Sanders Sides ONESHOTS

By AngstyRatt

144K 4.6K 2.5K

Discontinued. Maybe a few short chapters here and there More

Prinxiety (Princey x Anxiety)
Logicality (Logic X Morality)
Family (No Ship)
Fake Death (Prinxiety)
The Flirt (Prinxiety)
Fist Bump (No ship)
Baths (Logicality)
THOMAS! (Logicality)
Logicality, or Moxiety?
The Bat That Intailed Nothing
Falling Ill
Logicality or Moxiety
Blues Clues
10 Prinxiety
Hydrate Yourself
Jealous Roman
Joan x Talyn
Super Boi's
Good For You
Love's In The Air
Road Trip
Secret Sickness
Diced Love
Cliché Café
It's a common oneshot, I don't like it either
Prince Roman
King Roman
Moxiety VS Logince!
Mother Nature
Cold Blooded
Your Important
Prince Virgil
Book Open, Face Deep
Super Boi's II
What If...?
Roommate Family
Broken Down
Talking Birds
Little Rabbit
SS Ships In The Morning
Really Sorry
King Virgil
Meeting Again
Talking To Yourself
Movie Shipping Secrets
High Speed Chase
Queen Valerie
Verbal Abuse
Best Friends
Sad V
Secret Spy
Fucking Coat Hanger
Secret Spy 2
Forgotten Birthday
Phan Special
New SS character?
Fucking Cat..
Great Customer Service
The Play
To-Do-List wink wonk
Bad Boy *wink wonk*
Just a thought
Jesus christ..
Rest In Peace❤🕊
Kill me please
Be More Chill pt2
Bad Boy Sanders
Mermaid AU
Birthday Surprise
cake yummy
You're Not Gay
Forced Friend
You're Not Gay After Shots
q+a answers
Short Bakery
guys guys guys
gimme gimme

Lord Patton

671 21 0
By AngstyRatt

What's this? What's this? Part 6 is now here! What's this? What's this? There's magic everywhere, please wake up Jack this isn't fair! What's this?! Sorry, that's like my favourite movie. But seriously, you thought it was over?

     Dead?! How am I of all people supposed to rule a country?! Avenia could be attacking at ANY MOMENT, and Valerie isn't queen anymore! And now the king's dead! Oh god, what am I gonna do?!
     Virgil paced around the room, trying to figure out how the future may look based on what has happened.
     "Patton and I would gladly help you rule Carthya. You have no experience being king, or being in charge I suppose, but we know a lot, so let us help." Logan said. "The deaths between the retired queen and her son, the king, have been harsh, and have affected us all. But please, let's get to ruling the country, we can not let our people down, can we?"
     Virgil nodded shyly. He looked up at the captain apologetically.
     "If you are looking to apologize, save it. It is no trouble whatsoever, if anything, it's an honor to have been by one of the king's sides." He smiled weakly.
     He nodded once again - a very slight one at that. He gulped and turned to walk back out.
     "One more thing," Logan said before Virgil left the room. "We have details and information on the funerals, we need clarification on which day you are free."
     'Any day works fine for either of the funerals.' Virgil signed before walking out.
     His shoes clacked and echoed in the empty hallways. He sighed and opened the door to the king's ward. He closed it and flicked on the lights.
     He went upstairs and opened the bedroom door. He liked to sulk in here. Because here was the place that made him feel the worst. In stories and movies, king's always die too early in life. Like if you've read The Prince And The Pauper by Mark Twain, you'd know that Edward, the king of Wales, dies early at like age 18 - 20.
     King Roman was only 27. Only seven years with him. Virgil only had seven years with him. He wanted to be with him forever, but, those stupid assassins from Avenia killed him.
     He wished it was a stupid prank. He wish it was like when Virgil died but wasn't actually dead. But it wasn't like that. The funeral was in two weeks, and he had to attend.

     "Poor boy, he's so young.." Patton said. "He shouldn't have to rule by himself."
     "That's true." Logan sighed. "But that's why he has us to help him. We can't leave it to be his job alone, even though that's how it's supposed to be. But he has no experience in ruling, so that's we are there for him."
     Patton brightened up a little. "Yeah.. okay!" He stood up and grabbed Logan's hand. "Let's go find Valerie."

     Valerie jumped at the sudden knocking. She got up and answered the door. She smiled at the prime regent and captain.
     "As you have heard of the king and his mother's death, Virgil is all alone. Since being just a servant, unable to speak, he does not know how to rule a country. Since you were supposed to be queen, I knew you'd help." Logan stood straight.
     "Oh, uh, yeah! I'd be glad to help Virgil. I know it must be hard on him. Losing his lover at such a young age, ruling a country." She smiled, apathetically.
     "And Avenia is said to attack at any moment, so we can't do much to help him. So please, take the lead."
     "Looks like I'm back in business." She walked past them and out the door.

     Virgil paced around the room. He finally stopped and sat on the bed. He looked at his hands as tears fell.
     I shouldn't have fallen in love.. I shouldn't have came into his life.. he thought.
     Any moment the assassins would come to kill Virgil. It was only right.
     It got him thinking. Maybe the poisen was in the cream pie. He didn't have any. He didn't like sweets. But he remembered Roman having tons.
     He wondered if maybe it was someone from Avenia. They were supposed to attack soon, so their tactic must have been to kill the kings so that there would be no one to lead them in war. It wasn't a bad plan. And if Virgil survived the war, he decided to keep that plan in mind.
     He was thinking of ways from the outside into the castle when a knock brought him out of his thoughts. He got up - not really wants to - and opened the door. It was Valerie, Logan and Patton.
     They pushed through the doorway and each stood in front of the bed.
     'What's going on?' Virgil signed.
     Logan was the first to speak up, clearing his throat. "As you can tell, we are the most capable out of the whole kingdom to help you rule. We also have a few regents and some of the guard to help us. Most of them have brains, as do I, and most have good tactics for fighting strategies." He smirked. "Avenia should be here any moment, so we have informed the king and queen's guard along with all the regents and they have told us to meet them in the cellar. I know, kind of an odd place, but it won't have any people, servants, and it's quite spacey." He fixed the cuffs of his suit.
     Virgil was trying to take in all the informarion. He clesred his thoughts, and finally, nodded.

     Down in the cellar, it was cold and a little moist. They found all the guys down there with a white board.
     All 20 regents, along with Patton, and the king and queen's guard. Even the High Chamberlain, Terrance, was there. Of course he was there. After being promoted to high chamberlain, he's been everywhere. Patton was never like that when he was high chamberlain, but he did know everything.
     "We've looked over areas on where our weakest points are. We found an opening, man-made, on the east side of the castle walls. And also on the east side is the main kitchen. It is likely that the young king was poisoned." Virgil was correct. He smiled to himself as one of the regents continued. "We also have noticed the recent activity near that area. Avenian spies have been coming in and out of the castle walls. We are still unaware of what they have been doing, but no one is missing, injured, or dead."
     "Have you guys checked objects and food?" Valerie asked. "They could still be trying to attack Virgil."
     "That is a good idea, m'lady. Dee, Talyn, Jamahl, you guys will have that duty. Tell everyone to not touch the food and stay out of the kitchen until it is properly inspected." He turned back to everyone else. "We have guards kept there to see if there is anyone suspicious of coming through that hole tonight. We think that possibly they have their own little entrance that we are unaware of. So, we have that being inspected right now as well."
     "Okay, so they've been coming in the castle walls, but, has anyone reported suspicious activity inside the actual castle? Because the castle walls only surround the perimeter." Logan said.
     "What we think is they are coming in to try and find a way into the castle. Or they are possibly making one of their own." The regent sighed.
     "Keep the hole guarded. Four guards. They will come in the morning, hopefully, and tell us what happened. And notify them that they are allowed to kill whomever from Avenia." Patton twirled around and walked back up the stairs with Virgil, Logan and Valerie.

     Virgil had to go to the nurse, Brittney, and get his voice box checked. They think they can fix it.
     He sat on the bed and put his head up. She put her finger on the scar and moved along it. Then she grabbed a needle and pricked it.
     "Soft tissue." She said. "I think we can get this over with today. You'll need that voice for war."
     Before Virgil could ask any questions, Brittney gave him a tranguilizer shot to make him pass out. Then, she grabbed a knife and cut a tiny bit along the scare. She dabbed up the blood and to his voice box.

     "And, done!" Brittney said, stitching it back up. Virgil groaned. "Wakey wakey." She said.
     "Warn someone next time." He rubbed his arm where he got the shot. Then his eyes went wide. "My voice!" He touched his stitches. "I haven't had my voice in seven years!"
     There was clapping at the doorway. It was Logan. He was smiling. "I'm proud of you, Your Majesty."
     "Thanks Logan." He smiled back and stood up, almost falling over until Logan caught him.
     "He will be a bit drowsy for tonight. Take him back to his room." Brittney said, smiling.
     "Will do, thank you." Logan nodded his head.
     "Remind me to give you a raise." Virgil mentioned before being picked up by Logan and carried off.
     "I uhm.. don't like sleeping in the king and queen's bed." Virgil said.
     "Understandable. Where is it you sleep?"
     "The prince's room.."
     "Okay." Logan walked into the king's quarters and up the grand stairs to the rooms. On the far left was the prince's room.
     He lay the king down on the bed. "Do you want a book or something? I will start getting dinner prepared."
     "No one's allowed in the kitchen until the inspections done."
     "I can prepare it." Logan said. "And I think I'd know what is and is not poisoned."
     "You can cook?"
     "Of course I can. I may not be as good as Patton or the king's chefs. But I'm not bad at it either." He smiled and chuckled a little.
     Virgil did the same. "Okay. I'll be waiting."
     Logan got up and walked out towards the king's kitchen. He got in there to find Dee, searching the bread.
     "Look in the cream pie. The king thinks that's what the poison was in. There still may be some lingering." Logan mentioned.
     Dee nodded and went to the fridge. "Sir, I have to mess it up to search. A safer procaution would be to throw it awsy. The chefs can always make more." He said.
     "Hm. I suppose that's smart." He waved a hand towards the trash can and grabbed the wrapped up, fresh, cow meat.
     "Bon apétit~" Logan said before placing the tray of food on his lap.
     "Looks good." Virgil said. He grabbed the fork and knife and took a bite. "Tastes wonderful." He smiled.
     "I'm glad you like it, Your Majesty." Logan bowed. "I shall be on my way now."
     "Goodnight, Sir Logan."
     "As to you, My King." He walked out.

     It was the day of the war, and Carthian soldiers weren't looking so good. Avenia had the better advantage.
     Virgil sat, frustrated. "What are we going to do?!" He paced around the room.
     "We don't have nearly as many soldiers as they do, and our archer's spots are being found out. Your Majesty.. I think we might lose..." Logan said. They were the only two in the king's quarters.
     "We can't let Avenia take over so easily." Virgil gripped his hair and tears started to sting his eyes. "If Roman were here, everything would've gone more smoothly. Maybe we wouldn't be losing."
     "All we can do is hope, Virgi- Your Majesty." Logan placed a hand on the little king's arm.
     He sighed. "Then let's hope that we'll win." There was a pinch of doubt in his voice.

     An arrow flew through the windoe, shattering it, and went straight through Virgil, piercing his stomach.
     "Virgil!" Logan cried. He caught him and held him in his arms. "Virgil, please no!"
     He tried to hug Logan, but he already hugged the king first. "I'm sorry." He cried. "I'm sorry I failed to protect you.."
     Virgil smiled weakly. "It's okay.. you didn't fail me... you could ne..ver." His voice was weak and raspy.
     Logan cried into his shoulder. "I can't believe I let this happen.. I'm sorry... Virgil.."
     "Goodbye, Logan.." He put an arm around the other weakly. They were both covered in blood.
     "I can't believe I let Avenia win." He shut his eyes tight and set the body down on the floor. "And I'm the only survivor."

Oof, a lil' angst never hurt anybody

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