The Do's and Don'ts of Writin...

Oleh xxdelinquentxx

70.6K 2.7K 404

For all you amateur writers on Wattpad that want to write a smashing book. Here are the top tips. There are f... Lebih Banyak

PLOT: Opening scene.
PLOT: How to plot
PLOT: Main characters
PLOT: Creating characters
PLOT: Build a Protagonist
PLOT: Antagonist
PLOT: Why is a good guy an antagonist
PLOT: The villain
PLOT: Chekov's friend rule
PLOT: Naming chapters
PLOT: Potential non-romantic/non-sexual B-plots
PLOT: Set the scene
PLOT: Introducing backstory
PLOT: Scenes
PLOT: If you're stuck in the middle of the scene
PLOT: How to switch things up
PLOT: Increasing tension
PLOT: Give scenes momentum
PLOT: Plot twist ideas
PLOT: Leaving holes
PLOT: 10 ways to punch your reader in the gut.
PLOT: How to end your story
PLOT: Story endings
LANGUAGE: Instant turn offs when reading
LANGUAGE: Paragraphs
LANGUAGE: Punctuation Pt. 1
LANGUAGE: Punctuation Pt. 2
LANGUAGE: Show don't tell
LANGUAGE: Keep an eye on 'was'
LANGUAGE: Don't overuse the word "very"
LANGUAGE: Words instead of "whispered"
LANGUAGE: Words instead of...
LANGUAGE: Swearing
LANGUAGE: Stutter Pt. 1
LANGUAGE: Stutter Pt. 2
LANGUAGE: How children speak
LANGUAGE: Specifics
LANGUAGE: Re-write
HOW TO: Top 10 tips for actually writing
HOW TO: Writing exercises
HOW TO: World-building
HOW TO: Girls names
HOW TO: Boys names
HOW TO: Surnames
HOW TO: Character description
HOW TO: Character cliché's
HOW TO: Character personalities
HOW TO: Physical personality
HOW TO: Tropes I love and hate
HOW TO: Making representation obvious
HOW TO: Break the black girl stereotype
HOW TO: Writing blind characters
HOW TO: Writing deaf characters Pt. 1
HOW TO: Writing deaf characters Pt. 2
HOW TO: Coming-out scenes
HOW TO: Anxiety disorders
HOW TO: Social anxiety
HOW TO: Panic attacks
HOW TO: ADHD characters
HOW TO: Bad mental illness tropes
HOW TO: Not romanticising heavy topics
HOW TO: Glasses
HOW TO: How to describe eyes
HOW TO: Use of eyes
HOW TO: How to spot a liar
HOW TO: Body language that conveys embarrassment
HOW TO: Body language cheat sheet
HOW TO: Over-repetitive character actions
HOW TO: Helpful things for action writers to remember
HOW TO: Writing techniques for action writers
HOW TO: Interesting villains
HOW TO: Villain motive prompts
HOW TO: Anti-villain motivations
HOW TO: Lovable Villain
HOW TO: Heroes
HOW TO: Fun ways for characters to be wrong
HOW TO: How to blur the lines between good and evil
HOW TO: Character's that slowly descend into madness.
HOW TO: Light and dark
HOW TO: Stealth characters
HOW TO: Types of fight scenes
HOW TO: Guns
HOW TO: Gun terms
HOW TO: Injury
HOW TO: Where to hit in a fight
HOW TO: Writing pain
HOW TO: Writing blood loss
HOW TO: Malnourishment and dehydration
HOW TO: Drowning
HOW TO: Character collapsing
HOW TO: Modes of death
HOW TO: Killing characters
HOW TO: Sad character deaths
HOW TO: Mourning
HOW TO: Trauma leaves an impression
HOW TO: Murder terminology in layman's terms
HOW TO: Murder tips master post
HOW TO: Calming sentences
HOW TO: Creating romantic chemistry
HOW TO: Stages of attraction
HOW TO: Small, intimate moments
HOW TO: Tiny turn-ons
HOW TO: Non-sexual forms of intimacy
HOW TO: Important OTP things to consider
HOW TO: Imagine your OTP Pt. 1
HOW TO: Imagine your OTP Pt. 2
HOW TO: Types of kiss prompt's Pt. 1
HOW TO: Types of kiss prompt's Pt. 2
HOW TO: Best romantic cliché's
HOW TO: Reasons not to kiss them
HOW TO: Childhood best friends/friends to lovers trope
HOW TO: Relationships your readers will ship
HOW TO: Cool ways for men to be gender non-conforming
HOW TO: A list of attractive things to see/read a man doing
HOW TO: Under-represented gender character types
HOW TO: Bad boy vs. abuser
HOW TO: Possessiveness 101
HOW TO: Male characters
HOW TO: Female characters
HOW TO: Female character traits.
HOW TO: Women in History
HOW TO: Historical time periods
HOW TO: Medieval fact file
HOW TO: Historical marrying age
HOW TO: Royalty
HOW TO: Royal titles
HOW TO: Female court positions
HOW TO: Fantasy sub-genres
HOW TO: Fantasy world-building
HOW TO: Top 10 fantasy tropes
HOW TO: 12 things to ask about your magic system
HOW TO: Build a fantasy religion
HOW TO: Poisons
HOW TO: Pills and potions
HOW TO: Potential curse/hex ingredients
HOW TO: Magical tools/objects masterpost
HOW TO: Alchemical Substances
HOW TO: All purpose tools of witchcraft
HOW TO: Candle magic omens
HOW TO: Curses
HOW TO: Magic terminology
HOW TO: Latin phrases to use as incantations Pt. 2
HOW TO: Hag Stones
HOW TO: Necrobotany
HOW TO: Magical universities
HOW TO: Urban city witch
HOW TO: Mages, healers and druids
HOW TO: Emotions through magic
HOW TO: The faerie star
HOW TO: Locations in Norse mythology
HOW TO: Kill a God
HOW TO: Dragons Pt.1
HOW TO: Dragons Pt.2
HOW TO: Wolves
HOW TO: Vampire's Pt. 1
HOW TO: Vampire's Pt. 2
HOW TO: Vampire's Pt. 3
HOW TO: Zombie ability
HOW TO: Supernatural concepts
HOW TO: A list of great comebacks
HOW TO: Iconic meme dialogue
HOW TO: Movie tropes I love
AU: Instead of coffeeshop AU
AU: Fam Jam AU's
AU: Being forced to share a bed AU
AU: Bed-sharing
AU: Obligatory AU's I really want
AU: AU's I really want to see written
AU: Meet ugly
AU: Arranged marriage AU prompts
AU: Soulmate AU prompts
AU: Fantasy AU prompt
AU: Time travel costume department
AU: Angels
AU: Domestic monsters
AU: Storm magic
AU: New England gothic
AU: Florida gothic
AU: Southern California gothic
AU: Texas gothic
AU: American public school gothic
AU: Mysterious little towns
AU: Random
WRITING PROMPT: 100 Prompts that will make you cry
WRITING PROMPT: Hurt/comfort dialogue prompts
WRITING PROMPT: 119 sarcastic prompts

HOW TO: Latin phrases to use as incantations Pt. 1

173 5 1
Oleh xxdelinquentxx

 - ab intra - from within

 - ab origine - from the source

 - absit iniuria - let insult be absent

 - absit invidia - let envy be absent

 - absit omen - let omens be absent

 - ab uno dice omnes - from one, learn all

 - abysses alyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep

 - a capite ad calcem - from head to heel

 - acta non verba - actions not words

 - ad altiora tendo - I strive to higher things

 - ad astra - to the stars

 - ad fontes - to the sources

 - ad meliora - towards better things

 - ad oculos - to the eyes

 - ad undas - to the waves

 - ad victoriam - to victory

 - adsum - I am here

 - a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength

 - a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea

 - audeamus - let us dare

 - audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favours the bold

 - audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent

 - beatae memoriae - of blessed memory

 - bona fide - in good faith

 - bono malum superate - overcome evil with good

 - capax infiniti - holding the infinite

 - carpe diem - seize the day

 - carpe noctem - seize the night

 - cave - beware

 - ceteris paribus - all there things be equal

 - circa - around

 - citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger

 - class aurea - golden key

 - cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am

 - compos mentis - in control of the mind

 - concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort

 - concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth

 - concordia salus - well-being through harmony

 -coniunctis viribus - with connected strength

 - consummatum est - it is complete

 - corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme 

 - crescit fundo - it grows as it goes

 - de novo - from the new

 - de profundis - from the depths

 - dies irae - day of wrath

 - dona nobem pacem - give us peace

 - ego te provoco - I challenge you

 - esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived

 - esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem

 - esto quod es - be what you are

 - ex animo - from the soul

 - ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge

 - ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power

 - ex silentio - from silence

 - ex undis - from the waves of the sea

 - experientia docet - experience teaches

 - fac et spera - do and hope

 - fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure

 - faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I'll do whatever it takes

 - faciam ut mei memineris - I'll make you remember me

 - facta, non verba - deeds, not words

 - fortis et liber - strong and free

 - fortis in ardius - strong in difficulties

 - gloriosus et liber - glorious and free

 - hic abundant leones - here lions abound

 - hic et nunc - here and now

 - hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons

 - hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears

 - hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars

 - igni ferroque - with fire and iron

 - in memoriam - in the memory

 - in nocte consilium - advice comes over night

 - libra - balance

 - littera scripta manet - the written words endure

 - locus standi - a right to stand

 - luceo non uro - I shine, not burn

 - luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge

 - mare liberum - free sea

 - memento vivere - remember to live

 - more ferarum - like beasts

 - natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened

 - nec spe, nec metu -without hope, without fear

 - noli me tangere - do not touch me

 - ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass

 - pro se - for oneself

 - propria manu - by one's own hand

 - quaere - to seek

 - quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder

 - resurgam - I shall arise

 - semper ad meliora - always towards better things

 - semper anticus - always forward

 - semper apertus - always open

 - semper fortis - always brave

 - semper liber - always free

 - stet - let it stand

 - tuebor - I will protect

 - vera causa - true cause

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