and bottles, he keeps that secret though. He enjoys the color purple quite a bit. His favorite animal is the giraffe and he has a stuffed animal of one called Mr. Spots. If he had to pick his favorite show he'd have to say he enjoys Dinosaur Train. He's always been fascinated with dinosaurs so he also has a large stuffed animal of a Raptor. 

Dislikes:"You interrupting my work" Huxley hates being interrupted while he works. It's one of his pet peeves. He also can't stand being talked over; it gets on his nerves and he's liable to snap at someone should it happen too often. He doesn't like girly things all that much, he also doesn't like when he has accidents. He hates failure quite a bit and when he does fail he works twice as hard to correct it. He doesn't like chocolate and never has, he especially dislikes dark chocolate. He dislikes most juices, grape juice being the exception.

Hobbies:"You're not going to leave are you?" He enjoys going out for drinks, he often goes to the rec-center to swim or enjoy other activities such as wall ball, ping pong, basketball and so on. He plays with his toys quite often once home and he also watches cartoons very often as well

Habits:"I'm going to call security here in a moment" He has a habit of chewing on his thumb. He also has a habit of overworking himself

Position:"That is highly unprofessional!" Bottom

Occupation:"That's it I'm calling security" CEO of a business

Do they have children?:"No, security will be here shortly" nope

Family:find out in rp


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:Nope

Do they have tattoos?:nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:no


Backstory:find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Security take them away" he overworks himself

Fears:"Goodbye now" He is afraid of failing and never being able to succeed again

Worst memory:"You're still here? Stop fighting security just go" find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His business and his stuffed animals Mr. Spots and Fang

 Spots and Fang

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Optional if you want it to be sexual: "Completely unacceptable bye"

Turn ons:same as usual

Turn offs:same as usual


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