The Doctor Is In

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Name:"Huh? Dr

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Name:"Huh? Dr. Wolf" Matthew Wolf

Age:"Why does that matter?" 30

Gender/Gender identity:Are you blind? Or just stupid?" Male

Sexuality:"I fail to see how thats any of your concern" bisexual

Species:"You must've hit your head pretty hard" Human

Personality:"Why don't you mind your own business?" Matthew comes off as rather gruff and cold. He doesn't take shit from anybody and will quickly put someone in their place should they irritate him enough. Though his outer shell is rather rough he is truly a very caring individual, he wants what's best for people and does his absolute best to be helpful. He has a tendency to keep himself distant from his patience since he can't afford to get attached, however he's been in the field for so long that his tendency to be distant has also bled into his home life causing him to have a rather lonely life. He doesn't mind this though, he is very working oriented and knows that his job takes a lot of his time, knowing most people wouldn't be happy with him being gone all the time

Likes:"Peace and quiet, shut up" Matthew enjoys a number of things such as his job and being helpful to others. Science is something he's always found interesting and on his off time he likes to study topics on various different scientific things. He enjoys a good book from time to time, and surprisingly prefers the romantic genre not that he'd admit to that. He also enjoys going to the theater and loves popcorn. Candy is one of his utmost favorite things and he has to remember to cut back on it

Dislikes:"Nosy people" Matthew despite his demeanor doesn't have to many dislikes, He's not the biggest fan of bitter foods and goes out of his way to avoid it. He hates failing especially when it comes to work. He also can't stand when his patience fight their treatment or are too stubborn to take their meds willingly. He doesn't care for when people try and force him to go out or on dates and he hates when people who aren't properly trained try and take care of patience themselves.

Hobbies:"I like reading. Happy? Can these Incessant questions end now?" Matthew enjoys reading, watching movies,long walks, going to the beach and many other things 

Habits:"I don't have any" Matthew has a smoking habit despite knowing it's not good for him and also has a habit of clicking his pen when either thinking or irritated

Position:"Why do you want to know?" Seme

Occupation:"Is my outfit not a clear enough indicator?" Doctor

Do they have children?:"Kind of need a partner for that" no

Family:"I'd prefer to keep that confidential" he has some distant family, though his mother, father, and little brother have sadly passed away


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"These questions are getting personal… Knock it off" all over his body

Do they have tattoos?:"Not in a million years" no

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"Had one a long time ago, not anymore though" no

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:no


Backstory:"I am not getting into that with you" Matthew had a typical childhood, though he did exel in school allowing him to graduate early and get a head start in college. He started off not knowing what he wanted to be, simply trying out different courses to decide. However one day while visiting family a horrible car accident took place, totaling the car and killing everyone involved in the collision except for him. He was in the hospital for months and still sports the scars from the accident. He went through a stage of severe depression and gave up on life for quite awhile, only being able to be pulled out eventually through the help of close friends. He went back to school and eventually settled on becoming a doctor

Weaknesses:If he's not the one driving he becomes a bit anxious in a car, he has a short temper and has a problem with pushing people away


Worst memory:The day he and his family were in the car accident

Best memory:The day he graduated

One thing they could not live without:cigarettes and candy


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Ddlb, Master/pet, roughness, control, spanking, hair pulling, praising his sub, whatever his sub likes

Turn offs:gross bodily fluids, feet, anything his sub doesn't like


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