Adventures In AAA With Fionna...

By x_noonespecial_x

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[unedited version] fionna, a newly turned 17 year old, gets her heart broken for the very first time. while t... More

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Just Like Old Times
Morning Adventures
Magic Woman
Take Me Away
Waking Up
Conversations With Bananas and Friends
Normal Girls
Choose Goose is a Little Bit Loose Loose (If You Know What Im Saying)
The Embarrassing Moments Bring Us Closer Part 1
The Embarrassing Moments Bring Us Closer Part 2
Making Our Way (In the World Today... )
Deadly Dreams
The Unwelcomed Guest and Blonde Baby
Closer (In More Ways Than One)
Could You Give Me A Definition, Please?
I Am Always Right
Broken Vault
Pricilla's Guide To Experiments
Sharing is Caring
Happy Birthday, Babe
Just a Friendly Game
Coming Home
That Strange Servant
Schemes and Progress
No Time Soon
Are You Blind?
A Simple Conversation
Leads to Disaster
Release or Escape?
Dear Fionna...
Knock Knock
Secret Protections & Lost Causes
Memories of Blue
Don't Speak
Sleeping Noises
Unknown Passing
Prince of Emotions

Whispered Confessions

1K 33 22
By x_noonespecial_x

My mind raced with millions of thoughts and a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks. It doesn't matter who I marry in the end if Gumball can't build the spaceship.

My life will either end or become a living nightmare if Magic Woman's wish is not granted. I'm now realizing that this matter is much more serious than I've been thinking. If Magic Woman doesn't kill me or lock me up to starve somewhere, she'll turn me into a monster of some sort. It's not like it's hard for her to do, and it's not like she hasn't done anything of the sort before. Maybe she'll gain a new trick and turn me invisible forever or take away my voice or sight. Who knows, honestly.

I was putting all of my faith into Gumball so in a way I was marrying him. I was trusting him with my life, to take care of me, so yes, in an emotional type of way, marrying him. What I feared most was that with the rejection of marriage I would soon give Gumball, he wouldn't care for me anymore. Maybe Gumball would hate me and ultimately decide to never build the spaceship, resulting in Magic Woman having her way with me.

If that were to happen I would definitely put up a fight, no matter what. I don't know if Magic Woman would harm me if she couldn't get back home but she definitely implied it. Plus, she threatened Marshall with the loss of something close to him. I don't know exactly who or what that would be, but I do know he has other friends besides us here in Aaa.

The sun plastered itself onto my eyelids. My body was hot and sweaty and it felt as though a weight was pressed firmly on top me. My right leg was trapped under a weight, along with my chest, so I flailed my free leg in an attempt to push the covers off of myself, only to realize I wasn't under any blankets. Was it the weather making me so hot?, I thought. I was still too much in sleep mode to open my eyes so I let out a groan of both tiredness and annoyance.

I wiggled around as best I could, trying to sit up-only for my chest to be held down and unable to move. I finally whisked my eyes open, squinting slightly at the sun light. When my eyes had adjusted I looked beside me to see the Vampire king sleeping very soundly. He was peaceful. His eyes were softly closed, his face relaxed and calm. Overall, beautifully peaceful- an emotion I didn't see much when he was awake.

Marsh's face was inches from mine and both his legs were entangled with my right. Half of his torso was slung onto mine and his arm was slung loosely around my stomach, pulling our bodies closer. We definitely hadn't fallen asleep this way. This was too close for friends and I knew it. Though, as of last night we weren't just friends anymore, technically at least. I could hear and feel my heart dancing rapidly in my chest, unable to be controlled and hoped that Marshall couldn't feel it.

I let out a heavy sigh and watched him with a small smile as his body rose and fell on top of mine. I tried to close my eyes for more sleep but my body was against it due to the fact I was burning up, sweating. The fact that half of Marshall's naked torso was pressed on top of me didn't cool me down at all either, in fact, it left me in a rather dazed state.

I let out a huff, and finally, not being able to take it any longer, I tore Marshall's arms off of me along with his body. I sat up quickly and steadied my breathing, trying to control my heart along with it.

A feeling of both joy and something I couldn't fully explain crept inside of me at the thought of being Marshall's fake girlfriend. We only had to pretend to be in love with one another any time Gumball called. Only, I wasn't really pretending.

This way, I could vent my true feelings. I could love him without being questioned because to him, this was just a game. What I was scared of is that things would go too far. I was scared that I would get addicted and my true feelings would spill out. But, even though I was scared, I knew sooner or later I would tell Marshall the truth. I would tell him I love him, because I know that for a fact now. I would tell him this with confidence and a smile- but that day is far away in the future because now, I have very little confidence.

"Well, good morning to you too." Marshall croaked as he sat up beside me. "You okay? Did you have a bad dream?" He asked, a hint of slight worry in his voice as he ran a hand through his luscious hair. He sleepily untangled his legs from mine, releasing me almost entirely from the burning sensation his body was giving me.

I hadn't meant to wake him and I hadn't meant to push him so hard. I just needed to breathe, to escape the heat.

"Fine and no." I breathed, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. "Just hot."

He paused for moment before a light flickered in his eyes. "Yeah, you are." He said slowly and seductively, inching his body closer to mine.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." I whined, stretching my body. My heart was beating out of my chest at the nearness of Marshall and I hoped to Glob he couldn't hear it. Marsh quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a side hug, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked, my words slightly jumbling together.

"We're dating now. We should act like it." he said calmly, lifting his head slightly to send a trail of kisses down the side of my neck. He didn't question it and neither did I, somehow this felt right.

"Ah." I gasped slightly but quickly clenched my lips shut. My body shuddered and I tried to push him away, only resulting in him gripping me firmer. "Fake." I tumbled out. I was at a loss for words and my mouth wasn't working. "I-We're fake dating." I said, pushing my body away from his which allowed me to gather my thoughts. "We only have to act like this when Gumball calls." I snapped, giving him a glare and letting out a deep breath.

"Well, it won't seem real unless we practice." he cooed, leaning close to me again. "Or- do I turn you on too much, Fi?" His voice rang deeply, filling my body with warmth.

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just tired." I lied, trying to look anywhere but him. I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing and rapidly beating heart that just seemed to pound faster and faster by the second.

"Then why do you keep scooting away? Scared of losing control?" He whispered deeply. I curled my legs up so that I was sitting indian style, giving him the chance to sit in front of me. His bare chest was visible as was his sculpted v-line that led to the unknown world below his boxers.

"You couldn't do that if you tried. Just stop it already. We only need to do this when we're around Gumball." I hissed, now looking directly at him.

"Nah, I think you want it." He teased again, leaning his body in so that his face was inches from mine. His finger gently traced my jawline and neck, making it hard for me to keep silent.

"You just woke up and you're horny? You must have had a good dream then." I croaked out, trying to ruin the mood as much as possible.

"Well, you were in it." he winked, playing with my collarbone and the area just above my breasts.

"Just for practice. Just so Gumball believes it." I slightly moaned out, my body leaning into his touch. I couldn't take this distance anymore so I finally decided to close it.

I put one hand on his cheek and one hand around the back of his head, leaning in and touching my lips with his. It was gentle at first but then sped up becoming rough and desperate.

Marshall lifted my body up and set it on top of his, holding my waist as I wrapped my legs around him. Our tongues fought each other for quite sometime before I won, allowing me to trace the inside of Marshall's mouth. He soon did the same to me, licking my lips as he did.

I broke our kiss, panting slightly and feeling dazed. "E- enough." I said, holding out both of my hands and pressing firmly on to his shoulders. "This is enough. Its too much." I croaked out, watching Marshall as a smirk made its way through his features.

"The little bunny can't handle it?" He teased, running his hands up and down the sides of my body.

"It doesn't need to be handled." I hissed, crawling off of Marshall and standing up. "Don't over do it when we face Gumball." I told him, shooting him yet another glare. I didn't want Gumball witnessing a porno featuring his kingdom heroine and 'monster'. I quickly gathered my clothes and headed off behind a tree to change out of my pjs, glad to be escaping the sexual tension.

A few moments of silence passed as I slipped my clothes on before I heard Marshall call from the campsite. "Hey Baby?" he shouted, yet his tone was not seductive or playfully at all. Was he being serious?

I groaned and pulled my pants up, buttoning them and picking up my pajamas off of the ground. I started walking back to the campsite, already annoyed. I didn't really like being called 'baby', 'babe', or any other childish name. It didn't seem natural to me for some reason. "Marshall." I hissed, nearing the campsite, "What did I say abo-oh- Gumball!" I smiled, setting my clothes on the ground and shuffling over to where Marshall sat.

Gumball's face was largely displayed on the pink crystal in front of us, his eyes mixed with emotions of both disbelief and amusement.

"So what are you both talking about?" I asked as I sat down next to Marshall, taking his hand into mine and holding it firmly.

"Just telling him the good news." Marshall said as he turned to me, giving my cheek a quick peck. My face became heated but I brushed it off as nothing.

"Oh. So is there a different reason you called, Gumball?" I asked, scooting closer to Marshall and plopping my head onto his shoulder.

"N-no just to check up. Um, but could I ask something?" his face was unsure and hesitant, nothing like I've ever seen Gumball look before. It almost made me laugh.

"Go ahead." I shrugged as Marshall did the same, both of us already knowing what his questions would be.

Uh, so how long have you two had feelings for each other?" He asked, clearly interested in our pitiful acting. Apparently Marshall had already explained some information so now it was my turn to contribute.

Marshall looked quickly at me, causing me to glance back at him. I was about to speak but Marshall swooped in first.

"Well I think I started liking Fionna hm," he paused in thought, "a little before I left for those six months. Then when I returned and saw her again it all just came back to me, my feelings, I mean. This trip was perfect for us to bond even more, I think. So, thanks Gumball." He said simply, tightening his grip on my hand and chuckling slightly.

I was speechless for a moment and the only thing I could do was stare at Marshall with wide eyes. He was definitely excellent at making up stories on the spot. I guess this is how he was able to trick me so many times in the past. Even so, I felt like his words were honest but consciously knew it just just an act. Although I was glad he was doing this for me, it also hurt, knowing the words I wanted to hear so desperately were being said falsely.

"Fionna? What about you?" Gumball asked as he raised his eyebrow accusingly. "You've never had a lot of signs of interest in this type of relationship with Marshall Lee."

"I haven't? Well-Uh-I think I realized I liked Marshall more than a friend about the second week of our trip. I- Uh k-knew that I loved him when I realized how much restraint he must have. Being around me is very hard for him because you know, he is a vampire demon and I am a human. He can constantly smell my blood and it's horrible, really." I trembled out, my words honest and pure. I knew this fact, that Marshall was very strong around me, from experience of course, but Gumball didn't know that.

I was scared to look at Marshall and his questioning eyes, so I didn't. I kept my gaze on Gumball, watching as his expression hardened.

"You love him?" Gumball asked me, keeping his voice calm and smooth, with a hint of hurt mixed in.

"I don't love him." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I am in love with him. Love is a feeling, not an action."

"Kiss him, then." Gumball ordered as he crossed his arms through the pink crystal. He gave me a glare and I knew he didn't believe me, Marshall, or the act we were trying to pull.

"That's kind of cliché don't you think?" Marshall laughed, earning a small smile from me.

"Not just any little kiss. A passionate kiss." Gumball said again, more deep and serious this time.

"Gumball, I didn't know you were this pervy." I scoffed, trying to hide my anticipation. I wanted to kiss Marshall. I wanted to kiss him passionately. I wanted him so desperately.

"I want you to prove it. If you're going to decline my proposal, I want you to kiss that thing." Gumball huffed, pointing lazily to Marshall with a disgusted look on his features.

"That thing?" I scoffed, scrunching my eyebrows. "He's a person, just like you. Accept, of course, he has my love and you don't.." I shrugged, struggling to hold in my laughter.

Marshall covered his mouth quickly before he burst out laughing, letting a small chuckle escape. Gumball was caught off guard by this but his order still held. "Then kiss him."

"Well it's not a big deal. It's not like we haven't done it before." Marshall said as he gave me a wink. Marshall turned his body to face me and I turned mine to face him. His hand lightly cupped my cheek and he dove in for a kiss, landing his lips on mine sweetly.

This kiss wasn't forced or desperate. This kiss wasn't too rough or too short. It was slow but passionate and it was different than any other kiss we had shared. This kiss wasn't a dare or a 'lost in the moment' type of kiss. It wasn't an experiment kiss or a sad kiss. It wasn't for "practice" or a joke out of perviness. This kiss was just a kiss to say "I love you", it was innocent but experienced.

He nibbled slightly on my lower lip, making my lips part with a gasp and allowing his tongue to roam free inside my mouth. I quickly fought for dominance but surprisingly lost, letting Marshall gently lead me.

We broke apart slowly for air but before I could turn back to Gumball, Marshall caught my gaze. His finger swooped under my chin and pulled my eyes up so that I only saw him. His lips neared my ear and in a low whisper he said, "I love you, Fionna." before pulling slowly away, his eyes still locked with mine.

Was that the first time he's ever told me he loves me? Even as friends, I don't think he's ever told me that. I might be wrong, but right now in this situation, looking in his eyes, the feeling of his lips still on mine, I can't do anything but swoon for this "monster" in disguise.

Gumball sat with his mouth hanging open and his hands in tight fists. "That's all then. But, Fionna my proposal is still open. It will always be open for you. I know one day that thing will hurt you and you'll have no one to go to. You'll always have me, though and you can always be my princess."

I sat silently in front of Gumball and when I didn't reply he hung up, leaving Marshall and I to ourselves. Gumball couldn't have heard that whisper so why did Marshall say it? Did he really love me? What if I asked him and he said no... What would I do? What if it's all a joke? He'd laugh at me! He'd laugh at my feelings. I couldn't handle that.

I sat silently and stared ahead at where Gumball's face once was. I could feel the burn of Marshall's gaze on me but I didn't want to look at him.

If he was lying, I couldn't look at him. Not right now, at least.

Everything I said was true. I love him. I said it indirectly, yes, but nonetheless I said it. I want him to love me. He said it. He said he loved me. Directly too.



I turned my body towards him and looked at his outfit. Black skinny jeans, a red checkered shirt, and converse to match, so like him. I smiled slightly and took a deep breath.

"I don't know if you meant what you said and I don't care. I meant what I said, Marshall. I love you."


Sorry for the late update, I've been increadibly busy. I know there will be a lot of spelling errors and this chapter isn't as well edited as the rest so please don't kill me.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy

p.s I felt this song goes with this chapter somehow. I dont know, I just heard it and was like "yes" so, here it is. Sorry if you aren't able to see it. Its "The Words" by Christina Perri.


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