Vampire Dad

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Name:"Why hello there? Are you lost? My names Alaric what's your name?" Alaric Latos

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Name:"Why hello there? Are you lost? My names Alaric what's your name?" Alaric Latos

Age:"Well, definitely older then you" thousands of years old

Gender/Gender identity:Male

Sexuality:"That doesn't concern you" Bi

Species:"I'm a human of course. What a silly question" Vampire

Personality:"I'm nice, let's go find your parents" Alaric is a kind, though stern individual. He likes having some form of order, though when he's not working he can be rather laid back and calm. He doesn't care for most humans though he doesn't hate them either, he understands that many of their species react to his out of fear due to what stories they've heard. He's a very understanding individual and will usually give a person a chance to explain themselves before he makes a choice on how to handle things. When he loses his temper however it is best to get out of the way. This doesn't happen very often he is a very patient man, but that's not to say he's not capable of losing it.

Likes:"Hmm… Alright I'll play along for now, let's see, I like the night sky, winter, the color orange…" Alaric enjoys many thing's one of which is living comfortably. He's a very successful individual and so has plenty of money to spare. He also enjoys nice walks at night they're rather relaxing and help clear a person's mind. Another thing he enjoys is blood, though that's to be expected with what he is. Alaric has always liked the ocean he finds it rather interesting and beautiful. He likes when you behave yourself and he enjoys spending time with you and watching you grow up, even if it sometimes feels like times going by to fast.

Dislikes:"I don't like the hot all that much" Alaric doesn't care for overly hot climates, warmth is fine but after a certain temp it becomes to much. Another thing he dislikes are judgmental individuals they're closed minded and that is something he just doesn't care to deal with. He doesn't care for people causing chaos especially for no good reason and he hates having to be stern with you, and he definitely hates having to punish you. He doesn't like when you misbehave and if anyone ever tries to harm you they best run as far as they can.

Hobbies:"Painting, cooking normal things I suppose" he enjoys painting he especially likes going out and painting landscapes. Another thing he enjoys is cooking, though he creates things at random sometimes. They either come out amazing or they go on his list of horrible recipes to never repeat. Another thing he enjoys is walking especially in peaceful places such as the beach at night or an empty park

Habits:"I guess one could say I have a habit of over doing things" Alaric has always had an issue with going overboard with things, he wants to do his best and so he tends to go to the extremes.

Occupation:"Hmm I'm a chef at a successful restaurant" Chef

Are they successful?:"I would say I am" Very much so

Do they have children?:"Not yet" eventually you


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Not really, I guess I have the scars on my shoulder from when I was first transformed into a vampire.

Do they have tattoos?:"No Tattoos are kind of difficult and not my thing"

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"Yes, see there on my ears"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:His eyes Darken when he's upset, and his canine teeth are rather sharp and pointed


Backstory:find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I guess I'm a bit of a perfectionist. It gets in the way sometimes" you, and the fact that he overworks himself

Fears:"I don't really have many" He's afraid of losing you and of humans discovering what he is

Worst memory:find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:blood and you


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