Lucifer Oc

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Name:"Hope you're not the superstitious type

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Name:"Hope you're not the superstitious type. My names Damien" Damien Omen

Age:"Huh? 29"

Gender/Gender identity:"Well I know for a fact I don't look like a girl" Male

Sexuality:"I like guys. Sorry girls" Gay

Species:"Well I'm certainly not an Angel" Demon

Personality:"I'll give you a brief summary I'm trouble" Damian is a very mischievous demon, he enjoys human company because he finds them rather interesting and they're so easy to trick. He finds earth to be a much better home and refuses to leave it. He enjoys the fun he can have on earth and despite denying it he has made friends he cares deeply about despite their human status. He's rather protective of those he cares about to the point that he over does things if he feels like the person he cares about is in danger. He's not the most mature individual and is as impulsive as they come. He is also the type to hold grudges, and being immortal he has a few that he's kept over the centuries

Likes:"Earth, humans, a good time. I like a lot of things" Damien enjoys tricking people, it's rather enjoyable to him to watch the confusion on a person's face after he's tricked them. He also likes videogames and if he winds up stuck inside or just doesn't feel like going out he often times settles in and plays for hours on end. He enjoys spending time around humans so he's often found in places were large amounts of people gather such as clubs, bars, and so on. He enjoys being out at late hours, after all thats when all the good trouble happens and he has always enjoyed listening to the stories humans come up with. 

Dislikes:"Hmm well I'm not a big fan of asparagus, or grapefruit" Damien for the most part is a laid back individual who doesn't dislike a lot of things. However he hates when anyone even dares to look wrong at the people he cares about. He also can't stand lectures and he's never been a big fan of how most humans portray demons. He also hates bitter foods, and avoids them at all costs.

Hobbies:"I'm a demon with time, I have way to many to say" Damien enjoys a large list of things, some of those including going out clubbing, hanging out with friends, videogames, reading, art, learning how to do different DIYs, collecting things. Just to name a few

Habits:"I… Well Don't tell anyone but I suck on my thumb sometimes while I'm asleep" he also has a bad habit of leaving his things where he sets them instead of putting them away

Position:"Oh why don't you come and play, that's the best way to find out isn't it" uke

Occupation:"I jump from job to job, right now I have enough saved up so I'm unemployed"

Do they have children?:"I don't believe I do, if I do I've never met them" nope

Family:"I'm a Demon family is sorta different for us"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Not many things scar a demon, I will say I do have one on my side from a close call in battle"

Do they have tattoos?:"No I just haven't really found anything I want to get done yet" 

Do they have piercings, if so where?"Nope they don't really fit my style, at least right now anyways"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:His demon form is rather subtle his eyes changing to a light almost white blue surrounded by black. He grows a pair of horns and his teeth become a bit sharper. 


Backstory:"That's a long story I don't feel like getting into" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Why would I tell anyone about my weaknesses? So they can be used against me? I think not" the people he cares about. 

Fears:"I'm a demon I'm not afraid of anything" Being Alone, dying

Worst memory:"Hmm I'd have to say that one time I almost lost my life to another demon. That was not a fun time"

Best memory:"Hmm there was the time I won a rather important race, or the time I tricked a human into thinking they gave me their soul. That was funny"

One thing they could not live without:Earth



Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Ddlb, pet play, rules, punishments, bondage, humiliation, whatever his dom likes and more

Turn offs:the usual and whatever his dom doesn't like


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