Eye Of The Needle (Star Wars)

By catalan_andrea

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The Prequel of When Worlds Collide. Storm Ca'ana is a Jedi Knight, focused on keeping peace throughout the ga... More

Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Koltav Catroe
Chapter 3: Anger Leads To Hate
Chapter 4: The Klatooinian Bounty Hunter
Chapter 5: Moving To Tyrena
Chapter 6: The Selonian Tunnels
Chapter 7: Kor Vella
Chapter 8: There Is No Emotion, There Is Peace
Chapter 9: Bela Vistal
Chapter 10: Back To Coruscant
Chapter 11: Count Dooku
Chapter 12: Geonosis
Chapter 13: The Petranaki Arena
Chapter 14: The First Battle of Geonosis
Chapter 15: The Clone Wars Have Begun
Chapter 16: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Chapter 17: Doaba Guerfel
Chapter 18: The Drall Patriots
Chapter 19: Christophsis
Chapter 20: Ahsoka Tano
Chapter 21: The Padawan
Chapter 22: Fighting The Krayt Dragon
Chapter 23: The Malevolence
Chapter 24: Titan Squadron
Chapter 25: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 26: Trapped On Florrum
Chapter 27: Defenders Of Peace
Chapter 28: The Skirmish On Orto-Plutonia
Chapter 29: This Is The Only Way
Chapter 30: Ryloth
Chapter 31: Trouble On Dagro
Chapter 32: Gladiators On Rattatak
Chapter 34: Memories
Chapter 35: A Diplomatic Mission
Chapter 36: Ahto City Swoop Racing
Chapter 37: Back Into The War
Chapter 38: From Bad To Worse
Chapter 39: The Second Battle On Geonosis
Chapter 40: Taking Down The Factory
Chapter 41: The Geonosian Queen
Chapter 42: Going After Grievous
Chapter 43: The Duchess Of Mandalore
Chapter 44: The Secret Mission To Dubrillion
Chapter 45: Into The Heart Of Separatist Space
Chapter 46: Arguments & Negotiations
Chapter 47: The Feast
Chapter 48: The Assassinations
Chapter 49: Battle On Kamino
Chapter 50: The Dathomirian Zabrak
Chapter 51: Naexle Dooku
Chapter 52: The Battle of Cerea
Chapter 53: The Wrath Of Naexle
Chapter 54: Whose Side Are You On?
Chapter 55: The Restoration of Storm
Chapter 56: The Trial Of Storm Ca'ana
Chapter 57: The Jedi Shadow
Chapter 58: The Holocron
Chapter 59: Star of Coruscant
Chapter 60: Mortis
Chapter 61: What Will I Become?
Chapter 62: The Andobi Mountains
Chapter 63: The Citadel
Chapter 64: Leaving Lola Sayu
Chapter 65: Battle Of Mon Cala
Chapter 66: Prince Lee-Char
Chapter 67: Kiros
Chapter 68: The Zygerrian Empire
Chapter 69: Kadavo System
Chapter 70: Obi-Wan's Funeral
Chapter 71: Festival of Light
Chapter 72: Battle of Teyr
Chapter 73: The Return of Maul
Chapter 74: It's Not Over
Chapter 75: This Is Getting Personal
Chapter 76: The Duel On Mustafar
Chapter 77: The Nightmare
Chapter 78: The Death Of Koltav Catroe
Chapter 79: Tarhassan
Chapter 80: The Bombing Of The Temple Hangar
Chapter 81: Ahsoka Is Not The One
Chapter 82: Finding The Real Criminal
Chapter 83: The Situation On Ringo Vinda
Chapter 84: Something's Not Right
Chapter 85: Fives' Death
Chapter 86: Tyranus
Chapter 87: The Wellspring of Life
Chapter 88: Moraband
Chapter 89: The Mission to Qiilura
Chapter 90: Things Will Get Better
Chapter 91: Anaxes
Chapter 92: Echo's Alive?!
Chapter 93: Escaping Purkoll
Chapter 94: Taking Down Trench
Chapter 95: The Fiasco At Boz Pity
Chapter 96: Give Him A Chance
Chapter 97: An Old Friend
Chapter 98: Battle Of Coruscant
Chapter 99: Becoming Part Of The Jedi Council
Chapter 100: Going Our Separate Ways
Chapter 101: The Turn Of The Tide
Chapter 102: Order 66
Chapter 103: Anakin's Betrayal
Chapter 104: Padmé's Death
Chapter 105: Into Exile
Chapter 106: Bendu
Chapter 107: Lothal
Chapter 108: Sister Vs. Sister
Chapter 109: A New Life On Batuu
Chapter 110: Haunting Shadows
Chapter 111: Ilum

Chapter 33: Just When Things Are Getting Better

41 1 0
By catalan_andrea

"I come from the planet Hala where the Kree live." He explained.

I furrowed my brows. He's a Kree and from a planet called Hala. I had a bad feeling he was one of those warlords Alotren warned me about.

"You aren't Xandarian, are you Tala?" He inquired.

Xandarian? What in the blazes is an Xandarian? Has he chewed the luna-weed? I shook my head. "No, I'm a human from the planet Parmarthen and I'm also half Echani."

"What is your full name, Tala?" He asked.

"Tala Ascora." I lied.

"Well Tala Ascora, I am here to give you a compromise." Ronan replied. I raised an eyebrow, but remained silent. "I would free you at once if you agree to become my right hand, my commander of my powerful army against the wretched Nova Empire."

Nova? There's an empire and it's called Nova...like my cousin? I furrowed my brows as I looked at this man consumed by rage and wrath. One thing was certain, this man was telling no lies. Perhaps this Kree was from a different galaxy or at least from far out beyond the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Areria glanced over at me, shaking her head. There's no way I'd take his offer. He's an awful man, who is consumed by hatred and rage. But with the shock collar on, there's nothing I could do.

"I will become your commander, however you must not just free me, but my friends, Rena and Vinis as well." I advised.

"What?!" Areria and Alotren exclaimed, rather baffled.

Ronan glanced over at Alotren and Areria, not looking impressed with them. So I quickly spoke up. "They're great fighters I can assure you."

"Very well. I hope for your sake they are." He warned before turning to the guards. "Bring them to my ship."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I knew he would take me anyways, despite what I told him. He just came here to inform me...I had a plan, it was reckless, but nevertheless it was a plan. Once Ronan left, Areria looked over at me. I then heard her voice in my head "What in the galaxy are you doing, Master?!"

"Trust me Areria. I know what I'm doing." I assured her.

Areria scoffed. "I've heard those words before..."

"Hey, have some faith in me. Some of my plans actually work." I reminded her.

"Yeah some plans work." Areria retorted.

Alotren looked between Areria and me, rather confused. "...I feel like I'm not being filled in on something."

Before I could say anything, the guards entered our cells. They grabbed us, taking off our shock collars before putting cuffs on us. Areria glanced over me. I raised my hand, informing her to wait. We got one shot to do this right. We waited until the guards led us into a Turbolift or elevator. Once the door of the elevator closed, I glanced over at Areria and nodded. Together Areria and I used the Force to knock back all three guards. As Areria searched for the key, I turned to Alotren. "Are you alright?"

Alotren nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Don't worry, bre'thro. We're all going to get out of here in one piece." I assured him.

Now that I have my brother, I'm not planning on letting him go. As the elevator rose higher up, Areria grabbed the key from the pocket of one of the guards, freeing us from the cuffs.

"Excellent work, Areria." I praised.

"Thanks. Now what's the plan, Master?" Areria asked.

I let out a nervous chuckle. "...Right, the plan."

Areria sighed. "Please tell me you actually have a plan."

"Does improving count?" I inquired.

Areria shook her head. "Absolutely not."

"Then...no. I don't." I replied.

I glanced over at the guards to see swords around their belt. I hastily grabbed them, handing the other two to Areria and Alotren.

"Like I said, I'm improving." I mentioned.

The doors then opened, revealing several guards. They immediately rushed towards us upon seeing us with weapons and the guards knocked out on the ground. We quickly lunged towards them. I quickly knocked down several of the guards with the sword.

"We need to find our lightsabers and get out of here." I advised as we continued fighting off the guards.

"They could be anywhere, Master." Areria commented.

"Not helping, Areria." I retorted as I knocked out two guards.

"I don't see you coming up with any ideas." Areria shot back.

"I'm working on it!" I exclaimed.

Alotren took down the last few guards, using some of the traditional Echani fighting moves. I wore a proud look as Alotren turned back to face us. My lightsaber form when fighting was similar to my Master Allie. However I, like Maya and Jinx incorporated the Echani fighting moves we learned from mom.

"It's great to see you again, bre'thro." I mentioned.

Alotren smiled before rushing over to give me a hug. My smile widened as I returned his hug. Areria raised an eyebrow. "What language is that?"

"It's Echani." I informed her. "It's from the planet Eshan."

"Right, you mentioned your parents were from Eshan." Areria mentioned.

I nodded. "Yes, but my parents are only half Echani. My father's the only child of Boccran, my grandfather, and his first wife...a full blooded Echani, who perished after my father was born...and well you already know about my mom."

Areria nodded, wearing a grim look. At that moment we heard several guards heading towards us. Without thinking twice, we ran down the hallway and towards an empty passageway. We quickly hid behind archway.

"Now what do we do, Master?" Areria asked.

"I'm thinking..." I informed her.

"Well think harder!" Areria exclaimed.

I closed my eyes, using the Force to navigate through the place. A few hallways away from us, I saw two guards with Areria's and my lightsabers, fighting each other while a crowd of guards were gathered around. I also noticed our belts on the ground near them with our gadgets and my other weapons. I narrowed my eyes. How dare they?

"I know where our lightsabers are." I said as I opened my eyes.

Areria was taken back. "You do?"

I nodded. "Yes, follow me."

With that, I quickly led them down the path, finding the guards with our lightsabers. They were too busy, fighting with the crowd shouting all around them, to notice us. Areria grabbed our utility belts, while I used the Force, taking the lightsabers out of their grasps and into our hands. They immediately whipped around, rather baffled to see us. Areria quickly tossed me my belt as I gave her the lightsaber.

"Ready to kick some exhaust ports?" I inquired.

Areria grinned. "I'm always ready, Master."

"As am I, Storm." Alotren added as he raised his sword.

The guards then charged us with their weapons. I lunged towards them, reaching the guards before Areria and Alotren. I struck down two of them with my lightsaber while I used the Force to knock back a few more. Areria and Alotren also helped in knocking out the rest of the guards.

Once they were all down, we rushed out of there. We ran for what felt like hours through endless hallways. Finally we saw bright light coming from the end of the hallway. I sighed in relief. "We're almost there!"

However as we reached the end of the hallway, Tobkai emerged from out of the shadows. He chuckled. "Going somewhere?"

"Yes, out of this Force forsaken place!" I retorted.

"Without your new master?" Tobkai mocked.

"He's not my master!" I hissed.

"Oh but I am."

At that moment, Ronan appeared beside Tobkai. He had a smug look plastered on that blue ugly face of his.

"I bought you, Tala." He said. "Along with your two friends you suggested me to consider."

Areria gave me a side glare, which I tried to ignore. I kept my eyes on Ronan, wanting nothing more than to fight them. My left hand was clenched tightly around my lightsaber.

"You want us? Then you'll have to fight us." I shot back.

Ronan then took out a war-hammer. "I don't mind getting my hands dirty to get what I want."

Tobkai took out and ignited his red lightsaber. "You'll regret this, Ca'ana."

"Ca'ana?" Ronan asked, rather baffled. He clenched his jaw. "I suppose you were lying to me from the very beginning."

"You're kriffing right, you moof-milkers." I retorted, earning a stupefied look from Ronan. I glanced over at Tobkai. "I can't believe you, Tobkai...after all we've been through together. I never thought you out of all people would turn. We all swore an oath, we were in the same clan, and as soon as we were knighted, we both became Jedi Shadows. Did that mean nothing to you?"

"We can still be friends, Storm." Tobkai argued before he extended his left hand out to me. "All you got to do is join me...us."

I felt my heart clench. "...I never thought you'd fall so hard. You know I can't."

Tobkai furrowed his brows. "Then you are against me!"

I shook my head. "Please snap out of it, Tobkai. I'm not against you, you're my friend! But you've become the very thing we Jedi are sought to destroy."

Tobkai scoffed. "You may try."

"Master, we can take them down easily." Areria assured me.

I hesitated. I don't want to fight one of my friends, but part of me knew that deep down he wasn't the same Tobkai that I knew and grew up. He had changed, for the worse. I sighed. "If you won't back down, then you leave us no choice."

Tobkai let out a growl as he charged towards us. Areria, knowing he was my friend, lunged towards him. Meanwhile, I reached Ronan. My lightsaber clashed with his hammer, and unfortunately it didn't break. I narrowed my eyes as I pushed on with all my strength, nevertheless he was strong. I fell back, falling with a thud. Alotren rushed over towards him, colliding his sword against his. I quickly climbed up back onto my feet, joining Alotren. Ronan stumbled back before raising his hammer. He then swung his hammer towards me, but I managed to duck just in time.

Alotren stumbled back before climbing back up, while I fought off Ronan. However now Tobkai and Ronan were fighting me as Areria was on the ground, struggling to get up as there was a huge chunk of debris over her. I used my lightsaber, trying to block both Tobkai's and Ronan's attacks, but it became too much for me. Ronan's hammer struck my stomach, sending me flying back to the wall. I groaned as I fell to the ground with a thud. As I climbed up to my feet, I struggled to get up.

Alotren was busy trying to fight off Tobkai and Ronan, but he was overpowered as well. He was tossed back, landing aside Areria. I glanced over at Tobkai and Ronan, who were making their way towards me. I then saw a pair of boots beside me. I glanced up to see it was Vorlega. Great...this is just a fine mess I've gotten myself into. She extended a hand out towards me. I furrowed my brows. Why was she helping me?

"Get up!" She hissed. "I'm not going to let you get handed over to some blue creature."

"And who's fault is that?" I retorted.

"Do you want my help or not?" She shot back.

Despite her harsh remarks, I grabbed her hand, and she helped me up. Once I was on my feet, I ignited my lightsaber. Tobkai was just as surprised as I was. "What's this? Are you betraying me?"

"You betrayed us when you left to join this crazy warlord." Vorlega corrected. "You know why I'm here. Dooku wants her to come back home, where she belongs."

Great...pick your poison, Storm. Areria finally got up, confused to see Vorlega. She was prepared to fight her, when I stepped in. "She's...an ally for now."

Areria looked at me rather baffled. "But Master, she-"

I cut her off. "I know what she's done, but you need to trust me right now. She's going to help us fight off Tobkai and Ronan."

"You better listen to your Master, little one." Vorlega mocked. "She's right...for once."

Areria grumbled. I then turned towards Alotren. "Go, find another way and get out of here."

"I'm not leaving you behind, Storm. I can fight-" He began.

I cut him off. "I know you can, I don't doubt it. But I've just got you back after spending the past four years, trying to find you. Our family misses you, we've tried our kriffing best to get you back. And now that you're here I don't want to lost you again...I just can't bear it."

Alotren was touched upon hearing those words. He then gave me a nod. "This isn't the end, sister. I will see you again. I know it."

With that he ran down the hallway we came from to find a way out. I wore a bittersweet smile as I watched him leave. "I know I'll see you again as well, little brother."

Areria, Vorlega, and I ignited our lightsabers as we stared down Tobkai and Ronan, who raised their weapons. Tobkai let out a growl. "You'll regret this, all of you will!"

"We'll see about that." Areria retorted.

I rushed over to fight Tobkai, while Areria and Vorlega charged to Ronan. Tobkai swung his lightsaber, but I managed to dodge in time, slicing his left leg with my lightsaber. He then let out a howl as he stumbled back. I then kicked his stomach, pushing him to the ground. I pointed my lightsaber at his neck.

"Stop this madness, Tobkai. Please snap out it. This isn't who you are." I begged. "I don't want to kill you."

"Then I will!" He snarled.

He then grabbed his lightsaber, using the Force. Our lightsabers clashed with one another, and as we struggled, he climbed up on his feet. However, I managed to overpower him, tossing his lightsaber aside. Tobkai didn't give up though. He extended his hands out towards me, sending a wave of lightning in my direction, I used my lightsaber, deflecting the lightning as I moved towards him.

I knew he would never give up, which means I had to end this...or he'd kill me. I pushed forth until we were centimeters apart. His strength had finally diminished due to using the power of Force lightning for too long in such a short period of time. He tried to hit me, swinging his arm around, but I dodged it in time.

I then punched his jaw, knocking him back against the wall. He then collapsed to the ground with a thud. Tears filled my eyes as I raised my lightsaber.

"I'm sorry, old friend...but you've left me no choice." I apologized.

He weakly raised his head, looking at me for the last time before I impaled the lightsaber in his stomach. I watched the light leave his eyes as I took my lightsaber out of his stomach. I then covered his eyes before climbing back on my feet.


I whipped around to see Areria on the ground. She tried getting up, but she was limping. No doubt she sprained an ankle or hurt her leg.

"Stay put, Areria." I ordered. "Vorlega and I will deal with this."

I made my way to Vorlega, who stood feet away from Ronan. He wore a furious look as he stood back up.

"This creature just won't die!" Vorlega exclaimed, very frustrated.

"Then we'll kill him, together." I advised.

"I never thought that day would happen." She retorted.

"Well, these are interesting times we're living in." I replied.

Ronan let out a war cry as he charged towards us like a mad man. Vorlega went to the right, while I went to the left. As he swung his hammer around, we both dodged his attack before striking. He quickly moved his hammer back and forth, blocking our attacks.

"What kind of kriffing hammer is this?" I asked, getting frustrated.

"It's Kree made, mortals!" Ronan spat. "You cannot destroy it."

"You wanna bet?" I retorted.

I then began to notice his fighting skills, and I noticed a pattern. When he swung his hammer over Vorlega, knocking her back. I took the opportunity to strike, slicing his left leg beneath the knee. He let out a growl as he swung his hammer over towards me. His fighting pattern began to throw me off as the more furious he got, the more reckless he became. I became to struggle fighting against him, until finally he overpowered me. He struck his hammer, hitting my chest. The wind was knocked out of me as I fell back, hitting the cold hard ground. Ronan was about to approach me, when I heard familiar voices. 

"Storm! Areria!" 

He then gave me one last look before leaving us. I glanced over at Vorlega to see her no longer here. She was gone. Gida, Tarom, Thox, Kina, Jinx, and Maya rushed over towards Areria and me. They were all relieved, yet worried to see us on the ground.

"Are you alright?" Gida asked.

I merely nodded. 

"You look horrible." Kina mentioned. "Sorry, we couldn't get here sooner."

 "How did you two escape?" I questioned, referring to my sisters.

"Kina, Gida, Thox, and Tarom found us, once they realized we were taking too long." Jinx explained. 

"And then we told them where they had taken you and Areria." Maya added.

At that moment, I remembered that Alotren had searched for a way out. I then tried getting to try to find him, but I stumbled and fell. Jinx and Maya were quickly by my side, meanwhile Thox and Tarom helped Areria up. 

"Jinx...Maya...I saw him. I saw Alotren." I informed them. 

Both their eyes widened as they looked at me in disbelief. I noticed the hesitant looks on Gida's and Kina's faces as well. No doubt they thought I was hallucinating or something...  

"You saw Alotren?" Maya asked as they helped me up.

"That's impossible, we didn't see him in the cells." Jinx commented.

"That's because he escaped...he's probably found a way out of this arena, and maybe off this Force-forsaken planet." I suggested.

Kina wore a sympathetic look as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Storm, you have to take into consideration that perhaps he was captured...or even killed."

I violently shook my head. "...No, Alotren's a warrior. He's still alive! My brother's....out there...somewhere..."

I then began to feel wobbly as my knees gave out. I heard them yell out my name as everything went black.


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