Fairy Tail: Mallory's Son [HI...

By Lorelei_Midnight

131K 1.9K 811

This is a Fairy Tail Male Reader Fanfiction. This story is almost COMPLETELY original. I promise! If you want... More

Prologue [REWRITE]
Chapter 1: Welcome to Fairy Tail
Chapter 2: This Guild is Crazy
The Agreement (Natsu)
Chapter 3: Everlue Mansion
Chapter 4: Dear Kaby
Chapter 5: She's Scary
Facts About (M/N)
She Really Loves Cake (Erza)
Talent Show (Mira)
Chapter 6: His Friend
She Never Stops Talking (Lucy)
Chapter 7: Natsu vs. Erigore
Chapter 8: Fairy Tail's Strongest Team
He's a Lucky Guy (Gray)
Chapter 9: Dark Wizard Village
Chapter 10: Natsu vs. Erza
Chapter 11: Galuna Island
Chapter 12: Moon Drip
Chapter 13: Natsu vs. Yuka
Chapter 14: Titania's Here
Chapter 15: Eternal Magic
Chapter 16: Galuna Island's Final Showdown
Chapter 17: Burst
Chapter 18: The Sky's the Limit
Chapter 19: Magic Swap
Chapter 20: Natsu, (M/N), and the Dragon Egg
Christmas Special
He's a Woman (Loke)
Hide and Seek (Fairy Tail)
Chapter 21: Phantom Lord
Chapter 22: Lucy Heartfilia
Valentine Victim (Lucy)
Chapter 23: Fifteen Minutes
Making Him Blush (Fairy Tail)
Chapter 24: His Mistake
Silent Treatment (Natsu)
Shut Up (Laxus)
Halloween Special
Pride Month Special
Chapter 26: The Deal

Chapter 25: A Raging Monster

1.4K 31 5
By Lorelei_Midnight

"Of all the people we had to run into, it had to be this guy."

The wizard that stood before them had his dramatic monologue while Natsu understood nothing that was being said.

"IS HE CRYING!?" (M/n) shouted in disbelief.

"You're a wind wizard, right? I've dealt with your kind before."

"Yeah, but this guy's a lot stronger than Erigor."

"Don't worry. I'll beat him no problem!" Natsu grinned at his friends.

He's as confident as ever.

(M/n) grinned, "Then I guess you have no problem letting me find the big boss."

"Who's gonna cheer me on?!"

"You have Happy. Don't worry, you'll do fine!" the lucky wizard waved without looking back. The wind magic user appears right in front of him.

"You're not going anywhere, Karma!"

(M/n) kicks him to the side, "Get outta my way. I've got bigger fish to fry."

Going through the seemingly neverending hallways of the castle, he stops and realizes that the hallway has gotten dark and cold. The (s/c) man clenches his fists and kicks the air behind him. Coughs and wheezes echo loudly and he prepares himself for another assault.

"I-Impressive. Not only were you able to detect my movement, but you also anticipated it. You, Karma, are truly a force to be reckoned with."

(M/n) crossed his arms to block a hit, "I could feel your bloodlust from a mile away."

The voice in the dark chuckled, "The King of Luck, the Master of Disaster, and many other titles. Killing you will be most rewarding."

"I'd like to know the name of the bitch who's gonna get her ass kicked. You know, for bragging rights."

"Very well," a single flame was lit and slowly burns the wax candle. A woman about his age (who's very busty because it's Fairy Tail and anime in general) wore all black attire licked her pure black lips. The candlelight made her luminous black hair and black pupils all the more sinister. She smirks seductively before she blows out the candle.


The wizard felt chills travel up and down his spine and the dark and sultry voice. He locked his arms in and got into a fighting stance. Hairs on the back of his neck rose up and he kicked behind him. A hand grabbed his leg and he was thrown at a fair distance. Right away, boosts himself forward and kicks at an impossible speed. The luck magic user couldn't hear her breathing or her heartbeat, and her movements were completely silent.

But he could smell her sweat.

"Just watching you flailing around makes me want to play with you more. I can tell I'm going to enjoy slowly sucking the life out of you," the woman giggles darkly before he feels her grab his face from behind. She licks his cheek before holding a blade to his throat, feeling it pierce his skin and barely drawing blood.

Hands wandered in places that should never be touched. From his neck to shoulders to torso, going lower and lower.

"I plan to enjoy myself, so please do entertain me," she presses her breasts against his back making her hum as he physically relaxes under her touch. She places her chin on his shoulder and strokes his neck.

"Giving in already? You're no different than all those men," Midnight hissed and dug the blade deeper. She then giggles creepily after.

"But I understand. Your reaction is perfectly normal," her free hand caresses his lower abdomen and starts going for that forbidden area. The lucky wizard sighs and places his hand on top of her wandering hand then guides it lower until they've reached his v-line.

She plays with the hem of his shirt before undoing all the buttons with one swipe of her blade. His entire upper body is exposed and she traces his abs with the tip of her weapon.

"Should I scramble your insides? Or do I keep stabbing until you start screaming for mercy? What to do, what to do..." she presses the blade on his skin, barely keeping the skin intact. She then plays with his pants and undoes the button on his black jeans.

"I think you're enjoying this a lot more than I am," (M/n) chuckles as the tip of the blade draws blood on his neck.

"It's been a while since I've had any toys to play with. Gajeel keeps killing them all."

"I can tell. You're taking your sweet time."

"I wouldn't mind if your friends happen to teach that brute a lesson. He deserves it for ruining my fun," she takes the blade to her mouth and licks the blood off.

"For a member of Phantom Lord, you don't seem to like your guild very much."

"Of course I don't," she tightens her grip on her weapon.

"Those ruffians deserve what's coming to them. In fact, I'm looking forward to watching their master fall at Fairy Tail's hand."

The (e/c) eyed man asked, "Then why join them if you hate them so much?"

Midnight gritted her teeth, "So they'll suffer the same fate as my husband did."

Husband, huh?

"He was a member of Phantom Lord. He was their most powerful wizard and he showed a kind of loyalty no one else did. At one point, he was Jose's, right-hand man. That was until he included himself in the picture. Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer."

Her movements start to become more aggressive. She pulls on his underwear and nibbles his lobe between her teeth, then bites down and draws more blood. Her blade shows his shadowed reflection.

"I suppose I could tell you. You're a dead man either way."


"I remember that day as if it happened yesterday. I will never forget what happened to my husband."

A man with natural red hair and dull grey eyes got on one knee and bowed his head.

"I've come back from my mission, Master Jose." The man on the throne smiled and clapped his hands.

"Excellent job, as usual, Silverblood."

"I never liked that man. I've told my husband many times to quit that godawful guild, but he insisted it was the only way to make money to support the both of us."

The redhead male entered a small cottage and was greeted with a kiss to the cheek by a woman with dark brown hair and forest green eyes. He chuckled and kissed her back just as passionately.

"What're you doing here so early?"

She smiled, "I asked to have the day off. It's been a while since we've spent any time together."

His smile slowly morphs into a frown, "I'm sorry, Lana. Master Jose gave me another mission."

Lana bit her lip, "That man is a menace. How can you serve under him?"

He held her in his embrace, "Once I save enough, I'll resign as a Phantom Lord wizard and we'll move out of the country. We'll have our own land just as we promised as children. Our own paradise."

The couple stared lovingly into each other's eyes and stayed in each other's arms for a few moments. She finally sighed and gave him a chaste but sweet peck before pulling away.

"I made your favorite tonight. I poured in as much love as I could into it, so you better enjoy it."

Silverblood laughed, "Well, I suppose I have time for dinner. You did go through the trouble of cooking for me."

"That was the last time I saw him before he came along."

Silverblood held his bleeding abdomen as blood leaked from his mouth. His eyes dulled with betrayal as his master and the oh-so-familiar dragon slayer snickered evilly at his painful end. He sees familiar dark brown hair and glowing forest green eyes watching behind a pillar from sheer horror. He coughed crimson liquid and mouthed 'run' before he falls onto his stomach. She puts a hand to her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

"If I had known that you were going to leave, I would've killed you a long time ago. It's a shame since you've been so useful up until now."

Tears slid down the woman's flawless skin. She reached out to him in vain before he closed his eyes for the final time, a smile on his face. The woman fell onto her knees and held back her sobs so her cover wouldn't be blown. But she couldn't help but mutter his name filled with grief and sorrow.



"I disguised myself as a completely different person and infiltrated their guild in hopes of bringing it down from the inside. But it seems you're doing the work for me."

(M/n) huffed, "What are you planning to do after we take down Phantom Lord?"

Midnight smirks, "I'm still killing you, of course."

She presses the blade further into his throat, "You remind me too much of him. That's why killing you will be all the more satisfying."

The (h/c) haired man frowned, "You don't know, do you? You've dedicated your entire life to taking down Phantom Lord, but you don't have a plan after that."

The female faltered slightly, "Tch. You talk just like him too. How cruel."

He turned to make eye contact, "If killing me helps give you closure, then I leave my life in your hands."

He presses his throat against the blade, causing more blood to be drawn. Her breath hitches, making it pierce deeper.

"What are you waiting for? Isn't this what you want?"

The blade shakes and her grip loosens greatly. Her arms go slack and fall to her sides, her weapon making a clanging sound. Midnight's knees buckle in and find herself being supported by the (e/c) eyed man. She clenches on his sleeves and bites back her screams. She tries to pull away but finds herself leaning into his chest.

(M/n) strokes her hair gently, "You couldn't cry for him, could you? Your hunger for revenge stopped you from grieving."

He puts his heart into his smile, "Here's your chance. Let him hear your cries of love and anguish. Doing this will let him rest once he does."

Just as he finished, the chains that suffocated her for so long broke and she could finally breathe. She screams at the top of her lungs as the male keeps her from falling to the floor. Midnight buries her face further into his chest while he continued to hug her close.

"Joseph! How could you leave!? You said we were going to live together happily! Live in our own paradise! Was that all a lie!? And now you're taunting me! How cruel can you be!?"

While the (s/c) wizard was busy holding the broken woman in his arms, a silhouette watched the scene from afar. The figure narrowed their eyes then faded back into the darkest shadow. It was until the adult eventually went unconscious from grieving for her loss that the younger noticed someone was watching them. He decided to worry about that later as he carried her out of the dark, propping her against the wall in a well-lit hallway.

That was when he heard the unthinkable.

"Attention, you pathetic Fairy Tail worms! Listen carefully because I'll only say this once."

He knew who that scream belonged to. He clenched his fists and growls.


"We have captured your precious Lucy Heartfilia which means our first order of business is now out of the way. That leaves us with just one more thing, my favorite part: wiping off all you miserable brats off the face of the earth!"

He shouts as he charges forward without much navigating. After hearing that scream, his mind went completely blank. All rational thought is thrown out the window. Fueled by his own anger, he takes impossibly long strides before he feels an aura of death. Instead of stopping, he bared his teeth and roars before throwing a punch. He barely misses his target and quickly regains his balance.

"You're going to pay, Jose! I'll make you pay with your life!"

The Phantom Lord master cackled, "I see you got past Midnight. But that was to be expected. That wench never stood a chance."

Erza, Gray, Elfman, and Mira physically struggled to look up. Their eyes go as wide as sauce plates when they see their lucky friend emitting a dark aura himself. One that countered Master Jose's.

"Lana, Lucy, and everyone else you hurt. Have you no shame."

"So she told you. Doesn't matter. I'll take care of her once all of you Fairy Tail scum are finished!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

A/n: Prepare yourselves! You're about to pass through a cringey ass fight scene!

(M/n) boosts himself forward and pulls his fist back before throwing it forward. Jose blocks it with a spell, knocking the other back by a good distance.

The guild master cackles loudly, "If that's the best you got, then this will be a piece of cake!"

"You ain't seen nothing yet!" he roars and throws punch after punch while the Phantom Lord wizard countered them with a different spell. He uses the lucky wizard's momentum to throw him back before dodging another hit.

Parry, punch, throw, lunge, dodge. Neither faltered under the lightning fast cycle.

The (e/c) eyed man snarls while the guild master smiles to the point where his face appears to be splitting into two. The cycle of parrying, punching, throwing, lunging, dodging never stopped. This fight wasn't about who could take down who, it was about who could last before getting hit first.

All the wizards and Mira watched all this from afar. Elfman shielded his older sister from the impact of the lucky wizard's attacks while Gray and Erza held their ground against the oppressing winds.

"It looks like (M/n) is giving it all he's got," Mira commented somberly.

"What's that mean, sis?"

Erza clarified, "(M/n) isn't using his kicks. He must be taking this seriously since the announcement."

"I wonder what he's like when he isn't holding back. It's as if half the world will be destroyed if he even tries."

"Gray has a point. If he doesn't have a limit, it must be difficult to keep himself in check."

Back to the fight, neither wizard has shown any signs of fatigue. The (h/c) haired male only seemed to go throw punches faster while the guild master countered with more of those dark spells of his. They haven't backed down and they don't plan on doing so at all.

"I'm surprised you've lasted this long without using magic, boy! But you're not going to last long if you keep holding back!"

"I want you to feel the pain you've caused! This is for Lana, Lucy, Erza, Natsu, and everyone else!"

"Such malice! It'd be a waste to kill you off when you have so much potential!"

"I guess you'll have to kill me then!"

"With pleasure!"

Going from zero to a hundred real quick, the (e/c) eyed wizard's friends could barely see flashes of them everywhere. They all watched and silently rooted for their comrade and wished him the best of luck. But they knew he won't need it.

As the fight continued, (M/n) began to see signs of fatigue take hold of Jose. He took this as his chance to strike at his opening before he was knocked back by another spell. Using his momentum, he gained more speed and threw another punch. Before he could hit his target, he lost his momentum and hesitated before Jose traps him with his Darkness Magic.

"YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU USE LANA AS A SHIELD!" he roars from the pits of his stomach as he tries to break free from his prison.


"I'll give you one more chance. Join my guild or you die. It's not a difficult choice."

He snarled, "Don't make me laugh."

"Fine then," he cackles as the lucky wizard grits his teeth to hold back his screams. He clenches his fists before (M/n) struggles harder. His mind was too clouded to think rationally. All he could think about was shedding this monster's blood.

"While I've never been particularly fond of your guild, my distaste for you was not what triggered this war. We were hired by the patriarch of the Heartfilia family to find his missing daughter."


"The daughter of one of the kingdom's wealthiest men is now in Fairy Tail. So Makarov's trying to buy his way to the top, isn't he!?" The immobilization increased tenfold, making him clench his jaw and lunge more forcefully. The only thing that accomplished was making the younger wizard's thirst for blood intensify.

But he was still reasonable enough to keep him from going berserk.

"Now that your guild has unfettered access to the Heartfilia family fortune, it's only a matter of time before that happens. That is if we don't completely wipe you out first!"

(H/c) hair shadowed over (e/c) eyes. Jose grinned at the seemingly despairing state the younger Fairy Tail member. That is until he heard sobs. He opens his mouth to add salt to the wound until he realizes it's not sobbing he's hearing.

It's laughter.

"Oh, that's priceless! I didn't think you of all people would be so petty about your guild's ranking! But the funniest thing I've heard all day is that you jumped to conclusions without getting to know Lucy!" (M/n) cackled madly. His eyes were no different from a madman himself. He tilted his head and his crazy smirk grew impossibly wider.

Jose stepped back from shock, "Wh-What are you babbling about!?"

"Lucy's a runaway. She has no access to her family's fortune whatsoever!" his grin grew ever so slightly from his crazed amusement, but it also held a hint reminiscence.

"She rents an apartment for 70,000 Jewel a month. She works hard to make a living. She fights with us, she laughs with us, and she cries with us. She's no different from anyone else in Fairy Tail," his smile disappears as quick as it appeared.

"She's the reason we're at war. We're all doing this for her."

(M/n) shook, "She may be the daughter of some wealthy prick, but children don't get to choose their parents. Just like flowers don't get to choose where they grow."

Everyone watching on the sidelines had their hair shadow their eyes from view. They watched wordlessly as their friend describe how they felt in only a few words.

He roars from the pits of his stomach, "You don't know anything about Lucy! You never will!"

Jose bared his teeth before grinning, "I guess I'll find out soon enough. I'm not going to hand her over to her father until I've reaped a benefit of some sort. I'll make her a prisoner until her father meets my demands! I'm going to bleed the Heartfilia family of their fortune and their precious money-making business!"


He screams more in anger than pain as Jose intensifies his spell. He thrashed around and feels his body burning and throbbing from the pain and adrenaline. His friends couldn't watch anymore and decided to help him escape. Before they made a move, the (h/c) haired wizard snarled at them, telling his friends not to get involved.

They wanted to move, but their nerves were frozen still. They were ashamed that they let their fear take over, overloading their survival instincts and watching their not-so-lucky friend suffer from Jose's hand.

"Once I'm finished with you, your pathetic little guild will surrender to us for sure! They're going to fall into the pit of despair once they see your body on the ground!"

This only angers the (e/c) eyed male more as his deadly aura increases greatly. His pupils were completely gone and he growls like an animal desperate to break out of its cage. He thrashes and thrashes, making his friends' instincts scream at them to run. But at the same time, they were too afraid to move.

They were stuck.

As if it wasn't enough, his roars rang throughout the entire castle as his deadly aura grows ever so quicker and deadlier. Everyone outside of the guild hall ruins stops momentarily after hearing that shout. It was one that they felt when their blonde member was kidnapped, feelings that aren't possible to describe with words alone. This motivated them to win this war and get their celestial wizard friend back in one piece.

Jose finally feels the wrath of the luck magic user. Shivers run throughout his body, causing his imprisonment spell to break and let the younger wizard loose. He takes a few steps back and tries his best not to let his knees buckle underneath him.

Nobody could see his upper body. The only thing they could see was glowing red lights for eyes.

The monster Jose created took slow but powerful steps. His aura grows ever stronger, one that struck fear into even the deadliest of creatures. He released gutturally sounds as the Phantom Lord guild master backed away further until his heels hit the stairs and fall on his ass.

The monster that was (M/n) towered over him stared him down before lifting his foot. As he brings his foot down on the guild master, a bright light shines within the castle and he stops midway. (M/n) blinks cluelessly and shakes his head.

"This light... It reminds me... of the old man."

He turned around and gasped at who was on top of the rubble. It was his master standing before them, alive and well. He released a shuddered sigh, then laughter starts to bubble out of his lips.

He smiles as black dots danced across his vision. (M/n) drags one foot forward and falls toward the ground, feeling warm and light as a feather.

"You're okay..."

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