Rich Daddy

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Name:"Oh sugar you can just call me Daddy" Theodore Thompson

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Name:"Oh sugar you can just call me Daddy" Theodore Thompson

Age:"Its rude to ask someone's age you know" 30

Gender/Gender identity:"If you're confused I can show you" Male

Sexuality:"Well if you must know I like men" gay

Species:"Are we playing pretend now?" Demon

Personality:"I've been told I'm full of myself, but people who've said that soon found out otherwise" Theodore is a confident if not cocky individual, he knows what he's worth and isn't modest about it in the slightest. He's a bit of a perfectionist everything has its place and time to be done and he expects it. He can be a bit overbearing at times and when upset can be cold and uncaring. While at work he maintains a very professional attitude, he runs his business with an iron fist and if something goes wrong doesn't forgive easily. When outside of work he lightens up some, though he is always in control of a situation and if not he'll leave. He's rather flirty and can be a bit sadistic at times, but if he cares about you he's always sure to take good care of you when needed. He also becomes a cuddle bug once he cares for you and will spoil you rotten, as long as you're good that is.

Likes:"Hmm I'm liking you so far" Theodore is a man of refined taste so he enjoys the finer things in life. He also enjoys spoiling those he cares about and enjoys a nice night out starting with dinner and ending in bed. He enjoys teasing and flirting with his significant other and loves to watch them blush. He likes to be in control and sometimes can be a bit overbearing with it. He enjoys his job especially when things are going well, and he loves going on vacation. 

Dislikes:"When things don't go as planned" Theodore can't stand people who try to control him and he's always quick to make them pay for it. He hates things being late, he's a very punctual individual after all. He isn't fond of cheap things and always buys the best of the best of everything. He doesn't like being disobeyed when he gives an order, and he also hates to see the people he cares about hurt or upset. 

Hobbies:"If you'd like I could show you some of them" When he's not busy Theodore enjoys doing a few things such as swimming, dates, formal parties, get togethers, going to the beach, hiking, working out, and so on

Habits:"That's a bit of a rude question dear I'd watch it if I were you" Theodore has a habit of over thinking and clicking his pen when upset

Position:"Oh you want to find out?" Seme

Occupation:"I own a rather large and successful business"

Do they have children?:"Heavens no, I'm afraid right now I do not have time for children"

Family:"My parents have since retired and are living on an island somewhere, and I was an only child so that's about it… Never got to know any distant relatives either"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Of course not" no

Do they have tattoos?:"I would never do that to myself, though they can be nice to look at on others" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?"I've had my ears done but I rarely wear earrings"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:nope


Backstory:"I grew up to a wealthy family and when the time came I took my Father's job" Theodore grew up living the nice life, he was given anything he could ever want and went to school in the nicest school in the country. Despite his rich upbringing he was still taught what hard work was and this is why he's remained very successful in his life. As he grew up he was taught what his responsibilities would be for taking over his Father's business, he was always expected to take his place, and once his father retired he immediately took the position.

Weaknesses:"Tsk watch it" his overbearing ways

Fears:"I'll give you to the count of three" Theodore is afraid of being alone

Worst memory:"One…" Find out in rp

Best memory:"hmm better" find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His business, you


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:"Ooh I never thought you'd ask" Ddlb, Control, humiliation, spanking, hair pulling, biting, scratching, pet play, whatever his sub likes plus more

Turn offs:"I suppose that's a good question" gross bodily fluids, not being in control, feet, whatever his sub doesn't like

Safeword:"That's for you… However I suppose I could have one too if it makes you happy" Redwood

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