Eye Of The Needle (Star Wars)

By catalan_andrea

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The Prequel of When Worlds Collide. Storm Ca'ana is a Jedi Knight, focused on keeping peace throughout the ga... More

Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Koltav Catroe
Chapter 3: Anger Leads To Hate
Chapter 4: The Klatooinian Bounty Hunter
Chapter 5: Moving To Tyrena
Chapter 6: The Selonian Tunnels
Chapter 7: Kor Vella
Chapter 8: There Is No Emotion, There Is Peace
Chapter 9: Bela Vistal
Chapter 10: Back To Coruscant
Chapter 11: Count Dooku
Chapter 12: Geonosis
Chapter 13: The Petranaki Arena
Chapter 14: The First Battle of Geonosis
Chapter 15: The Clone Wars Have Begun
Chapter 16: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Chapter 17: Doaba Guerfel
Chapter 18: The Drall Patriots
Chapter 19: Christophsis
Chapter 20: Ahsoka Tano
Chapter 21: The Padawan
Chapter 22: Fighting The Krayt Dragon
Chapter 23: The Malevolence
Chapter 24: Titan Squadron
Chapter 25: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 26: Trapped On Florrum
Chapter 27: Defenders Of Peace
Chapter 28: The Skirmish On Orto-Plutonia
Chapter 29: This Is The Only Way
Chapter 30: Ryloth
Chapter 31: Trouble On Dagro
Chapter 32: Gladiators On Rattatak
Chapter 33: Just When Things Are Getting Better
Chapter 34: Memories
Chapter 35: A Diplomatic Mission
Chapter 36: Ahto City Swoop Racing
Chapter 37: Back Into The War
Chapter 38: From Bad To Worse
Chapter 39: The Second Battle On Geonosis
Chapter 40: Taking Down The Factory
Chapter 41: The Geonosian Queen
Chapter 42: Going After Grievous
Chapter 43: The Duchess Of Mandalore
Chapter 44: The Secret Mission To Dubrillion
Chapter 45: Into The Heart Of Separatist Space
Chapter 46: Arguments & Negotiations
Chapter 47: The Feast
Chapter 48: The Assassinations
Chapter 49: Battle On Kamino
Chapter 50: The Dathomirian Zabrak
Chapter 51: Naexle Dooku
Chapter 52: The Battle of Cerea
Chapter 53: The Wrath Of Naexle
Chapter 54: Whose Side Are You On?
Chapter 55: The Restoration of Storm
Chapter 56: The Trial Of Storm Ca'ana
Chapter 57: The Jedi Shadow
Chapter 58: The Holocron
Chapter 59: Star of Coruscant
Chapter 60: Mortis
Chapter 61: What Will I Become?
Chapter 62: The Andobi Mountains
Chapter 63: The Citadel
Chapter 64: Leaving Lola Sayu
Chapter 65: Battle Of Mon Cala
Chapter 66: Prince Lee-Char
Chapter 67: Kiros
Chapter 68: The Zygerrian Empire
Chapter 69: Kadavo System
Chapter 70: Obi-Wan's Funeral
Chapter 71: Festival of Light
Chapter 72: Battle of Teyr
Chapter 73: The Return of Maul
Chapter 74: It's Not Over
Chapter 75: This Is Getting Personal
Chapter 76: The Duel On Mustafar
Chapter 77: The Nightmare
Chapter 78: The Death Of Koltav Catroe
Chapter 79: Tarhassan
Chapter 80: The Bombing Of The Temple Hangar
Chapter 81: Ahsoka Is Not The One
Chapter 82: Finding The Real Criminal
Chapter 83: The Situation On Ringo Vinda
Chapter 84: Something's Not Right
Chapter 85: Fives' Death
Chapter 86: Tyranus
Chapter 88: Moraband
Chapter 89: The Mission to Qiilura
Chapter 90: Things Will Get Better
Chapter 91: Anaxes
Chapter 92: Echo's Alive?!
Chapter 93: Escaping Purkoll
Chapter 94: Taking Down Trench
Chapter 95: The Fiasco At Boz Pity
Chapter 96: Give Him A Chance
Chapter 97: An Old Friend
Chapter 98: Battle Of Coruscant
Chapter 99: Becoming Part Of The Jedi Council
Chapter 100: Going Our Separate Ways
Chapter 101: The Turn Of The Tide
Chapter 102: Order 66
Chapter 103: Anakin's Betrayal
Chapter 104: Padmé's Death
Chapter 105: Into Exile
Chapter 106: Bendu
Chapter 107: Lothal
Chapter 108: Sister Vs. Sister
Chapter 109: A New Life On Batuu
Chapter 110: Haunting Shadows
Chapter 111: Ilum

Chapter 87: The Wellspring of Life

35 0 0
By catalan_andrea

We landed on Dagobah, which was filled with swamps and fog. It looked just like when I contacted Master Jinn. Master Yoda and I climbed out at once. T3 let out a few whistles along with R2, both wondering if they could remain in the ship.

"Yes, stay with the ship you may." Master Yoda mentioned. 

"This task is only for Master Yoda and me. We'll be back soon." I assured them. 

With that Master Yoda and I walked through the fog. As we walked, I could sense a strong pull all around us. This place is strong in the Force. Once we reached land, Master Yoda and I sat amongst the strange looking plants and trees.

"Here we are. Ready for our next instruction, Master Qui-Gon." Master Yoda mentioned.

After a few moments, we heard Master Jinn's voice. "Yoda, my old friend, you have come at last. As well as you have, Storm, my dear child.

My smile widened. "Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Is it really you?"

"It is." Master Jinn replied. 

"Losing my mind I am not?" Master Yoda asked. 

"No, my friend. No." Master Jinn assured us. 

"Why have you brought us here?" Master Yoda questioned. 

"Follow the light. The light will be your guide." Master Jinn informed us.

Several small lights approached us at once. We then followed the lights through the forest, Master Yoda spoke up. "Strong this planet is with the Force."

"It is one of the purest places in the galaxy." I added. 

"How are you here?" Master Yoda inquired. 

"I am a manifestation of the Force, a Force that consists of two parts. Living beings generate the Living Force, which in turn powers the wellspring that is the Cosmic Force." Master Jinn explained. 

"Can you show yourself?" I questioned. 

"I cannot. My training was incomplete. All energy from the Living Force from all things that have ever lived, feeds into the Cosmic Force, binding everything and communicating to us through the Midi-chlorians. Because of this I can speak to you now." Master Jinn clarified. 

I was baffled by his words. We then saw the lights land on a tree with no leaves, which was not too far from us.

"See the future, you can?" Master Yoda asked. 

"I exist where there is no future or past." Master Jinn replied. 

"Know you who the Sith Lord is?" Master Yoda inquired.

"I can only show you a place where the answers will be revealed to you." Master Jinn mentioned. 

The lights then showed us to an opening of a huge tree. Master Jinn spoke up at once. "Be wary. Give power to that which you fear, and it will show itself to you."

I exchanged a look with Master Yoda before we went in. Looks like there's no turning back. As we walked in, Master Yoda and I were separated by the thick fog. I turned around, trying to find Master Yoda, but the fog was too heavy. As the fog surrounded me, I saw many images. I narrowed my eyes as I saw many of the Jedi, most of which are my friends perish at the hands of a person with a cloak over their head. They wielded a red lightsaber as they struck them all down. "You will die...You will all die!"

Palpatine's face then appeared before me, making my heart drop. "Join me, Storm. There is no other way. You will be a useful asset. Together we will rule the galaxy, creating a mighty Empire."

I violently shook my head. "No. No!" 

I pushed away the fog before running out. This was all too much, way too much for me to handle. I stumbled out to find Master Yoda on the ground. My eyes widened. "Master Yoda?" 

The lights helped wake him up along with Master Jinn's voice. "Yoda. Come back to us. Yoda."

Fortunately, Master Yoda woke up, climbing up onto his feet before leaning against a rock. He shook his head. "Such darkness. Such evil. When will this happen?"

"It is happening right now. It has always been happening. With each day the Clone War wages, evil is growing in its power. What you felt in the cave is merely a portion of what the dark side now holds." Master Jinn informed us.

"Such power. Any hope that the Jedi can prevail is there?" Master Yoda questioned. 

"There is always hope, my friend, though it often comes in forms not looked for. The key is knowing how to see it and seizing that opportunity." Master Jinn commented. "I have been tasked with guiding both you and Storm forward. There can be many outcomes, but your paths are clear. You have been chosen, as I was before you."

"For what chosen are we?" Master Yoda asked. 

"You will learn to preserve your Life Force, and so, manifest a consciousness which will allow you to commune with the living after death." Master Jinn clarified. 

I furrowed my brows. "How?"

"Dark times are ahead, and forces of light must remain. This is the path of only a few Jedi. You will travel to one of the origins of all life in the galaxy." Master Jinn explained.

"This place is where?" Master Yoda questioned. 

"The Force will be your guide. Good-bye, my friends." Master Jinn replied. 

The lights vanished, leaving us alone. With that, we returned to the ships. R2 and T3 let out beeps, wondering if they were all right. Master Yoda nodded. "Yes, my friends. All right are we."

T3 then let out a few more beeps. Master Yoda shook his head. "No, back to Coruscant we are not going yet. Afraid only begun our long journey has."

With that we hopped onto our ships, leaving Dagobah behind us. We then let the Force guide us as we flew towards the center of our galaxy. There we found a bright, small, glowing, and golden nebula. I heard Master Yoda through the communications of our ships. "The place Qui-Gon spoke of I believe this is." 

T3 let out a few beeps and a whistle, informing me that the gas was blocking our scanners. I nodded. "Yes, it may be blocking our scanners. But there may be a planet." 

"Mm, sense it, I do." Master Yoda chimed in. 

At that moment, our ships were pulled forth, causing T3 to squeal. I glanced around, rather baffled. "T3, what's going on?" 

T3 let out several quick beeps, saying this wasn't his doing. I tried moving the controls, but nothing was working. Master Yoda's voice came in, sounding calm as ever. "Let the Force guide us, we must."

Upon hearing his words, I then closed my eyes, allowing the Force to guide us. Once we landed, I opened my eyes, hopping out. I felt this place was strong in the Force. Master Yoda and I later learned that this planet was the Wellspring of Life. T3, R2, and Master Yoda all got out as well. As R2 and T3 got out their scanners, Master Yoda pointed towards a geyser near us. "There, you see? From inside the planet, life emanates."

R2 and T3 let out a sad beep, informing us that they found nothing from their scanners. Master Yoda wore an amused look. "Here nothing your scanners can see, hmm? Need this I will not."

Master Yoda gave R2 his lightsaber. He turned towards me, motioning me to give up my weapons. "Give up your weapons, you will. All weapons." 

I let out a sigh, reluctantly handing over my lightsabers, my Echani vibrosword, and all other weapons in my belt over to T3. R2 and T3 then offered to join us. Master Yoda shook his head. "No, wait here you must. A journey for us alone this is. Safer here you are, my friends."

"We will be back, R2 and T3." I assured them, giving both of them a gentle pat on the head. 

Master Yoda and I climbed into our ships, flying them into the geyser to see several floating islands filled with beautiful flora and plants I had never seen before. Once they landed, they walked out towards the edge of an island. I looked around in awe, hearing sounds I haven't heard before. We then heard a female voice. "Storm, Yoda."

"Who is there? Traveled far we have, looking for those who can teach us." Master Yoda mentioned. 

"The question is, are you worthy of being taught?" The female voice questioned. 

A bright light approached us before it turned into a figure with dark robes and a white mask with gold markings and gold eyes. As she touched the ground, new plants spring up from the ground in a matter of seconds. 

"You are late. We have been waiting for you, Masters Ca'ana and Yoda." She informed us.

I furrowed my brows. "Late?"

"How did you know, coming, we were?" Master Yoda inquired. 

"We watch and study all who are strong with the Force in the universe. Now, come, if we are to begin." The woman clarified.

She then floated above the ground by a few feet. We followed her into a small dark cave. Once we were inside the cave, the woman spoke. "Cousins, I have a guest."

At that moment, the dark cave lit up, showing several intricate designs on the floor, roof, and walls all in orange. Another woman appeared with the same outfit as the first.

"You should not have brought them before us." The second woman protested. 

A third woman appeared. "Oh, nonsense. They are full of the Force. Can you not feel it? Why are they here? Why are you both here?" 

As I inspected closer, I noticed their masks had different facial expressions. Two more appeared, one had a mask of joy, while the other had a mask of confusion. Who were these women? 

"Told were to learn from you, that show us you could how to manifest our lives after death." Master Yoda explained. 

The woman with a sad expression shook her head. "Oh, it's impossible. They will fail with the great gift. They will both disappoint us. They will disappoint themselves."

"Oh, no. No, I do not see that." The woman with a mask of joy retorted. 

"Their destiny is already set. It is not for us to decide." Serenity argued. 

"But why them?" Sadness inquired. 

"They are to teach one that will save the universe from a great imbalance. For this, the great gift will be theirs." Serenity explained. 

Anger scoffed. "They have no idea what they seek, the responsibility they will have."

"Understand we do not. Guide us I know you will." Master Yoda urged. 

"And do you realize what you must do, what you must face?" Anger questioned. 

I shook my head. "No."

"Good. Then you won't be afraid." Anger replied.

They all let out a laugh, making my stomach churn. I didn't like the sound of that. Serenity turned to her cousins. "Do I have a blessing that the training can begin?"

The others nodded, causing Serenity to speak again. "It is so. We are one, and one is all."

They then stood by each other in a circle with us in the middle. Serenity turned to face us. "Do you come to us with only good intention and light in your heart?"

"I do. Yes." Master Yoda confirmed. 

I nodded. "I do as well."

"Then the blessing I give, and the training will begin." Serenity mentioned. 

They then joined hands as they spun around, and to me it looked like they came together as one. Serenity's voice reached our eyes. "Disappoint us not, little green one and young Jedi."

A bright light surrounded me. When I awoke, Master Yoda and I were back outside surrounded by the unfamiliar flora. Serenity approached us at once.

"What is this place?" Master Yoda asked.

"All that surrounds us is the foundation of life, the birthplace of what your science calls Midi-chlorians, the foundation of what connects the Living Force and the Cosmic Force." Serenity explained. "When a living thing dies, all is removed. Life passes from the Living Force into the Cosmic Force and becomes one with it. One powers the other. One is renewed by the other."

Master Yoda nodded. "This I know."

"Come with me." Serenity urged. 

We then followed Serenity across a path of floating amber mushroom-like clouds. As we hopped onto the clouds, Serenity spoke. "At death, in order for you to preserve your identity, you must know yourself, your true self, and then let go. On that island dwells all that remains unconquered, what, in your existence, some call evil, otherwise known as fear, all which must be finally overcome before the journey can be taken." 

We then saw the island filled with dark clouds and lightning that lied not far from us. My stomach churned upon the sight. We have to go in there?

"Free yourself, you must." Serenity commented. 

"A Jedi Master I am. Know all that dwells within I do. Mastered my weaknesses and conquered my fears I have." Master Yoda mentioned. 

"I am a Jedi Knight, prepared to become a Jedi Master. I too have conquered my fears and mastered my weaknesses." I assured her. 

"Have you? You must face your evil on that island and defeat it." Serenity replied. 

With that she vanished. Master Yoda gave me a warning look. "Careful, we must be."

I nodded. Together, we hopped our way towards the island. I took a deep breath before we entered the island. Once inside, I heard voices saying my name. "Storm...Oh Storm!"

I whipped around, rather confused. Upon seeing nothing, I turned back around to see Master Yoda gone. Fog then appeared from all around me. I scanned the area, searching for Master Yoda, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

"Master Yoda? Master Yoda!" I yelled. 

"There's no one to help you, Storm!" The voice rang out. 

My hands trembled at my sides. I tried to remain strong as I shouted out. "Show yourself!"

I then whipped around to find an image of me, the dark side of me. My heart dropped at once. The dark figure tilted her head. "Why do you hide me away, Storm?"

"Stay back." I warned. 

The dark figure chuckled before turning into a full person. "Do you not recognize me? Look deep inside you, Storm."

"No, you are not inside me! I am nothing like you!" I snapped. 

She then lunged towards me, tackling me to the ground. As I tried to get up, the figure placed its hands around my neck. I gasped out for air, desperately trying to breathe. The dark figure chuckled. "With every day that goes by, I grow stronger inside of you. Know that I am your true self. After all, look at your grandfather. He was once a Jedi and he fell to the dark side..."

At her words, I reached out to the Force, pushing her off of me. Once I could breathe, I began to cough. However, it didn't take long for the figure to return back to me. 

"Stop! Stop this now!" I spat.

"Not until you give in. Oh, I forgot to mention that your cousin, Vorlega and your aunt, Asajj also joined the dark side. Give in, Storm. If you won't give in now, then I will destroy you, slowly and painfully." The figure warned. 

"You are not part of me!" I shot back.

The figure cackled. "You are part me as I am part of you. Why do you hate the very thing that gives you power, unlimited power and strength."

I mentally shook my head, covering my hands over my ears as I fell to my knees. The figure continued to speak. "You already had a taste of the dark side when Dooku enlightened you...us."

"He brainwashed me!" I snapped.

"You think I am not worthy, Storm. But it is you who is not worthy. You are weak while you linger in the light." The figure retorted. 

I shook my head as I tried to ignore her. Don't listen, Storm. Master Jinn's voice then reached my mind. "Storm, do not this. This beast is the dark inside of you, but it does not define you. Accepting and rejecting this monster is the way to defeat it, Storm."

Taking Master Jinn's advice, I mustered the courage to stand up before addressing the dark figure. "I recognize you."

This surprised the figure, and I continued, seeing Master Jinn was right. "You may be part of me, but you don't have any power over me. It is I who control you, you may be the dark side of me, but I reject you."

At that moment, I used the Force, pulling the figure towards me. The figure let out a cry before I demolished it. The fog around her disappeared, reuniting mr with Master Yoda, who stood not far from me. Master Yoda was relieved to see me. 

At that moment, Serenity appeared before us. "You have both conquered your hubris. Now face the temptations you must."

"Powerful the creature was." Master Yoda stated.

I nodded. "Yes, it was very powerful."

"What you faced was a reflection of your hubris and the shadow of your soul." Serenity pointed out. 

"And yet clear I thought I was." Master Yoda replied. 

"The beast is you, and you are the beast. To deny it simply gives it power." Serenity mentioned. 

"Now I see. Simple the answer was." Master Yoda mentioned. 

"Deep in your core, you felt that we had nothing to teach you, but you must trust in our teachings if you are to succeed." Serenity informed us. 

The other four then appeared beside her. Master Yoda let out a sigh. "Ready I am for what comes next."

"As am I." I chimed in.

"You must enter the valley of extinction." Serenity mentioned as she pointed towards the valley that lied in front of us. 

"Pass through without emotion, without attachment, for you will see all our faces there, and they will seduce you." Serenity warned. 

"For we are confusion." Confusion said as she approached us. 

She then disappeared. Anger floated over to us. "Anger."

Anger vanished before us. Sadness then reached us. "Sadness."

She then faded. Joy approached us at once. "Joy!"

She disappeared. Serenity then made her way to us. "And Serenity."

She vanished, and together they turned into one big ball of light. With that, we then followed them into the valley. 

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