Dangerous fellows - One shots...

By Elwyynn

110K 3.3K 944

Hiya, I recently played the dangerous fellows atome game and huh, wow. I think as you can read from this titl... More

Eugene's path- authors note
Eugene - A different introduction (1)
Eugene - Path continued (2)
Eugene - Path continued (3)
Eugene - Path continued (4)
Eugene - Path continued (5)
Eugene - Path continued (6)
Eugene - Nightwatch
Eugene - Path contiued (8)
Eugene - Path continued (9)
Eugene - Path continued (10)
Eugene - Path continued (11)
Eugene - Path continued (12)
Eugene - Path conttinued (13)
Eugene - Path continued (14)
Eugene - Patrol
Eugene - Path continued (16)
Eugene - Path continued (17)
Eugene - Path continued (18)
Eugene - Path continued (19)
Eugene - Ending
Ethan's Path - Authors note
Ethan - a different introduction (1)
Ethan - Path continued (3)
Ethan - Path continued (4)
Ethan - Path continued (5)
Ethan - Path Continued (6)
Ethan - Night Watch
Ethan - Path continued (8)
Ethan - Path continued (9)
Ethan - Path continued (10)
Ethan - Path coninued (11)
Ethan - Path continued (12)
Ethan - Path continued (13)
Ethan - Path continued (14)
Ethan - Patrol
Ethan - Path continued (16)
Ethan - Path continued (17)
Ethan - Path continued (18)
Ethan - Path continued (19)
Ethan - Ending
Zion - Nightwatch
Zion -Patrol
Zion - Racing Stripes (one shot)
Lawrences path - Authors note
Lawrence - A different introduction
Lawrence - Path continued (2)
Lawrence - Path Continued (3)
Lawrence - Path continued (4)
Lawrence- Path Continued (5)
Lawrence - Path continued (6)
Lawrence - Night Watch
Lawrence - Path Continued (8)
Lawrence - Path continued (9)
Lawrence - Path continued (10)
Lawrence - Path continued (11)
Lawrence - Path continued (12)
Lawrence - Path continued (13)
Lawrence - Path continued (14)
Lawrence - Patrol
Lawrence - Path continued (16)
Lawernce - Path continued (17)
Lawrence - Path continued (18)
Lawernce - Ending
The boys - When you turn
The boys - How he kisses you
The boys - When they're jealous
The Boys - My favorite headcannons
The Boys - Different AUs
The Boys - Some songs
The boys - after you have a close call
The boys - annoying them
The Boys - where they kiss you
The boys - AU's part 2
The Boys - when they get embrassed/shy

Ethan - Path continued (2)

1K 41 9
By Elwyynn

(I decided I was going to make a spinoff route based on the events in the first game. This is a continuation and the Ethan chapters go in order they are listed)

"Who the hell is this?!" I hear a voice demand from the other side of the room, interrupting Judy and I hugging.

"Scarlett-" Lawrence begins, but She steps in front of him, completely ignoring him and marching right up to me.

"Who have you the idea that it was okay to come up here and put us all in danger huh? Huh?!" She spits in my face. "Listen, I don't know who you are and I intend for it to stay that way. Leave."

"Jesus Christ Scarlett, can you calm down?! What's got you so worked up?!" Zion strolls over and tried to pull Scarlett away, but she stands her ground.

"Hey! That's my best friend your talking about! If you want her your going to have to go through me first!" Judy stood but my side, but Scarletts eyes were unwavering as they stared into my soul. Suddenly she noticed my bloody arm where I had been injured previously. Zion rolled his eyes and noticed his presence wasn't affecting anything, and just went back to standing next to Ethan.

"Look! She's infected!" She aggressively held up my arm, "She's a danger for us all!"

"I'm not infected!" I managed to speak up, but I was still in a exhausted daze.

"Looks like we need to do a closer inspection."
He murmured mischievously to Ethan.

"Shut up." Ethan retorted, in which Zion was slightly surprised that his friend would be so sensitive to a joke like that. "She's not infected."

Scarlett scoffed, "Well I don't want her here!" She threw down my arm. "I call for a vote!"

Lawrence massaged the bridge of his nose, "Scarlett.." He was exhausted by her. "She's staying here and that's final. I suggest you learn some manners."

"Oooo!" Eugene taunted, "Look who's in trouble now huh?" Scarlett huffed over to her desk, and stomped on his foot on the way over, "Ow! Jeez."

"Anyways.." Lawrence was glad that Scarlett had calmed down so that he could get on with the meeting, "Here, take a seat." He motioned over to one of the desks. I sat down quietly, but I could still feel Scarlett glaring her eyes at the back of my head.

Lawrence introduces me to the group, and I
learn all of the groups names. Most of them I already picked up on, but then there was Jay, Sue and Hailey I learned soon after. He continued onto explain the next round of patrols and how I could carry my weight, and what patrols I would do.

"As for bedding situations, unfortunately all the the rooms are filled up, but-" Lawrence was interrupted but an excited Judy.

"Oh! Oh! You could room with me!" Just shot her hand up in the air, despite it not having any effect anyway, "Room with me? Pleeeassee?"

I smiled at her, "Of course Judy."


These halls are too familiar. Since I went to this school when everything changed. And now I'm back. It carries with it an insidious feeling I can't quite shake.

"Heyyy! Are you in there? Earth to best friend!" Judy cooed. We where sitting on a 'bed' (which was a bunch of salvaged blankets and a torn mattress.). Moonlight streamed through the windows, and in the sky I could see stars.

"Uhm? What's up?" I spoke, tired but glad to have Judy by my side.

"Oh nothing really, I'm still just so glad your here. I lost track of you when the attack hit school. I thought for sure you were gone. But your not." Judy smiled at me and hugged me as we both sat on the bed.

"Everything from that day was a blur. I was so scared.." It troubles me just to think about it again.

"And I guess it's good that Ethans here too huh?" My face flushed.

"Judy.. Is this the best time talk about this..?" I was disappointed before, but now I'm disappointed and embarrassed.

"We need to talk about it eventually. I'm sure it's been worrying you, and I'm sure this is the only peace we're going to be getting for a while." Judy spoke in a serious tone for once.

"Okay I just... I wish I could help him at least. He just seems so.. different now. I know I have these feelings I just don't want to get in anyone's way. I miss him."

Judy interlaced her fingers with mine.

"It's going to be okay. I don't want you to worry anymore."

I just started crying, and sobbing. Judy was there to comfort me until I eventually fell asleep.


I awoke to someone aggressively knocking on my door. I sat up, and noticed that Judy wasn't awake, and it seemed to be in the very late hours of the night. I didn't want to wake her, so I just got up and answered the door.

To my surprise it was Scarlett. I wish it was literally anyone else.

"I left my jacket downstairs. You need to go get it." She spoke abruptly.

"What?" I replied, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"I said," And she sounded out the next sentence really slowly, "Go get my jacket from downstairs." She stared at me for a moment, seeing that I wasn't processing what she was saying, then aggressively stated, "You want to pull your weight? Want to earn my respect? Go get my Jacket. It'll literally take you five minutes just go!" She pushes me, but I didn't want to put up with her so I went. Downstairs I go.

I was quietly sneaking on the bottom floor, but there was no jacket in sight. And I was scared. I turned to look out the window, and saw an gnarled zombie. It's face rotting and it's jaw hanging from its dead tendons. Flies swarmed it.

I cover my mouth as I yelped, it didn't seem to notice me. I quickly ducked under the window. Why am I doing this?! I wondered to myself, I'm risking my life for an ungrateful brat.

"Y/N?" I heard Ethans voice, and jumped a little.

"Ethan?" I exhaled and put my hand over my heart, this was all too terrifying for me to handle for one night.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting some rest?" His presence was gentle, and I stood up and dusted myself off. I forgot how tall he was, he was looking down to talk to me slightly. I started to fidget with the bottom of my shirt a bit, he always did make me nervous.

"Yeah, but Scarlett said she left her jacket down here.. So I uh.. I look really dumb huh?" I stammered, wondering how I even got myself into this stupid mess.

Ethan just gave me a weak, tired smile. It was cute. "I'll walk with you back upstairs. My patrol is done."

We walked back upstairs in silence, where we spotted Scarlett impatiently waiting by my door. Ethan have her a nasty glare and she nervously smiled, then scurried off.

Right before Ethan opened the door to my room again, he turned to me.

"Did you manage to save any pictures before.." He trailed off, almost like speaking of the apocalypse happening makes him sick.

I nodded, and smiled politely. I took out my wallet, were I kept a picture of the baseball team. It was our last printing for yearbook, and I wanted to make sure I kept some of the photos. I'm sure Ethan would like to have it.

Ethan gently took the photo from my hands and held it. There was a look of pain, and nostalgia in his eyes. He held onto the photo tightly.

"Thank you." He whispered, I could swear I could see his eyes get glassy. But I just nodded and headed inside my room for the night.

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