Apocalypse Disaster

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Name:"Hi, I'm Thomas Nickolas Anderson the eighth" Thomas (Tommy, Tom) Niclolas Anderson

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Name:"Hi, I'm Thomas Nickolas Anderson the eighth" Thomas (Tommy, Tom) Niclolas Anderson

Age:"Don't you know asking someone's age is rude? Ha I'm just joking I don't care I'm 26" 26

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that" Male 

Sexuality:"I like men, sorry ladies, but we can so be best friends" Gay

Species:"I'm totally looking into getting myself changed into a gryphon, such majestic mythical creatures" Human

Personality:"Wouldn't it be easier for you to find out? I mean I can tell you but that's just boring" Thomas is a very bratty individual, he is nice and fun loving as long as he's getting his way. He's never had to answer to anyone or be responsible for anything. He grew up with a gold spoon in his mouth and got away with everything. He doesn't take many things seriously, he just wants to have fun and be free. He's the type who loves messing with other people for his own amusement. Pranks and so on are a normal go to for him. He can be rather selfish, though if he cares about you that fades away and he will oftentimes make you little gifts or buy them for you. 

Likes:"Parties, fine dining, living the good life. This apocalypse is making that hard" He enjoys a life of ease, one where all of his needs are taken care of. He likes fine dining and his favorite meal is definitely chicken Parmesan. He loves partying and spending time with other people. He likes going to fancy events and spending time with his friends. He enjoys pulling pranks on people the more complex they are the better. He likes getting his way and if he doesn't he gets upset.

Dislikes:"This apocalypse, not being given what I ask for" he hates not getting his way which is happening more often than not now, he doesn't care for sleeping on the floor or having to eat poor people's food. He hates the apocalypse and the zombies, he hates that he can't really have a party anymore. He dislikes vegetables of any kind and will spit them out. He doesn't like the cold weather especially now, fun things you could do in the snow aren't as fun when heating is hard to come by

Hobbies:"You know whatever fun that can be have now that the apocalypse is taking place" He still pulls pranks when he gets the chance to, he collects things that he likes, he also draws and colors.

Habits:"Me and habits, I got none" he has a habit of twirling his fingers and giving puppy dog eyes when people are mad at him

Position:"Oh…. Thats awfully forward none of your business" Bottom

Occupation:"A job? Me? Never"

Do they have children?:"Haha I'm to young for kids right now, I still have so many years of partying, drinking, and having fun ahead of me"

Family:"Mom and Pops aren't really happy with me at the moment"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Scars? Nah, well a tiny one on the back of my neck but that's it" one from an accident

Do they have tattoos?:"Not yet, I was planning on one before the apocalypse

Do they have piercings, if so where?"No, my parents would disown me and you can't really hide a piercing the same way you could a tat"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:he usually wears gloves


Backstory:"I was living the good life before the apocalypse" Thomas grew up in a rich family, his parents spoiled him rotten and never held him responsible for anything. When the apocalypse happened they left him to his own devices

Weaknesses:"I've got both weaknesses I'm infallible" He's much to careless and he has a short temper when things don't go his way

Fears:"I'm afraid of crabs, they're pincers hurt" crabs, the zombies, being alone

Worst memory:"The day my parents left me"

Best memory:"There are so many, so many parties, just so many good memories" find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His friend,and his collection of things


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:same as usual

Turn offs:same as usual


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