Criminal minds oc two

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Name:"Why hello there… My name? Certainly it's Felix, pleasure to meet you" Felix Orion Soleks

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Name:"Why hello there… My name? Certainly it's Felix, pleasure to meet you" Felix Orion Soleks

Age:"Hmm? I'm still very much at the prime of my life" 32

Gender/Gender identity:"Well last time I checked I was a dude, but you can come find out" Male

Sexuality:"Oh I can swing both ways I just have a preference" Bisexual with a male lean

Species:"I'm a dragon… What do I look like?" Human

Personality:"Well if you want to take me out for some drinks you can find out for yourself" Felix outwardly takes on the bad boy persona. He's cocky, charismatic and easygoing. He's quite the flirt when he wants to be and often times uses his charms to get him out of trouble. He's a party kinda guy and doesn't always know when to call it a night. He's rather self destructive and most times he doesn't even realize it. He's very caring to the point it harms him, he will continuously forgive someone who hurts him and make excuses for them. This is due to his warped view on love. He always gives his all to someone even if that person is just using him. He's quick to blame himself when something goes wrong his loyalty though great is also his downfall at times. He is as rock headed as they come and sometimes his vision narrows in on something and he has a hard time focusing on anything else. He's rather cunning and smart using these things to his advantage, and he reads people fairly easily. 

Likes:"Plenty of things, what're we doing playing twenty questions?" Felix enjoys a number of things some of these include partying, drinking, socializing. He enjoys tricking people out of their money and is rather good at it. He enjoys watching cartoons and had even thought about becoming an animator at one point in his life. Music is something he's always loved whether he be listening to it or making it himself. He enjoys a good brawl as long as both parties realize it's just for fun, and sometimes will make bets. He enjoys going to casinos, though has been kicked out of most of them. He likes animals and wouldn't mind having a pet someday, though currently isn't in a stable enough position for one.

Dislikes:"Why do you want to talk about that? Come on life's too short for the negative" Felix, though he tries to be positive, has a pessimistic side that he does not like at all. He also doesn't like when people he doesn't know or trust try and touch him or his scars. He hates abusers though fails to see when he himself is being abused most times. He doesn't like being outsmarted since that typically ends badly for him. He has a strong hate for his parents though between the two he dislikes his father more. He doesn't like that he has scars some of which he can't cover up. He also doesn't like to talk about his past very much

Hobbies:"Partying, drinking, music… Anything else you want to know?" Felix enjoys most social activities and partying just happens to be his favorite. Conning people is also enjoyable, he likes to challenge himself and see just how far he can get. He also enjoys learning new skills such as slight of hand, how to lockpick etc. 

Habits:"Why do you want to know so bad? What's with the questions?" Felix has a habit of running his hands through his hair when agitated and he also paces. He also has a habit of biting his lip or finger when in deep thought or when very nervous

Position:"ooh wouldn't you like to know?" Switch but he leans more towards bottom

Occupation:"Well I was a con artist until recently" agent at the BAU

Do they have children?:"Ha! No, and not for awhile I am definitely not ready for that responsibility yet… One day though, hopefully" nope

Family:"Dad's not worth two cents, mom's about the same… I'm pretty sure my siblings have all but forgotten me by now"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"I mean you can see the one right through my eye. Think about it, someone willing to scar me there probably left more" one right through his right eye this did some damage, though he still retains most of his vision in that eye. He also has a ton all throughout his body

Do they have tattoos?:"Yeah one, it's on my shoulder" one of a Dragon

Do they have tattoos?:"Yeah one, it's on my shoulder" one of a Dragon

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Do they have piercings, if so where?"Nope I have no want for one" no

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:Nope


Backstory:"What's there to say, growing up was hell, had a couple of relationships that were also hell. I'm doing a bit better now" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Hmm no I'm not telling you that" His right eyes vision is a bit inpaired. His extreme loyalty and forgiveness can also be a weakness. His self destructive ways

Fears:"Really? I don't want to talk about it" He's terrified of the dark, but won't admit it. He also is afraid of being down in a basement alone brings back one to many memories. 

Worst memory:"Drop. It." Find out in rp

Best memory:"Well this is better. I'm not sure I have so many" find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His skill set it's saved him more then once


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:"well now we're getting to the interesting part… Personal but interesting" Ddlb, bondage, praise, gentleness, roughness, hair pulling, pet play, rules, punishments, whatever his dom likes

Turn offs:"I mean I have a few… Most people do" whips, choking, any form of play in water, gross bodily fluids, whatever his dom doesn't like


Crush:Aaron Hotchner

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