Eye Of The Needle (Star Wars)

By catalan_andrea

7.7K 92 6

The Prequel of When Worlds Collide. Storm Ca'ana is a Jedi Knight, focused on keeping peace throughout the ga... More

Chapter 1: The Mission
Chapter 2: Koltav Catroe
Chapter 3: Anger Leads To Hate
Chapter 4: The Klatooinian Bounty Hunter
Chapter 5: Moving To Tyrena
Chapter 6: The Selonian Tunnels
Chapter 7: Kor Vella
Chapter 8: There Is No Emotion, There Is Peace
Chapter 10: Back To Coruscant
Chapter 11: Count Dooku
Chapter 12: Geonosis
Chapter 13: The Petranaki Arena
Chapter 14: The First Battle of Geonosis
Chapter 15: The Clone Wars Have Begun
Chapter 16: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Chapter 17: Doaba Guerfel
Chapter 18: The Drall Patriots
Chapter 19: Christophsis
Chapter 20: Ahsoka Tano
Chapter 21: The Padawan
Chapter 22: Fighting The Krayt Dragon
Chapter 23: The Malevolence
Chapter 24: Titan Squadron
Chapter 25: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 26: Trapped On Florrum
Chapter 27: Defenders Of Peace
Chapter 28: The Skirmish On Orto-Plutonia
Chapter 29: This Is The Only Way
Chapter 30: Ryloth
Chapter 31: Trouble On Dagro
Chapter 32: Gladiators On Rattatak
Chapter 33: Just When Things Are Getting Better
Chapter 34: Memories
Chapter 35: A Diplomatic Mission
Chapter 36: Ahto City Swoop Racing
Chapter 37: Back Into The War
Chapter 38: From Bad To Worse
Chapter 39: The Second Battle On Geonosis
Chapter 40: Taking Down The Factory
Chapter 41: The Geonosian Queen
Chapter 42: Going After Grievous
Chapter 43: The Duchess Of Mandalore
Chapter 44: The Secret Mission To Dubrillion
Chapter 45: Into The Heart Of Separatist Space
Chapter 46: Arguments & Negotiations
Chapter 47: The Feast
Chapter 48: The Assassinations
Chapter 49: Battle On Kamino
Chapter 50: The Dathomirian Zabrak
Chapter 51: Naexle Dooku
Chapter 52: The Battle of Cerea
Chapter 53: The Wrath Of Naexle
Chapter 54: Whose Side Are You On?
Chapter 55: The Restoration of Storm
Chapter 56: The Trial Of Storm Ca'ana
Chapter 57: The Jedi Shadow
Chapter 58: The Holocron
Chapter 59: Star of Coruscant
Chapter 60: Mortis
Chapter 61: What Will I Become?
Chapter 62: The Andobi Mountains
Chapter 63: The Citadel
Chapter 64: Leaving Lola Sayu
Chapter 65: Battle Of Mon Cala
Chapter 66: Prince Lee-Char
Chapter 67: Kiros
Chapter 68: The Zygerrian Empire
Chapter 69: Kadavo System
Chapter 70: Obi-Wan's Funeral
Chapter 71: Festival of Light
Chapter 72: Battle of Teyr
Chapter 73: The Return of Maul
Chapter 74: It's Not Over
Chapter 75: This Is Getting Personal
Chapter 76: The Duel On Mustafar
Chapter 77: The Nightmare
Chapter 78: The Death Of Koltav Catroe
Chapter 79: Tarhassan
Chapter 80: The Bombing Of The Temple Hangar
Chapter 81: Ahsoka Is Not The One
Chapter 82: Finding The Real Criminal
Chapter 83: The Situation On Ringo Vinda
Chapter 84: Something's Not Right
Chapter 85: Fives' Death
Chapter 86: Tyranus
Chapter 87: The Wellspring of Life
Chapter 88: Moraband
Chapter 89: The Mission to Qiilura
Chapter 90: Things Will Get Better
Chapter 91: Anaxes
Chapter 92: Echo's Alive?!
Chapter 93: Escaping Purkoll
Chapter 94: Taking Down Trench
Chapter 95: The Fiasco At Boz Pity
Chapter 96: Give Him A Chance
Chapter 97: An Old Friend
Chapter 98: Battle Of Coruscant
Chapter 99: Becoming Part Of The Jedi Council
Chapter 100: Going Our Separate Ways
Chapter 101: The Turn Of The Tide
Chapter 102: Order 66
Chapter 103: Anakin's Betrayal
Chapter 104: Padmé's Death
Chapter 105: Into Exile
Chapter 106: Bendu
Chapter 107: Lothal
Chapter 108: Sister Vs. Sister
Chapter 109: A New Life On Batuu
Chapter 110: Haunting Shadows
Chapter 111: Ilum

Chapter 9: Bela Vistal

46 1 0
By catalan_andrea

My jaw dropped when I heard the news. I glanced over at Koltav who looked devastated. "...And my brother?"

"He's alive. Korste was taken to the hospital." Master Allie informed us.

Koltav sighed in relief. "Thank the Force."

Master Allie's worried look then changed into a much more stern and pissed off look. Uh-oh. That's it folks...I'm in huge trouble. She crossed her arms before speaking. "What in the name of the Force were you thinking?! You left Korste alone! He could've died in that fire that the Drall Patriots caused. What were you doing here?!"

Before I could think of a rational answer that was partially true so I could get out of this mess, Koltav beat me to it. "It was me, Jedi Master. I snuck out of the hotel, wanting to get some time away from everything. I arrived here to let Storm's grandmother know I was leaving so she could tell Storm. However before I could leave, Storm managed to find me, stopping me from going anywhere else."

I looked over to see my grandma staring at Koltav in awe. Master Allie sighed as she looked at Koltav with a disappointed look. "You should've stayed at the hotel. We were sent to Republic to help you, to protect you. I understand that you wish to have a moment of privacy, but unfortunately that's a luxury that we can't afford to give you. I promise you that Storm and I are doing our best to get to the bottom of this."

Koltav nodded. "Of course. Forgive me for my irrational behavior."

"I forgive you, Diktat. And as long as this doesn't happen again we won't have any problems." Master Allie informed him before turning towards me with a proud look. "And as for you Storm, I'm glad you were able to stop the Diktat in time before he could go through with his irrational plan."

I gave her a nod as I offered a smile. "Thank you, Master."

"Now come, I believe it's best if we visit Korste." Master Allie suggested. 

As Master Allie, R3, grandma, Koltav, and I walked towards the hospital, Koltav and I walked behind my grandma who was behind Master Allie. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Koltav took the blame for me...again. And I couldn't help but ask why?

"Why do you keep covering for me?" I questioned. "You know very well that it was my fault. I'm the one to blame."

"Yes, but I hate seeing you not smile. Whenever Jedi Master Allie is disappointed in you, I see you beat yourself up more than necessary. It breaks me to see you that way." Koltav explained, causing my heart to flutter.

I then glanced over at my grandma to see her mouthing me the words. "He's a keeper." I tried not to smile, but I failed. I looked back at Koltav who was content upon seeing me smile.

"There's that beautiful smile." Koltav commented.

I couldn't help but blush at his comment, not expecting him to say anything of the sort. Once we arrived at the hospital, they showed us to where Koltav's room was. He was hooked up with IVs, yet he looked alright to me. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw us. "Koltav! Storm! Thank the stars you're both alright." 

"We're glad to see you as well, brother." Koltav replied with a relieved look.

"How are you feeling?" I inquired.

"I'm fine. It's Jedi Master Allie who insisted I be brought to the hospital." Korste said, waving it off. 

"If I found you any later then you would've been in serious trouble." Master Allie reminded him.

Korste nodded as he wore a grim look. "Yes, I know...thank you again Jedi Master Allie."

Master Allie bowed. "We'll leave you to rest. We'll return tomorrow."

After saying goodbye to Korste, we returned to my grandma's home where we would be staying until Korste was released from the hospital. It was evident that Kor Vella was no longer a safe place. Currently Master Allie, Koltav, R3, and I were gathered around the dining table, discussing what was the cause for the hotel to catch on fire. We all had our suspicions, but none of us dared to say it aloud until Master Allie confirmed it. "This is definitely the work of the Drall Patriots." 

"Did Garthhar have anything to do with this attack?" I inquired.

"It is possible." Master Allie replied. "But one thing is certain. We're not safe as long as we remain here. We need to choose another city and quickly."

"Bela Vistal is a perfect hideout city. It's peaceful, isolated, and there's tall mountains." I suggested as I pulled out a hologram map and pointed to the city. 

"Well done Storm." Master Allie praised. "We'll go there as soon as Korste recovers." 


A week went by until Korste was finally released from the hospital and thus we made our journey to Bela Vistal. We stayed in a small cabin but nevertheless we each had our own room. Bela Vistal was beautiful, especially the crystal fountain in the middle of the city.

"Hopefully we'll be safe here." Master Allie said as we sat down in the living room.

"What we need is to get Garthhar and stop the Drall Patriots from doing anything else." I suggested.

"The Drall Patriots never had this much power and strength before..." Koltav commented.

"That must mean someone is helping them." Master Allie pointed out.

I scratched my head in confusion. "But who?"

"That is the question, Storm. Who is behind this." Master Allie replied.

The next day at the crack of dawn, Master Allie left to search for any piece of evidence of the Drall Patriots and their whereabouts. Meanwhile Korste was in the living room with R3, while I was in my room. I was deep in my thoughts when Koltav entered my room.

"You alright?" He inquired, sounding rather concerned.

"You were right..." I trailed off.

He raised an eyebrow. "Right about what?"

"My mom and her mother were keeping secrets from me." I elaborated. "My grandfather was no Corellian, but a Jedi...killed by the Sith."

Koltav wore a sympathetic look as he sat beside me. "I'm sorry Storm...you when I said that I didn't mean to cause you any harm when I said those words."

"I know. It's not your fault, Koltav. You had no idea what they were hiding from me." I assured him.

He then placed a hand over mine. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright, I'm angry for them hiding the fact my grandfather was actually a Jedi...I wish I could've known him." I confessed. "I thought my sisters and I were the only Jedi of our family, and now the only other Jedi in my family's dead all thanks to the Sith scum."

"Did she tell you his name?" Koltav questioned.

I shook my head. "No, all she told me was that I looked like him."

"Well, that must be an honor then." Koltav pointed out.

I cracked a smile as I turned towards Koltav. "You're always positive, looking on the good side...meanwhile I dwell on emotions and the past. I know I shouldn't, it's not the Jedi way."

"Storm, you're only human. Everyone has feelings, and you can't control them. I'm sorry to say but I think the no attachments rule is stupid." Koltav confessed. "You can't fall in love, you can't date, not even get married!"

"Yes but-"

"But what? I heard it myself had it not been for your grandmother pursuing her relationship with your grandfather then your mother would've been born, and neither would or your siblings." Koltav explained with such passion.

I was conflicted, he was right though. I wouldn't have been born had it not been for my grandparents who pursued their relationships despite the Jedi Code telling them it was forbidden. I love Koltav...I wanted to pursue my relationship very badly, but at what cost would it come? I can't imagine hurting him. What would happen if he was wounded all because an enemy knew he was my weakness? 

I stood up, making my way towards the door. "Koltav, please let's not discuss this any further."

Koltav slowly made his way towards me, making me nervous. "I don't want to push you to do anything, but just know that I won't give up."

And with that he walked out, leaving me alone in my room. After Master Allie returned, I decided to get some rest...however that seemed to be impossible.

I saw a cave filled with many Drall armed with weapons. They appeared to be having a meeting in one of the passageways as they were gathered around one of the Drall, who might've been the leader. 

"The Jedi are quite clever, but they don't know Corellia like we do." The Drall leader addressed his fellow members.

At that moment a cloaked figure kicked the Drall who just spoke. "Garthhar! You fool! One of the Jedi was born and raised here!"

So looks like Garthhar's the leader of the Drall Patriots. There were whispers amongst the Drall, a few mentioned my name. "Storm Ca'ana."

"Yes. Storm Ca'ana, the famous racer and pilot, has returned home. She is the reason they have an advantage over us." The cloaked figure explained. "We must exterminate the Jedi in order to reach the Catroe brothers."

"But the Jedi will be ready." Garthhar pointed out. "They already know that I'm part of the Drall Patriots."

"It's simple, Garthhar. The Jedi Master will leave to enter the heart of a city to try to find something about the Drall Patriots, and that's where you take your troops to attack her." The cloaked figure explained.

"And what of Storm Ca'ana?" A Drall inquired. "She may be a Jedi Knight, but do not underestimate her power. She's quite powerful."

"Which is why we'll need help from outside the planet." The cloaked figure replied. "We have the support of the Separatists."

 My eyes widened at once. I shot up from my bed, gasping. No wonder the Drall Patriots are powerful. They have support of the Separatists. I must tell Master Allie at once.

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