Bratty Patient

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Name:"Oh good some company

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Name:"Oh good some company. My names Ben" Benjamin Spear

Age:"I'm old enough to drink" 26

Gender/Gender identity:"Oh come on. I know I'm not the buffest guy out there but really?" Male

Sexuality:"I like what I like" Bi

Species:"Hmm I wonder what I could be?" Human

Personality:"What's with all the questions, I get enough of that from doctors" Benjamin is a very stubborn individual, despite his immunity being a bit impaired he doesn't care he'd rather be out having fun being a outgoing individual. He's rather smart most of his life was spent reading or learning since he was stuck in bed. He has a rather limited patience and often will lose his temper especially when he doesn't get his way. He's a very conniving individual and will trick people to get his way. He's rather bratty especially when he has to spend time in the hospital, not being a very big fan of hospitals. He can be rather immature and doesn't always put his healthy at the forefront of his mind

Likes:"Being out and about, but I don't get to do that often" Ben enjoys plenty of things, he likes being able to do as he pleases. He likes going out and meeting people and he loves get togethers. He enjoys tv mostly because at one point it was one of the few things he could do to pass the time. Videogames are another fun thing he enjoys. Art was something he loves doing and since he's done it so much he's rather efficient. He likes sour things quite a bit, and he likes to play with toys, these are another thing he used to do a lot since he was stuck in bed.

Dislikes:"Being locked up" he hates being at the hospital, however finds himself there fairly often. He's gotten a bit better so he hasn't been as often but he still winds up there from time to time. He hates being lectured about his health and being told what to do about it. He doesn't like being unable to live a normal life. Another thing he dislikes is having to wear a mask when he does get to go out.

Hobbies:"I don't have to many" Watching tv, vidoegames, playing with toys, reading, art

Habits:"I have the tendency to snap the bands on my mask" he also has a habit of kicking or stomping his feet when upset

Position:"Thats personal" Uke

Occupation:"Ha! You're kidding right?" None he's on disability

Do they have children?:"Of course not, and really unless I adopt I have no want for kids, I'd never want to pass this down to someone else"

Family:"Well I used to have my mom and Dad, but they passed away sadly. My sister doesn't really visit me often unless something's wrong with me"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"I have a couple from a surgery when I was just a toddler, I can't remember what it was for though"

Do they have tattoos?:"No it's to risky, I could get an infection so that's a big no no for me" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?"Again it's to likely I'd get an infection if I did"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:Nope


Backstory:"My life's kinda boring" Ben for the most part is a normal individual, however he was born with a weakened immune system, because of this he was in and out of the hospital constantly as a child, the smallest thing being able to make him sick. He's gotten much better since then, however he still has a weak immune system which means he has to be careful. Besides his weakened immune system though he's a normal individual

Weaknesses:"Have you not been listening?" His weakened immune system and his temper

Fears:"Oh… Uh I don't want to talk about that" Dying, missing out on life

Worst memory:"There's so many I just don't know how to choose" 

Best memory:"I guess a good memory would be the time I got to go out and get ice cream with my parents"

One thing they could not live without:The hospital, modern medicine


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Ddlb, praise, gentleness, rules, punishments, roughness, hair pulling, scratching, nibbling, and whatever his dom likes plus more

Turn offs:The usual plus what his dom doesnt like


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