Eye Of The Needle (Star Wars)

By catalan_andrea

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The Prequel of When Worlds Collide. Storm Ca'ana is a Jedi Knight, focused on keeping peace throughout the ga... More

Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Koltav Catroe
Chapter 3: Anger Leads To Hate
Chapter 4: The Klatooinian Bounty Hunter
Chapter 5: Moving To Tyrena
Chapter 6: The Selonian Tunnels
Chapter 7: Kor Vella
Chapter 8: There Is No Emotion, There Is Peace
Chapter 9: Bela Vistal
Chapter 10: Back To Coruscant
Chapter 11: Count Dooku
Chapter 12: Geonosis
Chapter 13: The Petranaki Arena
Chapter 14: The First Battle of Geonosis
Chapter 15: The Clone Wars Have Begun
Chapter 16: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Chapter 17: Doaba Guerfel
Chapter 18: The Drall Patriots
Chapter 19: Christophsis
Chapter 20: Ahsoka Tano
Chapter 21: The Padawan
Chapter 22: Fighting The Krayt Dragon
Chapter 23: The Malevolence
Chapter 24: Titan Squadron
Chapter 25: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 26: Trapped On Florrum
Chapter 27: Defenders Of Peace
Chapter 28: The Skirmish On Orto-Plutonia
Chapter 29: This Is The Only Way
Chapter 30: Ryloth
Chapter 31: Trouble On Dagro
Chapter 32: Gladiators On Rattatak
Chapter 33: Just When Things Are Getting Better
Chapter 34: Memories
Chapter 35: A Diplomatic Mission
Chapter 36: Ahto City Swoop Racing
Chapter 37: Back Into The War
Chapter 38: From Bad To Worse
Chapter 39: The Second Battle On Geonosis
Chapter 40: Taking Down The Factory
Chapter 41: The Geonosian Queen
Chapter 42: Going After Grievous
Chapter 43: The Duchess Of Mandalore
Chapter 44: The Secret Mission To Dubrillion
Chapter 45: Into The Heart Of Separatist Space
Chapter 46: Arguments & Negotiations
Chapter 47: The Feast
Chapter 48: The Assassinations
Chapter 49: Battle On Kamino
Chapter 50: The Dathomirian Zabrak
Chapter 51: Naexle Dooku
Chapter 52: The Battle of Cerea
Chapter 54: Whose Side Are You On?
Chapter 55: The Restoration of Storm
Chapter 56: The Trial Of Storm Ca'ana
Chapter 57: The Jedi Shadow
Chapter 58: The Holocron
Chapter 59: Star of Coruscant
Chapter 60: Mortis
Chapter 61: What Will I Become?
Chapter 62: The Andobi Mountains
Chapter 63: The Citadel
Chapter 64: Leaving Lola Sayu
Chapter 65: Battle Of Mon Cala
Chapter 66: Prince Lee-Char
Chapter 67: Kiros
Chapter 68: The Zygerrian Empire
Chapter 69: Kadavo System
Chapter 70: Obi-Wan's Funeral
Chapter 71: Festival of Light
Chapter 72: Battle of Teyr
Chapter 73: The Return of Maul
Chapter 74: It's Not Over
Chapter 75: This Is Getting Personal
Chapter 76: The Duel On Mustafar
Chapter 77: The Nightmare
Chapter 78: The Death Of Koltav Catroe
Chapter 79: Tarhassan
Chapter 80: The Bombing Of The Temple Hangar
Chapter 81: Ahsoka Is Not The One
Chapter 82: Finding The Real Criminal
Chapter 83: The Situation On Ringo Vinda
Chapter 84: Something's Not Right
Chapter 85: Fives' Death
Chapter 86: Tyranus
Chapter 87: The Wellspring of Life
Chapter 88: Moraband
Chapter 89: The Mission to Qiilura
Chapter 90: Things Will Get Better
Chapter 91: Anaxes
Chapter 92: Echo's Alive?!
Chapter 93: Escaping Purkoll
Chapter 94: Taking Down Trench
Chapter 95: The Fiasco At Boz Pity
Chapter 96: Give Him A Chance
Chapter 97: An Old Friend
Chapter 98: Battle Of Coruscant
Chapter 99: Becoming Part Of The Jedi Council
Chapter 100: Going Our Separate Ways
Chapter 101: The Turn Of The Tide
Chapter 102: Order 66
Chapter 103: Anakin's Betrayal
Chapter 104: PadmΓ©'s Death
Chapter 105: Into Exile
Chapter 106: Bendu
Chapter 107: Lothal
Chapter 108: Sister Vs. Sister
Chapter 109: A New Life On Batuu
Chapter 110: Haunting Shadows
Chapter 111: Ilum

Chapter 53: The Wrath Of Naexle

53 1 0
By catalan_andrea

After we killed Mundi's entire family, we retreated back into our warships and out of the system. Days had passed, allowing me to talk and get to know the rest of the Dark Acolytes. We were now on the planet Jabiim with the fleet above us in space. Grievous was leading the fleet alongside Vorlega, while Sev'rance, Tol, and I were preparing to find the Republic troops and fight them until they were all wiped out.

Dooku had entrusted me to be his representative in the Jabiim Congress to try to sway them to join the Separatists. It worked quite well as Alto Stratus, the leader of Nationalists killed almost every Loyalists, who were sympathizers to the Republic. It wasn't long until the Republic heard and sent troops out to Jabiim. It wasn't much work getting the Nationalists all riled up. Alto took care of that as he made very moving speeches to his people, which I must admit impressed me. 

Alto became even more furious and desperate to attack the Republic and the Jedi, when he discovered his cousin was killed by the Republic forces. They blasted her before one of their walkers crushed her legs. The forces she led were able to retreat, bringing her back in a hover-stretcher. Alto managed to see her one last time before she died in his arms. Currently Sev'rance, Tol, and I were in our base with Alto and a few of his men. We were in the command room when the spy droid I sent out had returned. As soon as it approached me, it revealed a hologram of where the Jedi and the Loyalists were.

"That is Shelter Base." Alto mentioned. "I know where it is."

"Excellent. Now that we know where they are, here's the plan." I began.


Once we went over the plan, we all walked out of the base to meet with our army. As we made our way to our troops, Tol whispered to me. "You're good, very good."

I shrugged. "Guess it's in the family."

"I don't suppose you need a right hand man." He offered.

I knew exactly where he was going with this. I chuckled. "And you think you can be that man?"

"I know I am." He replied, sounding confident.

"Very well, if you impress me then you may become my right hand man." I informed him. "But be warned, I'm not easily impressed."

He grinned. "Challenge accepted."

Well, this should be fun. By that time, we had reached the troops. Alto, Sev'rance, Tol, and I stood in front of the troops. Alto revealed the hologram of the Shelter Base for everyone to see.

"The Jedi and the Loyalists are hiding in the Shelter Base. It will take half a day to reach on foot, passing High Rock Canyon, but it will be all worth it." Alto began.

"Once we arrive we will be met with their forces, so do not hold back and show no mercy." I ordered. "We plan to drive them of the base and ultimately off this planet, your home."  

The troops let out a roar at my words. Tol then raised his arm. "To the Separatists!"

"To the Separatists!" The soldiers shouted.

Tol glanced over at me, wearing a proud look on his face. I rolled my eyes. He's going to have to do much better than that. I walked past him as I ordered the troops to move out. As we march towards the base, Sev'rance approached me. She wore an intrigued look on her face.

"Sev'rance." I greeted her.

"Naexle, what's going between you and Tol?" She questioned.

I shrugged. "Not exactly sure, why?"

"I have to warn you that Vorlega has had her eyes on Tol for quite some time now." Sev'rance warned. "She would kill you if she knew anything was happening between you two."

A mischievous grin appeared on my face. Now things just got more interesting. I quickly hid my grin as I turned to face Sev'rance, giving her a small nod. "Of course. I appreciate the warning."

With that, Sev'rance walked over to the other side, leaving me to come up with an idea that would wound Vorlega. An hour into the walk, we arrived in High Rock Canyon. And it was here where I sensed something was off. Something was wrong, I could feel it. I raised an arm, causing the troops to stop at once. Alto, Sev'rance, and Tol looked over at me rather baffled.

"Why did you stop our troops?" Alto asked.

I decided to reach out to the Force, searching the other side of the canyon. It was there, where I saw an army of clone troopers, the Loyalists, and the Jedi. My eyes scanned the Jedi and amongst them I saw a group of padawans, the Jedi Master Norcuna, who was a Rutian Twi'lek in his early thirties, Master Leska, who was in her late twenties, Gida, Tarom, Anakin, and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan immediately sensed me as I heard his voice in my head.

"Storm, don't do this. I've known you since you were ten. We're more than friends, we're family." He reminded me. "Don't follow the same path as your grandfather. You are making a mistake, you're nothing like him."

"Obi-Wan, it's too late to change me. And I beg to differ, many people would say otherwise." I retorted. "Besides Dooku has set me free, while the Jedi held me back as their puppet."

"Dooku lies, Storm. You know how manipulative he can be. The Jedi never used you, they value your determination and dedication you have to the order. Please Storm snap out of this, this isn't you." He begged.

"Naexle?" Tol's voice broke my connection with Obi-Wan.

I glanced over to the other side of the canyon where Obi-Wan and the others were hiding. And for the first time, I hesitated. What if Obi-Wan was right? Was Dooku truly using me for his own benefit? Don't be silly, Naexle. Grandfather's only done what he believes is the best for me. But is that the best for me?

"The Jedi and their troops along with the Loyalists, they are here." I revealed. "They're on the other side of the canyon."

At my words, Alto motioned for one of his soldiers with a missile launcher to come forth. Once the soldier fired his missile launcher, it hit the the top of the canyon on their side. The rocks came tumbling down towards them, forcing them to reveal themselves to us.

"This is the moment we have been waiting for!" Alto exclaimed. "This is history in the making. Today we shall drive the Jedi and Republic forces off our planet! And kill all the traitors!"

The troops cheered at his words. I took out my red lightsaber before igniting both blades. I raised my right arm in the air and waited until all the Jedi, Loyalists, and the Republic forces were out in the open before lowering my arm.

"Attack!" I ordered.

At my command, all our troops charged forth into the canyon. Sev'rance, Alto, Tol, and me led the army towards the clone troopers, Loyalists, and the Jedi. It wasn't long until our troops clashed with one another. I stormed through the clone troopers and Loyalists, slashing them down as though they were crops. It wasn't long until I reached the Jedi. I faced one of the padawans, a female Sullustan. The padawan charged towards me, colliding her blue lightsaber against mine. I used my strength to push her back, causing her to stumble. I then raised my leg, kicking her stomach, sending her to the ground. I walked towards her, taking my time as she struggled to climb to her feet. Once I reached her, I raised my lightsaber to strike. But before I could attack, my lightsaber clashed against something. I glanced over to see Gida with her lightsaber against mine.

"If it isn't Gida!" I spat as I took a step back.

Gida lowered her lightsaber as she looked at me. "Storm, I don't know what they've done to you, but I know this isn't you. You would never stoop this low."

"That's where you are wrong." I shot back.

I lunged forth, colliding my lightsaber against Gida's. Each of my attacks, she blocked with ease, making me frustrated. I swung my lightsaber, allowing the anger to flow through me. Gida was eventually overwhelmed by my attacks. She began to back up away from me as she struggled to keep up with me. The Sullustan padawan rose to her feet and tried to attack me, but I quickly retaliated, slicing her a piece of her right leg. She let out a cry before she collapsed back on the ground.

"Storm? What's gotten into you?"

I recognized that voice. It belonged to Anakin. I whipped around to see Tarom and Anakin, standing right behind me with their lightsabers at their side. I scoffed. "A typical question coming from another Jedi."

"Storm, what did they do to you?" Tarom asked.

I tightened my grip on my lightsaber. I could feel my anger rise at their questions. It was the same question with each one of the Jedi.

"Why must you think they did something to me?!" I snapped. "I am not a puppet nor will I ever be! I am finally free."

Anakin raised an eyebrow. "Do you truly think you are free under the Separatists? Dooku has a leashed around you."

I hesitated at his words. Did Dooku truly control me? Was I free? Before I could say anything, Tol approached my side.

"Do you need some help, Naexle?" Tol asked.

"Tol, just the person I need." I replied before I raised my lightsaber.

Without warning, Tol and I attacked. I took on Anakin, while Tol took on Tarom. I spun around, swinging my double bladed lightsaber. Tarom dodged my attacks before using one of his arms to push me back. I stumbled back before gripping my lightsaber tighter than before. Growing frustrated, I reached out to the Force as I allowed my anger and passion to take over. In a heartbeat, I pushed Anakin, Tarom, and Gida back with all my strength, sending them flying across the canyon. The others watched in awe as the three of them hit the wall of the canyon. I glanced down at my hands, rather baffled. Where did this power come from?

I then heard my grandfather's voice in my mind. "You see Naexle? This is the power that I spoke. This is what the Jedi tried to suppress this, tried to hide this from you. But not I, little one. I want you to unleash your power, your true potential."

I clenched my teeth as I turned around seeing Alto fighting the Jedi Master Norcuna. He was losing as Norcuna easily overpowered him since Alto was not Force-sensitive.  

"The Jedi...they did this."

"Yes." Grandfather replied. 

"Then this shall be their downfall!" I spat.

I glanced over at Tol, who was hovering over the Sullustan padawan. She was climbing up to her feet with her lightsaber in her hand. Tol's raised his lightsaber, prepared to strike her. I placed a hand on Tol's shoulder. "Finish her. I shall take care of one of the Jedi Masters, Norcuna."

Tol's smile grew. "You don't have to tell me twice."

As I stormed off, I heard the padawan's scream. No doubt Tol finished her off quickly. My eyes were set on Norcuna though. A Jedi Master, no doubt he knew about what the Jedi Council had done and kept from me. Alto had fallen on the ground from Norcuna. The Twi'lek stood over Alto as he attempted to reach for his vibrosword. 

"Give up, Alto. You won't last long against our forces." Norcuna warned. 

"That's where you are wrong, Norcuna." I retorted. 

Norcuna turned around to face me. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened. "So it's true...Jinx told me you fell to the dark side."

Alto took this opportunity to stand up and grab his vibrosword. I ignited my lightsaber, wanting nothing more than to finish him off. Norcuna raised his lightsaber, preparing to attack us. I let out a growl. "Do not mention Jinx to me! She is dead to me."

I then lunged towards him, striking my lightsaber against his. He used all his strength to push me back. I stumbled back a few steps before I was able to hold my ground. I didn't back down as he retaliated. I duck as he swung his blue lightsaber, missing my neck by a few centimeters. Alto joined in on the fight, raising his vibrosword before clashing 

As Alto and I fought on, Norcuna used the Force to push me back. I quickly plunged my lightsaber into the ground before holding onto it to avoid being pushed back any further. While Norcuna was occupied, Alto struck him. He sliced Norcuna's cheek, breaking his concentration with the Force. I then swung my lightsaber, slicing his side, causing him to collapse onto the ground. I used the Force, taking his lightsaber away. Alto grabbed him by his lekku, causing him to wince. 

"You will feel pain, Jedi. Just like my cousin did!" Alto snapped. 

"You will pay for all the lies that the Jedi told me." I chimed in, my voice filled with rage.

Together Alto and I decapitated Norcuna, causing all the Jedi to look at us in horror. After killing Norcuna, our troops then fired more missile launchers, creating an explosion by the Republic forces and the Loyalists, killing many of them. This caused them to retreat, rushing out of the canyon as we marched forth. Many of the Loyalists perished, but their little remains fled behind the Republic troops. As we pushed them out of the canyon, I noticed a trail of blood leading to a cave away from the canyon. Looks like someone was trying to escape. I glanced over at Alto, who was still close by.

"Tell Sev'rance, Tol, and the others to continue without me. There's something I must do." I ordered. 

I didn't wait for a respond as I stormed off to discover who was trying to flee. I followed the trail into a cave outside of the canyon. I raised my lightsaber before seeing who the person was. My eyes widened. It was Obi-Wan. He sat around a dim fire with one a hand over his wounded side. He must've got caught in the explosion. His eyes fell on my lightsaber before his gaze met mine. 

"Storm, I know you. You wouldn't do this. I don't know what's going on in your head, but I can guess it has to do with Dooku." He stated.

"Clever as always, Kenobi." I retorted. "Nothing you say will stop me. I am like my grandfather."

"It is true that you are much like Dooku because you are his granddaughter." He replied.

I raised an eyebrow, becoming baffled. "I'm sorry, did you just agree with me?"

"But all the things you have in common with him are all qualities he had when he was a Jedi. You are no Sith, it's not where you belong. You belong somewhere else, friend." Obi-Wan added. "I also know deep down you care for your family, for your friends, for me, and for many others. This is not you."

I lowered my lightsaber, hesitating. What was happening to me? Why were his words getting to me?

"Whatever they did to you, just know I can help you. It's not too late, Storm. You can return." He urged.

I felt my voice cracking as I spoke. "I can't...Obi-Wan, it's impossible for me."

I raised my lightsaber again with shaky hands, but I couldn't find the strength to fight him. I can't hurt him. I let out sigh. I deactivated my lightsaber, placing it around my belt. I gave him one last look before walking out of the cave, leaving him alone.    

~Maya's P.O.V.~ 

A million thoughts swarmed around in my head as I made my way to the Jedi Council. Ever since we came back from Cerea, Jinx hadn't been the same. She locked herself up in her room. She only came out for battles and only talked about the war. I tried talking to Master Yaddle, Jinx's former Master, and she assured me that all my sister needs is time to herself. I hope that was the case. Once I arrived at the doors of the Jedi Council, it opened for me. I saw Kina, Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Fisto, and Master Koon. Meanwhile the rest of the Masters were present through holograms. I didn't see Master Kenobi though in his chair or a hologram of him, making me worried. He was currently on Jabiim, which was one of recent the Separatist battles. Was Storm there?

I bowed before them as I greeted them. "Masters."

"You have something urgent to tell us?" Master Fisto asked.

I nodded. "Yes, it is something unexpected. Storm is on the side of the Separatists."

There were several gasps and whispers amongst the Masters. I knew they were thinking the worst of Storm, so I quickly added. "But I don't think she's herself, Masters."

For a while there was silence, until Master Yoda spoke. "Strong with Dooku and Storm, the Force bond is. Close they were, when Dooku was still a Jedi."

"A Force bond like Storm's and Dooku's can be powerful yet dangerous. Dooku can make Storm lose her memories and change them to whatever he desires." Master Windu explained.

I was horrified at his words, yet somewhat relieved that Storm didn't turn willingly. That meant we could get her back. 

"So you're saying Storm isn't herself? She's been brainwashed?" I questioned. 

Master Yoda hesitated. "Easy I wish this matter was. Prepared to face the truth, you must be. Turned if Storm has, then you cannot help her." 

"Master, I know my sister. The Jedi Order is her life, she would never betray us." I insisted. 

"I see. And what does your sister say about this?" Master Windu inquired. 

"Jinx? She hasn't spoken to me since the Battle of Cerea where we first met Storm as Naexle Dooku." I mentioned. 

"Hmm, mediate on this matter I will. Hope, you may have. But remember you must, Maya, chosen this path Storm has then only she may save herself." Master Yoda warned.

I nodded. "I understand, Master Yoda."

With that I left, making my way to the Meditation Gardens. I sat in one of the gardens with a fish-filled pond that was connected to a sandy beach. Butterflies of different colors fluttered around me and the gently lapping waters beside me. A uneti tree stood behind me with its colorful leaves hovering above me. It wasn't long until Nova and Kina approached me.

"What happened?" I inquired.

Nova hesitated. She looked devastated. "It's Obi-Wan, he's dead." 

My eyes widened. "What?!"  

"Nova, we don't know that. They never found his body." Kina protested. 

"But they know he was caught in an explosion that the Separatists and the Nationalists caused." Nova argued. "But that's not the only bad news."

Nova glanced over at Kina, who grim look. Kina took off her brown cap before looking at me. "Storm's on Jabiim and she's killed Master Norcuna."

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