Adventures In AAA With Fionna...

By x_noonespecial_x

45.3K 1.7K 552

[unedited version] fionna, a newly turned 17 year old, gets her heart broken for the very first time. while t... More

Bitter Flame
Just Like Old Times
Magic Woman
Take Me Away
Waking Up
Conversations With Bananas and Friends
Normal Girls
Choose Goose is a Little Bit Loose Loose (If You Know What Im Saying)
The Embarrassing Moments Bring Us Closer Part 1
The Embarrassing Moments Bring Us Closer Part 2
Making Our Way (In the World Today... )
Deadly Dreams
The Unwelcomed Guest and Blonde Baby
Closer (In More Ways Than One)
Could You Give Me A Definition, Please?
I Am Always Right
Broken Vault
Pricilla's Guide To Experiments
Sharing is Caring
Happy Birthday, Babe
Whispered Confessions
Just a Friendly Game
Coming Home
That Strange Servant
Schemes and Progress
No Time Soon
Are You Blind?
A Simple Conversation
Leads to Disaster
Release or Escape?
Dear Fionna...
Knock Knock
Secret Protections & Lost Causes
Memories of Blue
Don't Speak
Sleeping Noises
Unknown Passing
Prince of Emotions

Morning Adventures

1.6K 52 6
By x_noonespecial_x


I woke up slowly and scanned the room, my eyes resting on the cold body that laid right next to mine. The covers connected Marshall and I and his chin rested on my head as we laid on the floor. His arms were snaked gently around my waist and even though he was cold, he still somehow managed to make me feel warm.

I suddenly felt a little weird with us being so close. My mind phased back to last night and the mutual kiss. My heart accelerated just at the thought, but confusion slowly started to smother my brain.

I didn’t want to use Marshall to make myself feel better. The problem was though, that I didn’t know if I liked the kiss just because I wanted for forget about Flame, or because the kiss was good. Maybe I had feelings for Marshall. He’s such a good person, even though he tries to act bad.

I smiled down at Marsh and pulled my body away, crawling slowly on the blanket covered ground. After I was untangled from the vampire demon, I sprung up and into the kitchen, ready to make breakfast.

A few minutes passed until Marshall made his presence. "Oh hey Marsh." I greeted as he floated in, his bed hair sticking up wildly. I giggled slightly as he groaned, trying to pull himself awake.

During the middle of our movie last night we had passed out on the floor, which I guess is considered sleeping together. Not tier 15 sleeping together but just sleeping together as friends. Friends don’t kiss, though.

Cake had explained Tier 15 to me a month or so back, and I swear, it scarred me for life.

"Hey Fi." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I made red dyed pancakes." I smiled, handing him a plate with a small stack. His eyes widened and a smile came to the corners of his mouth.

"Thanks, Fi. You're the best." he mumbled, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. My mouth dropped open and I quickly punched his shoulder away.

"What?" he laughed, "I can't thank my friend for food?"

I opened my mouth but before I could sarcastically answer he floated over to the couch, already sucking the red out of his second pancake. I rolled my eyes and gave a huff, even though a blush was still painted my cheeks. I shuffled over and sat beside Marshall, eating my two pancakes in silence.

"So wanna go adventuring?" I asked as I finished off my breakfast.

He rolled his eyes but a small smile still played at his lips. "Where to?"

"Hmm, anywhere, I guess." I sang, already excited.

"Alright." he winked, "go get ready."

I handed him my plate and ran upstairs. I threw on a pair of jean shorts and a light blue, loose fitting tank top. I put on my converse (as Marshall called them) and headed down the ladder, smiling along the way. Due to Marshall's face I could tell he wasn't used to me wearing different clothes. I had only started wearing them after he left, after all. My bunny hat no longer makes it’s way on my head but I do keep it in my backpack for good luck.

"Alright, ready Marshy?" I asked, collecting multiple swords from the ground and shoving them in my backpack.

"Only if I get to pick the place." He challenged, forcing me to look his direction as he gave me a smirk.

I paused a moment but decided it was okay. Marshall probably knew of a lot of cool places. "Fine." I agreed, buttoning my bag up and slinging it over my shoulders.

He grabbed his umbrella and opened the door. "It's kind of far away so I can fly us there if you'll hold my umbrella." he stated, already out of the door. I nodded my head and let him lift me onto his lap. We couldn't fly any other way, due to the fact Marshall defiantly couldn't fit his whole body under the umbrella if he flew how he normally did. He wrapped his arms around my waist, securing me on to him. I grabbed the umbrella and sighed. I never really liked flying. I started shaking a little and as soon as we were off the ground, a small squeal escaped my lips. I gripped Marshall’s arm tightly, feeling a little more secure.

"Fi, I'm not going to let you fall. I promise." He laughed, tightening his grip on me slightly. My heart raced faster and faster as we began to speed up. I let out a nervous chuckle and soon relaxed into Marshall's stomach, his chin resting on my shoulder

"So marsh?"


"Where are we going anyway?" I asked, looking around.

He laughed, speeding up a little bit. "It's a surprise."

"You know I don't like surprises very much." I said, letting out a sigh.

"Well I guess you'll have to deal with it." He smirked, pulling me closer into him.

"Marsh you're going to crush me." I breathed out, chuckling anyway.

"Would you rather me.." He paused and loosened his grip on my waist, making my body slip down a little. "drop you?" He finished.

"Nonononononononononononoonon..." I cried, bending my knees and trying to pull myself back up to safety. Marshall laughed at my horrible attempt and dragged me back up, his head turning sideways so that he faced me. We both were silent a moment as we just stared thoughtlessly into each other's eyes.

I could tell he was about to say something but he quickly closed his mouth.

"You're such a jerk Marshall Lee." I whispered, referring to him pretending to drop me.

"Mmm but that's what makes me so special." He winked, slowly whisking his eyes away from mine and glancing over the land below us.

We soon landed in the middle of a forest I had surprisingly never been to. When we hit the ground, we were immediately surrounded in fog, letting me barely see my hand in front of me. I looked around but Marshall had disappeared.

"M-Marsh? Where did you go?"


I looked around, a little more panicked this time. I couldn't see the sky above me, the trees were so closely packed and the fog so dense.


"Marsh where are you?"

I heard a banging, but kept moving forward.

"Marshall LEE!" I screamed out the last part.

A wave of fog separated as I walked, letting me finally see Marshall, his back turned away from me.

"Mar-" I began running towards him but as I neared him, I hit an invisible object with my full body, sending me flying backwards.

"Fi!" Marshall turned around and held his fists up, banging on the object. "Fi, something's wrong. I can't pass this thing, I've tried breaking it and going around... it's a giant circle." He paused a moment, giving me little time to comprehend what was happening.

"I-I'm stuck in here?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"Yeah, but it won't be for long, okay? I'm..." he sighed, "I'm going to get Prince Gumbutt. I'll be back soon, alright?" He said, leaning in closer to the circle that was surrounding me.

"Alright." I whispered, sitting down on the grass, hugging my knees.

"I promise, Fi." He kissed the clear force around me, and before I knew it he was gone.

I tried many attempts at breaking the glass-like dome, but none worked, not even my most powerful sword.

I sat back down on the ground in defeat, wondering what time it was.

I plucked at the grass and shivered, taking my backpack off and pulling out Gumball's 'like-someone-a lot-' sweater, pulling it onto my body. I used my bag as a pillow and laid down, closing my eyes.

When will he be back?

He won't leave me again.

He'll be back.

He's coming.


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