Arrest Me (Mature ZM)

By ilyssmharry

484K 11.6K 1.4K

You meet someone one day, and the next day they're your addiction. Warning: Sexual content and drug use. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Capture Me!

Chapter 5

12.4K 235 22
By ilyssmharry

I walked through the front door and saw that all of the lights in the house were on. A few empty beer bottles were strewn around, a few of them broken.

I stepped forward to start cleaning it up and my foot landed in something wet. A broken beer bottle that once had been full of beer that was now emptied onto the floor.

Fuck. Why did my parents have to do this so often? I was exhausted and now I had to clean up the kitchen. Well, I didn't have to, but if I didn't do it now, I would be woken up next morning and be forced to do it.

I stepped forward even more, avoiding the rest of the puddle and went to work on cleaning. First, I threw away all of the cups, plates, and whole bottles that my parents had left lying around. I did all of the dishes and wiped down the counters.

I then went to the cupboard and got rolls of paper towels. I laid them over the puddle and let it soak as I swept up some shards of broken glass. I cut my fingers on one and had to get a band-aid, but that was the worst of my injuries.

I picked up the wet paper towels and put some more down, wiping away the beer. I swept the floor and then sprayed the floor with Windex to clean it up.

What a way to spend my Saturday morning, even if it was 2 AM.

When I finished cleaning, I slowly walked upstairs and collapsed on my bed. I was damn tired and I didn't care about my outfit or the fact that I had makeup on.

I just wanted to escape the world for 8 or so hours.

* * *

I woke up the next morning to my sound buzzing and vibrating underneath my pillow. Who the f.uck was calling me on a Saturday morning?

I yanked my phone out from under my pillow and saw that it was nearly 1. Well, Saturday morning for me.

It was Nicole calling me, "What the hell do you want? You just woke me up." I barked into the receiver with my groggy voice. I was in the middle of my extremely well deserved rest. I was tired from f.ucking naughty officer the night before and I just wanted to relax.

"Calm down," Nicole giggled. "I'm outside. Get dressed, we are going for breakfast."

"What if I don't want to go?" I questioned her.

"Then I'll drag you out of bed, let's go." Nicole said and hung up the phone. She didn't give me a second to protest and I knew that she actually would drag me out of bed; she had done it before. I had no choice but to get up or get dragged out of bed.

I walked over to my window and saw her leaning on the hood of her car. I gave her the finger and she blew me a kiss. If she wanted me to get ready, I would take my damn time.

I took a hot shower and watched the water rinse the black makeup off my face. When I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and brushed my hair. I decided to braid it and make it looked less shitty.

When I finished, I put concealer and a little mascara on. I pulled on a sweater and jeans and made my way down to the car. I assumed that it was cold and it was. I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked to Nicole's car and climbed in. The heat was blasting so I put my hands up to the heat.

"Nice of you to finally get here, princess," Nicole rolled her eyes and hopped off the hood of her car. "How can you look like a f.ucking model right after waking up?"

I gave her a weird look and continued warming my hands. I totally didn't look like a model, Nicole just didn't know what a model looked like. "Why are we going for breakfast if its 1?"

"Because I haven't eaten and I'm guessing you haven't eaten either," She smiled and put the car in reverse. As she turned her head I saw that she had a hickey on her neck. I wondered if I had a hickey on mine, I smiled to myself. The hickey would be the only proof of what had happened the night before.

We got to the café and sat down immediately. This place was the place that most people went the morning after a large party. They made most of their money off hungover teenagers.

We both ordered coffee and chugged it down to wake ourselves up before we gossiped about the parties. The coffee wasn't the greatest, but then again it was from a small café and not specially made for me. The caffeine slowly

"So you go first," I smiled after we both ordered large meals. It was normal for us to get large meals and then eat less than half of it. Well, at least Nicole. I would eat more than half.

"Okay, so I got to the party at around ten and by then everyone was basically drunk," She chuckled to herself. "I only had two drinks at first and made out with a few guys. I don't even remember who it was to be honest. They weren't anything special and they might have been sophomores as well, oh well.

"And then I saw Mark and he was with some girl from another town. His arm was around her and she was wearing like the sluttiest clothing ever. Her ass was basically hanging out from her skirt."

"And's yours wasn't?" I commented, knowing that Nicole liked to dress risqué to get more guys in her pants.

"My ass looked better than her pancakes," We both laughed loudly. "So that upset me, but I had two more drinks and hooked up with two other guys."

"So your night went pretty well?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I guess," She shrugged. "Maybe next weekend I can hook up with Mark."

"Hopefully," I smiled at her.

"So you tell me your amazing story." The woman came over and refilled our coffees which we drank readily.

"The party was absolutely horrible." I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. "The house was really sketchy and most of the people were sketchy as well. The beer was warm so I didn't drink any so I didn't hookup with anyone. All of the guys were absolutely nasty."

"That's horrible!"

"It gets worse." I roll my eyes. "So then I leave and I get to the bus stop. I'm sitting there for what seems like an hour and this homeless man comes up to me. I was kinda creeped out at first, but then he tells me that the last f.ucking bus of the night left 20 minutes before. So I was just sitting there for 15 minutes! Fifteen f.ucking minutes in the god damn cold air.

"So, I get up and give the man 5 bucks because I felt bad and he helped me. So I put like the GPS thing on my phone and start walking home. I'm such an idiot..." I groaned. "I'm walking through probably the most dangerous neighborhood in all of Illinois wearing a tube dress and high heels. What was I thinking?" I put my head in my hands in exasperation. "So I call this cab company and they are like 'Sorry, we don't service that area' and then he hangs up on me!" At this point Nicole's jaw was hanging open. "Then it starts getting creepier and I'm getting even more scared. Like literally all of the houses have boards on the windows and all of the lawns are overgrown.

"So, I call the police. 'Cause you're supposed to call the police if you need help, right?" I take a sip of my coffee. "The squad car shows up and this gorgeous cop walks out. He had black hair that was gelled up and his eyes looked so innocent. His face was so angular and I swear he could have been a model. And his muscles...don't get me started."

"Are you kidding me?!" Nicole nearly screams.

"Honey, it only gets better," I winked at her. "I get in the car and we are both flirting so much. Then we get to the highway and it's completely empty, right? I see his tattoos and I'm like where else do you have them? And he's like all over my body." Nicole's jaw is full dropped as she stares at me. Of course I had changed what actually went on a little bit, but a little embellishment never hurt anybody. "And then I was like, well you should show me them now and then I like bit his ear. Then he swerves the car over to the side and tells me to get out.

"He's telling me that I'm under arrest for sexual harassment of an officer and I'm like freaking out. Then he presses me against the car and one thing leads to another..." I smirked at her. "We ended up f.ucking in the back of his cop car."

"Holy shit!" Nicole said as I sipped my coffee. Our food came and we started eating, but Nicole couldn't keep her eyes off of me. "What else did he look like?"

"He was middle Eastern of some sort. He had the prettiest brown eyes and amazing hair. Ugh, he had such a nice body." The thought of him above me was getting me wet. Yum.

"Was he...big?"

"Hell yeah and he was so good too. He knew exactly what to do and I was screaming his name. It was so hot," I smirked and ate a piece of toast. "And he told me that I was the first girl to ever sleep with him in his cop car."

"Wow, he must have really liked you," Nicole's eyes widened as she ate her eggs.

"I guess so," I smiled.

"How come you're always so lucky?" Nicole frowned.

"I have no clue," I said and started eating my pancakes. "But I would totally f.uck him again."

"Woah, don't you have that rule?" She was referring to the fact that I only slept with guys once. I didn't want them to get greedy.

"Yeah, but I don't care," I smiled. "He was way too hot to not f.uck again. I can' stop thinking about his co-"

"Do you want more coffee?" The waitress asked and then refilled our mugs.

I finished off my pancake and moved onto my eggs. "But it goes downhill from there...I get home and there is broken glass and beer everywhere. So I had to clean all of that up."

"How fun." Nicole knew about how my parents were usually getting drunk and fighting, so it wasn't a surprise for her.

"And it was well past 2 AM when I went to sleep. Then I got woken up by my phone..." I smiled sweetly at Nicole.

"Sorry about that," She giggled. "But, hey, we do have a presentation on Wednesday on the dangers of drugs and alcohol."

"Don't we have those every year?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but how would you know? You're always in the bathroom giving someone head," Nicole laughed. I shrugged. "But it's presented by cops, so he might be there."

I laughed, "He won't. He's a cop for Englewood."

"Oh, was worth a try," Nicole shrugged. We finished up breakfast and I paid for it. Nicole drove me back home because she had errands to run.

I walked into my house and changed into comfier clothes. I sat down in front of the TV and watched some episodes of a stupid TV because nothing was on.

At 4, I went upstairs and started doing my homework. Because I wasn't hung over, I was able to actually do it. I wasn't one to do homework, but I had free time so I might as well.


Hey guys!!! Thanks for readinggggggg. This is obviously just the beginning and I have lots more planned for this story. I have about the first 25 chapters already written, I'm just rewriting them to make them longer and better.

Remember to vote, comment, and spread the word about my story pleaseeeeeee!!!!!

PS: there will be bdsm as the story goes on, just not really in the beginning.

i loveee youuu allll!!

xx, L

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