Monster Parent

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Monster Form-

Monster Form-

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Human Form-

Name:"Hmm? I suppose I'll humor you

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Name:"Hmm? I suppose I'll humor you. Cadomwyr but you may call me Cado" Cadomwyr Lance

Age:"I'd answer that but I fear you'll be rather shocked" Looks to be mid thirties is actually eons old

Gender/Gender identity:"such a rude question" Male

Sexuality:"I don't believe that concerns you" pan

Species:"Human clearly" Monster

Personality:Cadomwyr gives off a very cold and professional aura. The majority of the time he looks as though he isn't even interested in what you have to say. Despite this he does have a good heart and he wants what's best for those around him. He can't stand the injustice in the human world and he often tries to fix it. This doesn't always work out though as he's found some humans just never change. When dealing with Children he does his best to not frighten them. He knows he appears intimidating in both his human and monster form, though he tries to get down on their level to make them feel more at ease. 

Likes:"plenty of things. I enjoy order, peace, the sunrise…." Cado likes things to be orderly. He hates disorganized things and it throws him off. He may be a tad ocd. He also enjoys watching the sunrise and sunset. It's a rather peaceful time for him. He likes to help others when he can, and when he can't he likes to try and figure out a way they can be helped. Find out the rest in rp

Dislikes:"Those who take advantage of the weak, Those who judge for no good reason" he can't stand judgmental people. In his mind unless someone has given you reason to judge you should keep an open mind. He's not a fan of fish, he avoids it as much as possible and he can't stand the smell of bacon. Find out the rest in rp

Hobbies:"Nothing in particular. The usual I suppose" He enjoys movies, working, writing, and helping others. Find out the rest in rp

Habits:When agitated he has a tendency to drum his fingers


Are they successful?:Yes

Do they have children?:You


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:None

Do they have tattoos?:None

Do they have piercings, if so where?:None

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:They have a human and Monster form he can shift between


Backstory:Find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Goodness only a fool shares his weakness" you, overly bright lights hurt his eyes and makes it hard to see

Fears:Losing you

Worst memory:find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:You, work, food


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