The Bad Kid

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Name:"Hello, My names Vincent" Vincent Atti Harrison 

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Name:"Hello, My names Vincent" Vincent Atti Harrison 

Age:"Just turned thirteen" 13

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a boy clearly" male

Sexuality:"uh…" Not sure yet

Species:"I wish I could be a werewolf or a vampire, something cool like that" human

Personality:"I'm a cool guy really" Vincent tries to be a cool and down to earth person, however he has quite the temper and it isn't very unoften for him to land out in a fight. He's quite the troublemaker, if he thinks he can get away with it he's going to do it. He also is a bit of a bully if he doesn't like someone, however this mostly a front, usually he's just jealous. Speaking of which he easily gets jealous. He doesn't mean to, it just seems to happen. He doesn't like sharing with most people and is only a team player with people he considers friends, anyone else he tends to bump heads with. He feels rather lonely a lot of the time and tries to make up with that emotion by being around people and being the center of attention.

Likes:"The usual stuff I guess, videogames, TV, stuff like that" Vincent enjoys a number of things, he loves being the center of attention, it makes him feel better. He also enjoys playing with toys, but he keeps that a secret since he feels he should be too grown up to play with them. He also likes animals and really wants a pet. He loves candy and sweet things and sneaks them as often as he can. He also likes coffee even if most adults don't like him having it. His favorite animal is hands down the ferret

Dislikes:"I don't like Cucumbers" Vincent doesn't like being looked down on. He also doesn't like being told no or not being allowed to do things he wants to do. He hates cucumbers and carrots though if he had to eat one or the other would eat carrots. He hates being trouble, and he doesn't like sharing the spotlight. He also doesn't like tight spaces they freak him out and he's never liked the cold blizzards always setting him on edge.

Hobbies:"I like playing videogames" Vincent loves making art its one of his favorite things to do. He also likes playing with toys, though he keeps that secret. He also likes playing videogames and watching TV shows. He likes stealing and is a bit of a klepto, he also likes sports though prefers playing them more then watching

Habits:"I pull on my ears a little sometimes" he pulls on his earlobes when nervous, he also has a habit of lying.

Occupation:"School right now"

Are they successful?:"Meh" He doesn't really apply himself

Do they have children?:"I'm rather young to have kids don't you think?" Nope


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"One of two, most from fighting" He's got a couple he has a small one on his face next to his nose. Its rather unnoticeable unless someone looks closely. He also has a couple of scars on his body one on his elbow and one on his knee

Do they have tattoos?:"I wish" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"Nah, I thought about getting my ear done once, not now I'm not sure if I want to" nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:no


Backstory:find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I mean I'm only thirteen, so I would guess I have a lot right now, I'm hoping to grow out of most of them" his temper

Fears:"I don't really want to talk about that" He's afraid of being alone, He's also afraid of being enclosed in tight spaces

Worst memory:"My parents passing, that accident was awful. I still miss them… I don't want to talk about it anymore"

Best memory:"I suppose my best memory was of the last Christmas I had with my parents. It was really nice"

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed animal Sox

Fandoms((If doing a fandom rp)):Criminal Minds, Fairy Tail, Blue Exorcist, Lucifer, BNHA

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Fandoms((If doing a fandom rp)):Criminal Minds, Fairy Tail, Blue Exorcist, Lucifer, BNHA


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