New Beginning | Teen Wolf

By beyond-reality

189K 5.8K 935

[ Currently Editing] Katherine Pierce, a curious, funny, sassy 17 year old who's past is dark as the night... More

The New Girl In Town
Cold Blue Eyes
The Snake Has A Name
Guns VS Claws
Walking Dead
Beach, Isaac. Isaac, Beach.
Back To School
Howls Of Pain
Linked To The Alpha.
You're Alive.
Sassy & Stubborn 101
Told You So
From Cold Blue To Ice Grey
After All... We Don't Need Lights
Neon Lights
The Pain Is Worth It
Midnight Calls
Save Him
Not My First Time Inside A Cell
Three Words, Eight Letters, I'm Yours.
Let Your Hair Down Rapunsel... Or Just Leave The Window Open Kat.
There For You
See You Soon, Brother.
New Years Eve
Mexico And It's Surprises
Young Love
Your Past Always Catches Up
The 18th Birthday
The Other Pierce
Family Business and Learning To Bend
Not More Lies
Plans For The Future
Sister Bonding
How Quick Things Can Change?
Heart Break
The Truth Behind The Lie
The Interview
The Set Up
Excuse My Impulsive Werewolf Senses
His Loss, he says.
Home Sweet Home
Broken, Again.
The Truth Always Raises
Welcome Back
Another One?
Get Away
Tropical D+K.
I am leader material?
Annoying Sibblings
Outlaw Chick
Making Deals With D-Bag.
D.H. + K.P.
I'm Far, Far, Away.
Supernatural Issues Are Back In Town
Officially- Vacations Are Off.
I'm Brilliant Like That
Unwanted Memories
Late Night School Special
Something Is Coming
Super Moon
Super Moon - Part II
Autor Note
Better Things Are Coming
Moving Day
Werewolf's Have Dinner Parties.
Werewolf Comunity
You Learn Something New Everyday
Halloween Special
School Days Are Ending
Dress Hunting
The Hunted Becomes The Hunter
A Very Special Night
Don't Forget The After Party
Author Note
[ Not a chapter, sorry ]
Valentine's Day
Blacked Out
Twisted Truth
Desicions of Life or Death
Mr. & Mrs. Hale
New Home
Fighting Skills 2.0
Back Home

Miss. Katherine Pierce, Real State Realtor.

4.5K 111 10
By beyond-reality

''When are you moving from this old place? If you let me, I can personally look for places with your... style.''

I saw Derek's shoulders got tense, I bet he's brooding by now. These last months I have spend a lot of time with him, to learn his physical expressions.

''And what exactly is my style?'' Derek asked, turning to face me, crossing his arms, making his biceps show, even more.

I lean against the table, copying his posture and crossing my legs. ''You know... old and dusty.''

Derek scoff, half smirked and turned back to the map, where he marks the spots we already searched for Boyd and Erica.

''Come on, Derek. You have to move, this place is gross. Once again, I volunteer to look for a place with your style, old and dusty- but let's try less dusty.''

''I already found a place.'' he said

My eyes widened and I strolled across the place to see his face. ''You followed my advice? FINALLY.''

Derek raise an eyebrow. ''Advice? Try whining, for the last 2 months, repeatedly.''

I got serious and narrow my eyes at him. ''Well at lest they make you do something. Why are we even still here?''

''Because, is still in process.'' he said, ''Let's go.''

2 months have passed since the last time I saw Erica and Boyd. After the first week with out knowing from them we thought, 'maybe they're having too much fun with the new pack'. But my bad feeling was still there and it kept growing every single day. Derek, Peter, Isaac and I looked for them, almost every day or evening, I couldn't skip more classes if I wanted to pass.

Today Derek and I are riding solo, with out Isaac or Peter. Wish I'm very pleased, being in a car stocked with Peter Hale and his stupid comments are not fun. In others good news, Derek got rid of his camaro and bought a FJ, which I personally like.

''I'm thinking bout moving too, maybe a loft.'' I commented looking at the road, turned my head to Derek when he didn't response.

He gaze at me and sighed. ''Why do you want to move? your place is fine.''

''It's little, since Isaac has been spending more time at my place, I had to gave him my other room, which I used as office/ gym / gun storage, by the way.'' I said playing with a lack of my hair, remembering when he first walked into the room. Terrified by the guns in the boxes.

''Don't worry he won't be bothering you anymore, Isaac is moving to the new place with me." he said ''Why do you even keep the guns? you have claws.''

''I had guns before I had claws. And there's nothing like 'too much protection' maybe one day we need them."

''I doubt it but you're right.'' Derek said

I chuckle, ''And he doesn't bother me, yes, sometimes he could be pretty annoying but we all have those days, even you are annoying.''

Derek snorted ''I am annoying? have you forget who I am?''

I lean my head back and flashed a grin. ''Derek Hale, the big bad alpha,'' I said with my best dramatic voice

''You know, I can easily kick you out of the pack?''

I'm still grinning, ''You wouldn't, but back to the Isaac topic, let's just say, he's like the little brother I never wanted.''

Derek laughed keeping his eyes on the road, that's another thing I have seen in him this last months, his smile and laugh. It barely happens and it always happens when we are alone but it happens. We manage to laugh even though we're full of worries, like the alpha pack that haven't made a move on us.

He pulled over, turn off the truck and we got out of it, simultaneously.

''Do you think this time we might have luck?'' I asked as we got inside of the old warehouse outside of the town

''Let's not jinks it.'' he muttered and kept walking


After another failure we went back to his place. The whole ride back was quiet, neither of us said a thing. But inside I'm burning and feeling like destroying an entire building. Another failure, another location to cross out that map.

Derek stopped the car, I slammed the door shut when I was out of it. Passing Peter with out telling him a sarcastic comment. That's when he knew we didn't succeed and that I was angry about it. My breathing started to get more and more heavy, feeling my werewolf side trying to get out.

When I turned Derek was holding a big piece of wood.

''What the hell is that?''

He extend it on my direction. ''Take it, broke it.''

''Do you really think that's gonna make me feel better?'' I ask him with a very high pitch of sarcasm

''Try it.'' he demanded

I rolled my eyes and grab it, cutting in half with no problem. ''Still feel the rage.''

Peter appear with a cement block and shrug, I punched it and break it in matter of seconds. ''Is it just me or she have gotten more stronger?'' he muttered to Derek

I turned and saw another block of cement, I grabbed it and throw it across the room, making it go through a wall, creating a hole.

''Yeap, she gotten stronger. What about a little fight? that might work.'' Peter proposed

''Are you offering?''

Peter shook his head, ''I'm still not in the fighting shape.''

I scoff and started to walk around the place.

''Come here.'' Derek said as he take his shirt off

I raise an eyebrow, contemplating his shirtless body. ''For what?''

''We're gonna fight, all this rage is not good.'' he stand in position.

I scoffed once again before throwing a punch, which he caught. We kept fighting for a while, the rage started to fade away, slowly but effective. Then the worry about them came along and I couldn't fight no more, I sat down at the floor, gazing at the ceiling, catching my breath.

''We are gonna find them.'' Derek said in a low tone, sitting next to me.

''When? It has passed two entire months and no sing of them and it drives me so mad. It drives me even sadder thinking about the possibly that they might be dead by now.'' my voice breaking

''They're not dead.'' Derek told me, staring at my eyes

''But what if-''

''Katherine'' Derek hold my head, ''they are not dead, we're gonna find them, trust me.''

I nodded ''I just hope they didn't crossed paths with the alphas.''

After my medium breakdown at Derek's, I headed back home. I open the front door and saw Chinese boxes on top of the kitchen counter, sniffing the air I already knew Isaac was home.

''You bought Chinese?'' I shouted closing the door behind me

''Yeah! I'm coming out in a minute!'' He shout from his room

I arched an brow, grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat on one of the stools. I opened one of the boxes grabbed two Chinese sticks and started eating.

''Hey.'' Isaac appear next to me.

My mouth is full with food so I nod and keep chewing.

''You really act like an adult sometimes.'' he said grabbing his meal

I turned my face and swallow. ''Why do you say so?''

He sight at the beer. ''You, drinking beer with your meal, being worried about Boyd and Erica all the time.''

''Aren't you worried as well?''

''Of course I'm worried'' he said with his mouthful, ''but yours is more like... like they were your real family.''

''Well.. my real family is dead so when I joined the pack I started to see all of you like family... And it worries me that we can't find them, I honestly don't know why it worries me that much but it does, I just care that much.''

Isaac sighed ''And what's with the beer or wine, everyday.''

I turned completely to him, with a scowl. ''Are you saying that I have a drinking problem?''

''Mjm and I don't understand since we're werewolf's, we can't get drunk. '' he replied

''Doesn't mean I can't try... Plus, I like the wine.''

''Stop drinking, you're a teenager, you shouldn't be drinking that much.'' he said

I scoff. ''We have dealt with a lizard, we're on the search for two of the members of our pack and waiting for an pack of alphas to stop playing hide and seek. If you were 21, you'd have a drinking problem too.''

''You're 17.'' Isaac with the tone we always talk to our moms, when she's saying incoherent stuff.

''That's not what my I.D says.''

''Kat. Your I.D. is fake'' he said with a smirk

I smirked too. ''And you're jealous cause you don't have one.''

Isaac let a sharp sigh out. ''I'm not jealous, I'm worried.''

''And I'm kind of hurt, you are moving with Derek to his new place and didn't told me nothing.''

Isaac went back to his food. ''Is not like you like me crashing here.''

''That's funny because when you ''crash'' at someone's is for like a week but you been here for months and it doesn't bother me at all, really.''

''Then why you brought it up?'' he asked frowning

''Because Derek told me before you, anyway do whatever you want, I'm cool with it.'' I told him with a flat smile.

Isaac half smiled and kept eating. ''I think is better, we're both men, you know...''

I arch an eyebrow. ''Yeah, I know.''


''I can't believe is already summer.'' I said under my breath and letting myself drop backwards at the couch

Isaac follow my lead and did the same. ''I hate that I have to go to summer school.''

''Poor little Isaac, have fun with Scott for me.'' I taunted so glad I don't have to take it.

''How did you even passed? both of us skipped classes, a lot.'' Isaac asked looking at me, my eyes are looking at the TV but I can sense his on me.

I shrugged. ''I may or might not payed some guy to do my works and remember I didn't skip the last days, those days are the finals.''

''Hmm. You're seventeen right?'' he asked

''Yeap.'' I replied as I keep looking for something worthy to watch.

''Aren't you suppose to be a senior right now?''

I nod. ''But I got delayed so that get's me stuck with you at 11th. Now shut up, I found a good movie.''


I'm sleep but I'm not deeply at sleep, I sense Isaac starting at my but I didn't open my eyes. 


I sense his jump, ''Derek called me, he wants us to met at his new place.''

I open my eyes and nod, after that he got out of my bedroom. I rolled out of my very comfortable bed and grab my phone to check the hour; 10am. I shrug and place it back to the night stand. Then head to my bathroom to get ready for the day. 

''Are you sure is here?'' I ask Isaac pulling over at a big old building

''Yeah.'' he said looking at the address at my his phone.

Well let's hope is not dusty as the train station because I already see it's old. Isaac and I got out of the truck, him carrying his things. I sight at Derek's truck on our way into the building. We had to take an elevator to get to the top of it and rolled a wood door to the sight to open it. 

There he was, leaning against a table in the middle of the room. I scanned the room as I walk through it. It's big, very spacious and has this huge window that lets the sun light come in. On my right is Derek's bed, on the left is a couch with another table. 

''At least is not that dusty.'' I commented with a smirk, staring at Derek.

He rolled his eyes but I could see the little smirk on his face. 

''Where I am staying?'' Isaac asked 

Derek looked upstairs. ''There's a bed there.''

''Welcome to your new home.'' I mocked him 

He make a face and went upstairs to place his stuff.

''So,'' I strolled through the room, pass Derek and stood in front of the big glass window, staring outside. ''the place is very-''

''Me?'' Derek cut me off

I turned my head to the right, and stare at him, staring outside with his arms crossed onto his chest. ''Yeah.''

''Yeah, it's quiet, I like quiet.'' he said

I didn't leave my eyes off of him, he was thinking about Boyd and Erica, I can see it in his face. ''Hey'' he changed his sight and looked at me, ''we're gonna find them.''

''How do you know I am thinking about them?'' he asked, his face expression was softly yet frowning.

''I know you feel guilty Derek... You were the one who turned them and I know you think is your fault they're going through this but they will get through.'' 


Huh? See? Well? Huh? The world is ending, Derek Hale, LAUGHING? yes, yes he is. There's a bond slowly happening between those two and it's incressing. What do you guys think? I know it's kind of a shortie chapter. The season 3 starts with school staring again and I want to write maybe another chapter of them in summer, maybe having a party or going to the beach? I don't know yet... if you have any suggestion leave it down bellow. 

Love xoxo (Don't forget to vote please or comment)

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