♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️...

By miss_cherry001

327K 8.9K 2.1K

MASSIMO ALEJANDRO ROMANO, a well-known name in the mafia world. He is an Italian mafiosa capo (mafia boss) an... More

*Author's Note*
1. *My Past*
2. *Girl In The Rain*
3. *An Evil Plan*
4. *Hot Stuff*
5. *Where Am I?*
6. *Unfamiliar Feeling*
7. *Commotion*
8. *Brotherly Love*
9. *Dinning Room*
10. *She's Mine*
11. *Going Out*
13. *Panic Attack*
14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*
15. *About The Plan*
16. *Girlfriend?!*
17. *She's Your Date?!*
18. *First Kiss!*
19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1
20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2
21. *Someone's Jealous!*
22. *Mysterious Envelope*
23. *Getting Hot In Here*
24. *Pool Party!*
25. *Two Can Play This Game*
26. *Unknown Person*
27. *Falling For Her?*
28. *She Looks Like Me?*
29. *American Mafiosa Capo*
30. *Night Club*
31. *Taste Of Her Essence*🔞⚠️
32. *Love....Pathetic?*
33. *I'll Bring Her Back!*
34. *Stranger Danger!*
35. *Traitor*
36. *Idiots As Friends*
37. *Rescuing Maya*
38. *Back To Italy*
39. *Different Massimo*
40. *Whipped?*
41. *Absolutely Whipped!*
42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*
43. *Flashback*
44. *Business Dinner*
45. *Strong & Deep*
46. *Care*
47. *Fallen In Love With...*🔞⚠️
48. *The Room*
49. *Countryside*
50. *It's Not What You Think*
51. *An Exception*
52. *The Truth*
53. *Upset them both!*
54. *Surprise Visit*
55. *Something's cooking...*
56. *Accident*
57. *Hospital*
58. *An Almost Confession?*
59. *Found Her*
60. *Come back*
61. *The Call*
62. *The Deal*
63. *The Talk*
64. *Back Home*
65. *Heart - A Traitor*
66. *Girl Time*
67. *Guests*
68. *Weird...*
69. *Missed Her...*
70. *Everything*
71. *I Want You*
72. *Confession*
73. *Reality*
74. *Right Thing*
75. *For The Best...*
76. *Other Daughter*
77. *Enzo's Plan*
78. *Plan In Action*
79. *Selfless*
80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️
81. *Again...*🔞⚠️
82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️
83. *It's You...*
84. *Wedding* Part 1
85. *Wedding* Part 2
86. *Fake Kidnapping*
87. *Explanation*
88. *Revelation*
89. *The End*
90. *The News*
91. *Lifelines*
92. *She Is Fine*
93. *Baby Daddy*
94. *To Right My Wrongs*
95. *I'm Here For You*
96. *Her Choice*
97. *Not Gonna Give Up*
98. *Deja Vu*
99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*
100. *Asking for Forgiveness*
101. *Best Sleep*
102. *Mama's Wish*
103. *Man In Love*
104. *Dying For Her*
105. *My Life*

12. *Lost My Senses*

4.7K 122 40
By miss_cherry001

Maya's P.O.V

It had been a whole one week since I was here. I didn't realise what my friends and colleagues must've been thinking about my sudden disappearance. I had become so comfortable here that I almost forgot about my plan on escaping. Martha and Gabrielle were surely sweethearts and Enzo had become a brother figure to me but that didn't mean that I'd just forget that I was here against my will and was kidnapped. No way! I had my own life, my job, my best friends. I couldn't live here for the rest of my life and just forget about my life back in America. Besides I still didn't know what Massimo wanted to do with me and I surely wasn't planning on for him to do something.

It was Monday morning. I woke up around 10 a.m. Even though I had nothing to do I still didn't like to stay in bed all day long. So, I stood up from the bed and made my way towards the magnificent bathroom. 'I always look forward to use the bathroom. It's the best time of the day.' I giggled at my childish thoughts. After doing my business and taking a long relaxing bath I wrapped the white fluffy towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom.

The walk in closet wasn't that much empty as it was in the beginning. Now it had some new jeans, fancy tops, oversized t-shirts, few dresses and some new undies all in my size thankfully. Even though I didn't want to buy anything especially from his money and I wasn't going to live here for that long but I thought to buy some few clothes just in case so that I didn't have to wear those other clothes. Also, I just wanted to waste some of his money. 'I know just a few hundred or thousand dollars wouldn't harm him, I could tell that but I just wanted to do that to calm myself down a bit!' Childish again I knew.

I wore a new ripped denim jeans that was perfectly fitted on me along with a cute white cami top with criss cross back and a pair of converse shoes. I smiled as I saw myself in the mirror and twirled around. 'I look good!'

It was now 11:30 a.m. I didn't realise I took one & half hour to get ready. My stomach was growling because of hunger so I made my way down straight to the kitchen. As I was walking towards the kitchen I heard voices coming out from the room which earlier I had gotten to know as his office room. 'He must be having some meeting.' I shrugged and kept walking towards the kitchen.

Since that day when we went out for shopping I didn't see him that much. I mean I had surely seen him here & there because we live under same roof but we didn't talk or interact. And I was glad because I didn't want to talk to him anyway. His intimidating, dark aura was something that I'd like to stay away as much as I could.......or so I thought.

My eyes met with the two kind motherly figures as I stepped inside the kitchen. They both were busy doing their normal routine. I looked around for a particular someone and sighed when my eyes didn't get the pleasure to see her. *note the sarcasm*

"Hey ladies, Good morning! So watchya guys making today?" I said excitedly. They both looked up from whatever they were doing and gave me their warm smile.

"Maya! Good morning." Both Martha and Gabrielle said one by one. "Well....we are already done with the breakfast and we'll soon start preparing for the lunch." Martha said. "But obviously we've kept breakfast aside for you." She said to which I gave her my big toothy smile.

"I'll pack you guys in my bag when I escape from here." I said and excitedly took the pancakes, toast and eggs that they had set aside for me.

"Escape?" Martha said. Then only I noticed what I blabbered out. I looked up and they both were frowning at me.

"Umm I-I mean when I go back to America. I mean one day I have to go back obviously I can't just stay here forever you know." I said as I gave out an awkward laugh in the end.

They both didn't say anything but just gave each other a look. I guessed they weren't satisfied with what I said but chose not to ponder over that much. I sighed inwardly. I didn't want anyone to know that I was planning on escaping, not even them. They sure had become close to me but they still were loyal to him so I couldn't take a risk.

I ate my breakfast in the kitchen while making small conversation here & there with them. They didn't mention anything about escaping which I was glad for!

After having breakfast I left the two ladies to their work and walked out of the kitchen. As I was walking I didn't realise but out of nowhere I collided with a wall. 'From where did this wall come out of nowhere?' I thought as I bounced back a bit because of the force I collided with the wall.

"Mie scuse! bella signora." A voice called out from my front. I looked up and then only I realised that I didn't collide with a wall but rather with a man and that too a handsome one.
(My apologies! Beautiful lady)

'These men here, I'm telling you they're some descendents of Greek god!' I thought and a little blush rose up on my cheeks. I had not seen these many gorgeous handsome men in my 25 years of life than how I saw in past few days of being here. And also how I was reacting in their presence, more like how my stupid mind was reacting. 'Like a teenage hormonal girl!' I scolded myself mentally.

I brought my attention back to the person standing in front of me. I realised he said something to me but I didn't know what because it was in Italian.

"Um I'm sorry I didn't see you coming." I apologised although it was his mistake as well because from the impact we collided I could tell that he was in a hurry and that's why he didn't see me.

"Oh not Italian? My apologies again. Well, I'm sorry I wasn't careful as well bella." He said in his Italian accent. Although he sure was handsome but his Italian accent didn't affect me the way Massimo's accent did. 'Stop! Don't think about him!'

"It's alright." I said to which he gave me a smile and not just a smile it was more like a grin or a smirk.

I was about to walk past him when he stopped me. "Wait. Don't I get to know your name?" He said while still having that grin/smirk or whatever on his face.

I looked at him and even though I didn't like to talk to strangers especially not here after what had happened that day. But this man, he wasn't giving me any creepy vibes. He sure had a mischievous smirk on his face but I didn't know why but he felt harmless.

"My name's Maya." So, I told him my name. Besides it was just a name and not my pin code or something.

"Bel nome per una bella ragazza." He said to which I gave him a confused look because I didn't understand what he said. He just chuckled and then said, "My name's Dominic Santorni. It's a pleasure to meet you bella." He moved his right hand and before I could say anything he took my right hand and placed a light kiss on my knuckles while looking straight into my eyes.

I knew I shouldn't let him do that but blame my stupid inner girl I just kind of got paralysed for a moment and couldn't stop him. Before I could retreat my hand back he had already let my hand down. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and I felt my face getting hot because of that.

He must've noticed my embarrassed look because he just chuckled and his mischievous smirk grew wider.

"My name isn't bella it's-..." Before I could complete he interrupted me, "I know what your name is but I'd rather call you bella." He said and then walked towards me. "Because it means beautiful." He whispered and I noticed how he managed to stand right in front of me so I took few steps back. He didn't move, he just stood there while looking at me intensely.

Massimo's P.O.V

I was in my office room with few of my trusted men. We were having a meeting regarding the traitor that we had in our organisation. We discussed, we talked and came up with all the results and conclusions on how we were going to find him and then he had to pay for betraying la mia famiglia mafiosa.
(my mafia family)

We took a few minutes break as we had been in the meeting for hours so I gave them few minutes to freshen up. I stretched my muscles as I stood up from my seat. I felt a little hungry as I had my breakfast early in the morning and now it was afternoon, so I made my way out of the office room and towards the kitchen.

As I was walking I saw someone standing in the way of the kitchen. When I reached a little further I noticed it was one of my men and it looked like he was talking to someone. I heard him saying something like beautiful name for a beautiful girl in Italian. It perked my attention so I walked faster towards him. 'Who's he talking to?'

I felt my jaw clenched when I saw Maya standing there in front of my most trusted man Dominic. He had been working for me since I took place as the mafiosa capo and after Enzo he was the one on which I could totally rely upon. But right now I wanted to smack him so hard.

Because of his towering height I didn't see her from the distance but now I could and my heart fluttered when I saw her completely. She was wearing a blue ripped denim jeans with a white top in which she was looking so cute. Also, the top had no sleeves and because of which her creamy shoulders & arms were on display. The top had thin strips and the neck was also deep enough to show her creamy smooth area above her breasts. 'Where I so want to bite, lick, suck and kiss.' I groaned.

But I wasn't the only one who could see her and that thought made me want to push the person away from her & wash his eyes with detergent. 'What the fuck I'm talking about?' This girl surely knows how to mess up with my thoughts.

I fisted my palms angrily when I saw him pecking her knuckles which made her blush. 'What the fuck is she blushing at? What the hell is he doing with her?!' I made my way faster towards them.

Maya's P.O.V

"Ho dato questa pausa per rinfrescarmi, non per girovagare." A strong hard voice sounded from Dominic's behind. I couldn't help a shiver that ran down my body. I didn't need to look up to see the owner of the voice because I knew well who it was. His voice was always hard and strong but this time I could feel anger in his voice as well. I could just hope that it wasn't directed towards me.
(I gave this break to freshen up, not to wander around.)

I noticed how Dominic got tensed when he heard him but then he got relaxed back and just smiled at me. I moved my eyes away from Dominic only to met with gorgeous brown eyes of him. He was walking towards us with long strides. His face was as usual hard but unlike other times this time he had one emotion on his face and that was anger. He was looking dangerous than usual but he still managed to look insanely handsome.

My breath hitched when all of a sudden his eyes landed on me and I felt his eyes getting a bit softened but it was only for fraction of seconds as his cold eyes were back and I moved my gaze away from him.

"Capo!" Dominic said as he faced Massimo when he reached us. "I was just walking by when I accidentally bumped into this bella signora. So, I was just apologising." He said and the way Massimo's jaw clenched and his fists tightened, didn't go unnoticed by me. 'Why is he always so uptight?'

"Well, if you're done apologising to this bella signora do me a favour and go back so we can continue with our meeting." Massimo said through gritted teeths.

"Si Capo." Dominic said and I noticed how Massimo's dark aura didn't affect him that much as if it wasn't anything new to him.
(Yes boss)

Before Dominic could go he faced me and said, "It was nice meeting you bella. I hope to see you again." He winked playfully. I blushed at his gesture and he just smirked back at me & then walked away from us leaving me and an angry Massimo who for some god knows reason was looking even more angry then before. 'What's his problem?'

I shrugged and started walking away from him. 'It's better if I just stay away from him as much as I can.' I thought in my mind. But before I could take another step away from him he stopped me.

"What were you two talking about?" His voice was hard and emotionless. I sighed and looked up at him boringly.

"None of your business." I said in a boring tone. I was about to walk away when he gripped my forearm so that I couldn't move away from him.

"Don't talk to me like that." He said through gritted teeths while I just glared at him.

"I'll talk to you in whatever way I'd like." I said while glaring at him and pulled my hand away from his grip. I noticed how his jaw clenched & his eyes got darker. I huffed and turned away from him. 'He's always this uptight and angry. Nothings new.'

Before I could realise what was happening I was pulled back with a force and then the next moment my back was pushed against the wall. Just great! I looked up at him and he was looking down at me with his signature cold look. I gulped involuntary as I could feel the intimidating, dangerous aura coming out of him. 'Anybody would be an idiot to not get scared of him right now.' Even though my inner feminist didn't want me to cower away but the look on his face wasn't helping.

"Disrespect me one more time amore and I'll show you what it cost." His voice was husky and hoarse. I was still looking up at him while he was looking straight into my eyes. His hands that were previously placed on either side of my face on the wall, he slowly pulled them away and with his left hand he cupped my right cheek and wrapped his right hand around my waist. My eyes widened when I felt his touch and before I could react he pulled my body towards him. I felt my breath hitched when my front collided with his front.

Now we were practically glued with each other. If someone had seen us like that they would've probably thought we were couple or something because of our close proximity. My eyes were wide as saucers while his were dark and filled with an unfamiliar emotion that I couldn't pin point.

"W-What are you doing?" Finally I found my voice even though it was like I whispered. 'Shit! His closeness is playing with my mind again.' I groaned inwardly. I so wanted to smack my sluty subconscious mind.

"Fanculo! Non riesco più a controllare. Voglio baciarti proprio ora." He hissed and I felt his grip around my waist getting tighter. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine to my dismay and I bit down on my lip so that I wouldn't embarrass myself by moaning or something.
(Fuck! I can't wait anymore. I want to kiss you right now.)

"You do k-know I don't understand italian." I said to Massimo. He in return just kept looking down at me while my neck was craning upwards because of our height differences.
The next words that he said wasn't something I thought he would say and I felt my heartbeat getting faster.

"I want to kiss your luscious lips." He whispered right near my left ear. I didn't notice when but he managed to move his head near my ear. I shuddered when I felt his breath on my neck. 'I know I shouldn't feel the things that I'm feeling right now but shit! I couldn't help it!!' The logical part of my brain wanted me to push him away and slap him hard on his face, while my other stupid part and my body wanted me to let him do whatever he wanted to do.

"Massimo" Someone called out his name, his hold around my waist loosened a bit and I took advantage of it as I quickly got out of his embrace. Even before I could see the person I knew who it was because of her high pitched crackling voice. 'Her voice pierces in my ears.' Although I didn't like her but this time she kind of helped me by interrupting whatever was happening or about to happened just a while ago.

Massimo's P.O.V

I groaned. Just when I was about to kiss her.......Who the hell interrupted us?! I noticed how she took advantage of my hold getting loosened and got out of my embrace. 'Run away from me for as long as you want, you'll be in my arms soon amore!' I smirked when I remembered the way she shivered when I touched her and the almost moan that escaped out of her luscious lips when I blew air on her neck. 'Good to know that I've some kind of affect on her as well!' My inner self said arrogantly.

"Massimo" Someone called my name again and I saw who it was, Sabrina. I sighed. 'Why did she has to come now?' She gave me her sensual smirk and walked towards me. I noticed how her smirk dropped a bit when her eyes landed on Maya but it was back when he looked at me again. I also noticed how she swayed her hips while she was walking. Earlier, I used to find her very attractive because of her big boobs and round ass but now nothing about her made me even a little bit interested let alone aroused. After our last encounter at the mall she had tried so many times to get a reaction out of me by grinding her ass over my clothes covered crouch & shoving her boobs on my face, but nothing excited my dick.

At one point I got so irritated of her sluty ways that I had to shove her away from me. Her sad/disappointed face didn't go unnoticed by me but I didn't care! It wasn't like she was special or something. She was just someone that I fucked and she knew better than to feel something because I wouldn't mind treating her the same way I had treated Natasha back in America.

I came out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my shoulder and before I could react someone smashed their lips onto my lips. For a second I didn't realise what to do but when I got my senses I immediately pushed the person away from me. Sabrina, it was her who had kissed me and that too without my consent. I clenched my jaw and glared at her while she just looked at me confusingly as if she didn't know what she had done.

Then I remembered about Maya and when I looked towards where she was standing, I saw she wasn't there anymore. 'She must've walked away when you were busy kissing Sabrina.' My subconscious taunted. 'I wasn't kissing her! She took me off guard.' I reasoned back......'Wait a fucking minute! What the fuck is wrong with me? Why the hell am I talking to myself!' I groaned irritatingly. 'I guess I have officially lost my senses!!'

Maya's P.O.V

I was right when I saw Sabrina coming towards us. Just like always she was wearing yet another revealing dress. A high waisted tight jeans with a very low cut front top. Her boobs were as always looked like as if they were about to spill out. 'This girl surely has guts to wear something like this coz I'd never wear it without the fear of getting a wardrobe malfunction!' I thought in my mind.

There was this weird smirk on her face as she kept looking at him while walking towards us and also swaying her hips in the process. I cringed. 'How pathetic! People find this shit attractive.' I saw how her smirk dropped when her eyes landed on me but it was back as soon as her eyes moved back on him.

I moved my gaze towards him and saw how he was looking at her as well. He was looking at her, up & down as if assessing her, and for some god knows reason I didn't like it. They were both looking at each other more like staring as if they were the only one there. I huffed. 'What are they? Couple?' I ignored my subconscious mind. 'So what if they're! I don't care!' I didn't exactly know if I actually meant it because the next thing I saw was her arms around his shoulders and then their lips were touching more like kissing.

I knew that I shouldn't have felt what I was feeling but I felt a tug in my heart when I saw them kissing. I knew that was stupid of me! For Christ's sake! He had kidnapped me but still! I just couldn't help myself. I quickly left them and walked towards my room. 'I guess I've officially lost my senses!'


And.......it's another chapter! 😁

So, how was it?
Did you like it?

What do guys have to say about the 'sexual tension' between them? Do you think you get to see some 'action' soon or not?
Well....I don't know😉

What do you think is Sabrina's deal?

Apologies for errors and mistakes.


Thank you! 💕
All the love
~G 🤗

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