Green Eyes

By SapphicPeryton

677K 14.9K 4.3K

The BAU have to work a case. With a very special victim, a Winchester More

Eyes Chapter 1
Racing Chapter 2
Names Chapter 3
Starting Chapter 4
Anger Chapter 5
A psychic Chapter 6
Free Chapter 7
True Identities Chapter 8
Pain Chapter 10
Memories Chapter 11
Soldier Chapter 12
The Marine Chapter 13
Scars Chapter 14
Interrogations Chapter 15
Insanity Chapter 16
Divided Chapter 17
Abandoned Chapter 18
Roommates Chapter 19
Late conversations Chapter 20
Statistics Chapter 21
Ecclesia Part 1 Chapter 22
Ecclesia Part 2 Chapter 23
Panic Chapter 24
Sweet Child O' Mine Chapter 25
Henosis Chapter 26
Encounters Chapter 27
Childhood Chapter 28
Reminiscing Chapter 29
Highschool Part 1 Chapter 30
Highschool Part 2 Chapter 31
The Tapes Chapter 32
Fights Chapter 33
To have and to hold Chapter 34
To love and to Cherish Chapter 35
Till Death do us part Chapter 36
Honeymoon Chapter 37
Perfect Chapter 38
Homesick Chapter 39
Truths Chapter 40
Stardust Chapter 41
Latin Chapter 42
Pomegranates Chapter 43
Together Again Chapter 44
Missing Chapter 45
Seventy Five Percent Chapter 46
An emergency Author's Note
Haircuts Chapter 47
Sneak Peek
The Pianist
The End Chapter 50
Sneak Peak

Saviours Chapter 9

22.4K 428 80
By SapphicPeryton

We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe.
Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole.
All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings,
and deeds are listened to by all that is.
- Serge Kahili King

"Fan out, keep close, JJ with me, Rossi and Prentiss, and Morgan and Reid. Cover as much ground as we can and do not engage if we have no backup, Go!" Hotch ordered as their heels hit the dirt. Each spread off, gun held in resilience spanning out to look for the lost child. 

As they searched the empty tombs and grounds Reid suddenly called over Morgan.   

"Look, it's a house?" He said questioning the tiny building.

It stood as if it hadn't been lived in for decades. The white paint had long peeled off leaving a weathered look behind.

"Huh, promising," Morgan grumbled. "I feel like I'm in a horror movie." He rolled his eyes before talking into his earpiece. 

"Hey, Reid and I are gonna check out a house, stay on standby." 


Derek jerked his arm and had Reid go behind him as they approached the door of the shack. 

"FBI open up!"

The door shuddered violently against the rattles of his fist, they waited a few more seconds before knocking again. 

"This is the FBI open the door or we will use force." When the boys received the same silence Morgan raised his foot to the center of the door and kicked it to the ground, dust flying up in its path. 

Guns raised and flashlights on they made their way through the house. 

"Clear." Reid heard as he checked the rooms, nodding as he sounded off the same. 

"Maybe this isn't-" 

His voice was cut off when a loud cough turning into a painful cry was heard from below their feet. 

Immediately leaping in action Morgan scanned the floor and walls for any door that could be hidden. Whilst Spencer spoke into his mic. 

"We have located a person, looking to see if it's our subject or not."

"Proceed with caution." Came his boss' reply. 

"Copy." He nodded to his partner as they scanned what has used to be the living room.

"Morgan." He called as he found a hidden latch beneath the sofa. Together they moved it aside and opened the unlocked hatch. 

"I'll go first," Derek said, moving down the small ladder that leads into the darkness the other man on his heels. 

As their eyes readjusted to their environment Spencer saw a figure hidden in the room. 

"FBI put your hand where we can see them."

Another strangled cough was heard and their request wasn't followed. Morgan flicked his flashlight around until they could distinguish what the figure was, it was their victim collapsed in a pile of dried blood and vomit. 

Morgan ran over checking for a pulse. 

"Guys we found her, we need an ambulance to our coordinates, wounds are deep and bleeding with a probable concussion and weak pulse, victim is not responding." Derek delivered into his mic.

Making quick work he started saying her name, trying to get a response. 

"Belle? Hey, Belle Winchester. Can you hear me?" He repeated this phrase multiple times, tapping along her blood-caked arms. 

"B-bluebird?" She gasped. 

"Ms. Winchester, please focus on me, you're losing a lot of blood and I need you to say awake." The agent pleaded. 

"I knew you'd save me again." She let out, struggling to regain her precious oxygen, ignoring the elder man's coaxing for her to remain silent. 

"Do you remember when you... saved me? In that warehouse?"

The young girls jade eyes stared emptily at the ceiling, seeing nothing, and yet she saw everything. A single tear glistened at the edge of her cheek, dripping down as it turned russet. 

"Ms. Winchester please save your energy."

A tight-lipped laugh greeted him. 

"I miss, I miss you... why'd you leave me?" Suddenly her eyes flickered to the chocolate ones above her, connecting with his soul in seconds. 

"Why'd she leave me?" Before Morgan could answer, an ambulance's cry interrupted, multiple team members and EMTs rushed into the room above them, Spencer leading them into the hidden room they occupied. 

Carefully the paramedics lifted her into a gurney and steered her from the room. 

Morgan met Spencer above, following the teen out of the wretched house. 

"There is something deeper going on," Morgan informed him. 

"What do you mean?"

"I just, her eyes man. The way they looked at me. I can't explain, she's scared and she's running. Also, there is one more thing."


"Who the hell is Bluebird?" 

*1 year and a half earlier, Norfolk Virginia, With Belle in her memories*

Belle's breath caught as she cut the engine to her bike, teetering for a few seconds before she hopped off, machete in hand and gun strapped a holster on her thigh. Cracking her neck she re-ran the details of the case in her head. 

There had been a few mysterious 'animal attacks' over the past three weeks and they were only growing. Thinking back to the bodies she knew it was a vamp, that and the lack of blood that was displayed. The numbers had only increased as days passed, so that meant it was a nest and if Belle was right there would only be three or four, risky but there would be more bodies if it had been a larger clan. 

"Let's get this bullshit over with."

Stalking silently to the doors her eyes scanned for a different entrance, having already masked her scent with woodland, she could try and sneak in undetected.  The only questions is, how she was gonna get in?

"Haha, fuck yes. Window open."

Parkouring slightly on an edge she swung her body into the industrial building. 

"Guess these guys weren't burdened with much schooling, huh? Close the windows to your abandoned warehouses' vampires, even the supernatural gets robbed." She quirked quietly to herself as she moved on wards, finding two vampires playing cards in a low lit room. 

Y'know A burglary takes place about every eighteen seconds in the United States. You guys should really close your windows."

Their heads snapped up, barring their teeth as they lunged at her. The first one was an easy down. the second, however, was a bit harder. He darted from side to side, trying to catch her side in order to send her tumbling down. Belle guessed this and danced around him at the last moment, his head bowed slightly she released a bitter chuckle and swung down. 

"If that's all they got this'll be easy."

Silently she walked down the corridors, distant creeks and dripping sounds echoed off the walls, a natural chill in the building. Finding an opening which was obviously the center of the nest there was filled with four vamps... cursing slightly Belle shrugged her shoulders before charging into battle, immediately decapitating the nearest monstrosity. 

"C'mon guys give me a fight!" She groaned as if on cue two of them lept at her sides. Struggling she flung her arms out, pushing against their snapping jaws that lusted for her blood. 

Kicking one down she quickly removed the dead weight that rested on his shoulders. The vamp next to her let out a mournful scream, angrily clawing down her side, leaving a thick trail of ripped cloth and blood. 

"He won't miss his head anyways," Belle hissed ignoring the pain, "But you'll be joining him very soon sweetheart." 

The monster got the jump on her, shoving her to the ground and knocking her weapon across the room. It lay on top of the hunter, straddling her hips and resting on her lower abdomen. 

"Now usually I don't complain when a woman climbs on me, but you see the blood thing... that's just to gross." Belle quipped. 

"You took him!" It screamed in her face. 


"Now, I'm gonna kill you."

Belle laughed and the vampire quirked an eyebrow. 

"What? What?!" 

"You see, I know enough about hunting to bring back up options."


The sentence was stopped when Belle undid the barbed wire that acted as a belt around her hips, bringing her hands up she wrapped it around their neck, yanking as hard as she could. Gasping and struggling Belle forced the creature to come closer as she died, starring in her eyes. 

"Tell Dad I said hi." 

Yanking her arms apart the head was removed and it died with one last heave. Belle rolled her eyes and shoved the corpse off standing up. 

Suddenly she felt a burning pain in her back followed by a digging burning on the back of her throat. She'd forgotten the other vampire. 

Belle didn't care.

She was dying.



The sickly feeling washed over her, beads of sweat pooled and mixed with the scarlet rushing out of her. Feeling the hard thumping of her heart racking against her ribcage she shivered. The room was cold, so cold. 

Before she let go, embraced the beckoning call, she saw it. The most beautiful being standing over her, cinnamon painted skin and her eyes, oh god. She saw the reflection of hope and happiness. 

"Belle Winchester. Do not worry I will help you, just stay still and look at me... you are under my command now, and I will protect you with my life." Such a rich and authoritative tone, melting around her, coaxing her eyes closed and for the first time, a weight of safety fell around her. Suddenly a blinding light made her eyes snap open. The creature shushed her slightly coaxing her eyes to close again. 

"It's okay Belle."

"Belle? Belle Winchester? Are you awake? Are you with us?"

Belle opened her heavy lids slowly. Immediately on guard at the unknown surrounding. Shooting up ignoring the pain that consumed her body she sent panicked looks around the room. Beeping sirens sounded as her heart rate climbed. Then an arm pushed her down slightly, her orbs shot to who was touching her, a strange muscular man looked at her kindly. 

"Where am I?" She rasped. "Who are you?"

"You are at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. My name is Derek Morgan, I work for the FBI?" 


Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been fate. People are always a little confused about this, as they are in the case of miracles. When someone is saved from certain death by a strange concatenation of circumstances, they say that's a miracle. But of course if someone is killed by a freak chain of events -- the oil spilled just there, the safety fence broken just there -- that must also be a miracle. Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous." 
― Terry Pratchett,

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