Fairy Tail: Mallory's Son [HI...

By Lorelei_Midnight

131K 1.9K 811

This is a Fairy Tail Male Reader Fanfiction. This story is almost COMPLETELY original. I promise! If you want... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Fairy Tail
Chapter 2: This Guild is Crazy
The Agreement (Natsu)
Chapter 3: Everlue Mansion
Chapter 4: Dear Kaby
Chapter 5: She's Scary
Facts About (M/N)
She Really Loves Cake (Erza)
Talent Show (Mira)
Chapter 6: His Friend
She Never Stops Talking (Lucy)
Chapter 7: Natsu vs. Erigore
Chapter 8: Fairy Tail's Strongest Team
He's a Lucky Guy (Gray)
Chapter 9: Dark Wizard Village
Chapter 10: Natsu vs. Erza
Chapter 11: Galuna Island
Chapter 12: Moon Drip
Chapter 13: Natsu vs. Yuka
Chapter 14: Titania's Here
Chapter 15: Eternal Magic
Chapter 16: Galuna Island's Final Showdown
Chapter 17: Burst
Chapter 18: The Sky's the Limit
Chapter 19: Magic Swap
Chapter 20: Natsu, (M/N), and the Dragon Egg
Christmas Special
He's a Woman (Loke)
Hide and Seek (Fairy Tail)
Chapter 21: Phantom Lord
Chapter 22: Lucy Heartfilia
Valentine Victim (Lucy)
Chapter 23: Fifteen Minutes
Making Him Blush (Fairy Tail)
Chapter 24: His Mistake
Silent Treatment (Natsu)
Shut Up (Laxus)
Halloween Special
Pride Month Special
Chapter 25: A Raging Monster
Chapter 26: The Deal

Prologue [REWRITE]

9.9K 118 19
By Lorelei_Midnight

A/N: Hey guys. You're probably wondering why I'm writing this. Well every time I go over my Fairy Tail story, I check if my story is free of errors and all that. I would check all the chapters except for the prologue. I didn't even bother to read it cause it made absolutely no sense to me and it was cringey as fuck. So I decided to rewrite the prologue and make it so that it isn't very confusing especially to me and decent enough to read without cringing at the awful writing. You're probably not going to read this but I'm doing this anyway cause that's how much I hate myself. Don't worry. I'm going to keep the original prologue. Though I don't know why you would want me to keep it. Okay read it already.


"You worthless piece of shit! I didn't spend eight years of my life just to see whatever the hell that was!" a man with black hair (shut up I like black hair) and a shadow covering half his face kicked a little boy through a mountain. He swiftly got up and walked back to the man. They gave malicious glares to one another before averting their eyes away from each other.

"Tomorrow you're climbing Forever Mountain on your own. No fucking around," the older walked ahead with the boy in pursuit. He swore his father's name under his breath. Either he couldn't be heard or he was being ignored. He didn't give a damn either way.

He didn't care what he was doing or what was happening anymore. The boy just stuck with his bastard of a father and he had no idea why. He despised the older male with a passion. There shouldn't be a reason to stay with him dammit! Despite the treatment he received, he had no reason to run away. What was he going to do after leaving the bastard for good? He was pretty sure no one would want to take in a child raised by a savage.

And even if he did have a plan to escape, he would have absolutely no idea how to deal with the man if he tried to take him back. Many scenarios had gone through his head but he couldn't bear seeing all of them. What they had in common was the boy freezing up and taking the hit head on. He hadn't moved or even through a punch. For some reason, he couldn't handle the sight of his father hurt especially by his own hands. It didn't make any fucking sense! Why the hell should he give a damn about the bastard?! The man treated him like shit!

But he was given food and something to sleep in. But that was about it. He never gave a damn about the boy's well being and only cared that he had to be strong enough to take over for his father. Like hell he would want that! He didn't want to end up like him!

Many thoughts had gone through his head as he clenched his fists in frustration. He could land a hit on him, could he? He was right there. His guard wasn't even up. Well, not around the boy anyway. He never let his guard down when it came to enemies. Why? Was it because he wasn't a threat to him? Was he inferior to him? Was he weak to him?

"Hey you little shit. Watch where you're going," the black haired man grunted. The boy hadn't realized that he was too preoccupied in his thoughts to see where he was walking. He had bumped into the older male.

After a few hours of walking, they had entered a cave once the dark haired man confirmed it was safe. They had made a temporary shelter for the night. They both ate and had gone to their sleeping bags. But the young male couldn't sleep. He stayed up all night looking up at the dark blue sky filled with bright glowing stars. There was even a full moon to accompany them. Though he may have lost faith in everything, there was one thing that he still believed and knew that it was true.

People who passed would become one of the many stars in the sky. Dispelling the darkness from the skies across the entire world. He wondered what it was like to be a bright glowing ball in the sky. It was probably wonderful up there. Alas, he would never be able to make it up to the heavens. It was impossible for him because fate would not allow it.

Fate. The boy despised even the very thought of it. The way it toyed with people like they were nothing but items. They were expendable to it. It could always find new toys to play with until it got bored. It attached strings to everyone. Yes, he could see the strings that controlled people's every movements. They were puppets and they had no idea. He had no strings attached to him just as his father wasn't. They weren't bound by fate. No matter how tight the strings were, they could always break free with barely any effort.

Fate also allowed those who passed go to the heavens and even become part of the stars themselves. It just wasn't fair! Just because fate hadn't favored him didn't mean he shouldn't be allowed in the sky! And all because its strings couldn't be tied on him and be used as a puppet. Pathetic. Though, he wondered if the older man had thought about it too. Even a little. Impossible. He didn't give a damn whether he would end up with the stars or somewhere else for those who weren't bound to it.

Finally, the young boy had finally fallen asleep. Darkness took over his very consciousness. But before he was completely consumed by it, he saw a silhouette walk toward him. Right after that, his eyes fell shut and he had fallen asleep at last.

*Time skip*

The boy had woken up with a jolt. Sweat ran down his cheek and hung at his chin before dripping down to his clenched knuckle. He panted slightly before feeling eyes on him. He looked behind to see the bastard with his usual scowl. He returned it along with a glare. He turned back around and stood up. He went stiff as he made a realization. He woke up in his sleeping bag! But how? He remembered lying on the grass under the starry sky. How did he end up in it? Sighing, he merely assumed he was just sleep walking. Despite it happening before, he was shocked.

"Come on you piece of crap. Hurry it up already," the black haired man had his items already packed. He waited as his son had packed his belongings. After he was finished, they headed out of the cave and hiked from morning to noon. Many hours later, they made it to a mountain that had reached past the clouds.

"That's what you're climbing," he dumped his things onto the boy's items, the young male barely keeping his balance under his weight.

"I expect you to make it up Forever Mountain before sundown. I'll be waiting up there. Don't fuck up."

The boy clicked his tongue before climbing up the seemingly never ending mountain. This was Forever Mountain. People say that it never ended. Many haven't returned after reaching past the clouds. Not to mention, it was a task to get a quarter up it. He had heard many things about it and never really cared. But now he had to climb it himself and with the extra weight on his shoulders.

He swore under his breath before starting his journey up Forever Mountain.

*Time skip*

Right before sundown, the boy had made it up the endless mountain. He panted and sweated as he climbed on top of the edge before collapsing with the weight above him. He felt his back get significantly lighter before lying on it. He opened his eyes and watched his father empty his bag full of huge stones? That bastard! No wonder his crap was heavy as fuck! It was full of rocks! Of course he had to make things more difficult. That's how he always was.

The dark haired man clicked his tongue, "You made it right before sundown. Pitiful."

He folded his bag and put it in the boy's items. He then picked up his actual bag and slung it around his shoulders. How did that get there? Of course. He always planned ahead. Did he always have to insist on torturing him? Yes. Yes he did because that's what he does.

"There's a dragon's nest in the next few miles. Don't fuck around tomorrow," they both climbed down the mountain until the sun was no longer in the sky. They made shelter by punching a giant hole in the mountain. But not enough to cause damage to the other side. Both father and son walked in and placed down their sleeping bags. As usual, the boy couldn't sleep. So he climbed out of the bag and lied down on the grass. He watched as the stars twinkled. Despite never being able to make it to the stars, they always helped him sleep.

Eventually, darkness consumed his mind as his eyes fell heavy. And once again, a silhouette had appeared before him as sleep took over.

*Time skip*

The boy had woken up sweating and panting. He placed a hand on his chest and felt his heart beating faster than normal. Right now, he didn't care that he had awoken in his sleeping bag. He wanted to know why he felt that something bad was going to happen. His heart rate had suddenly increased right when he woke up. Usually, he'd wake up a sweating and panting mess. But never had his heartbeat increased until now. He looked around frantically before seeing the dark haired man at the entrance of the cave. He breathed a sigh of relief before realising what he had done.

He was relieved that the bastard wasn't hurt! Surely he thought of something else and not the man. In an attempt to rid of those thoughts, he averted his gaze before they were able to make eye contact. He expected to feel the usual cold, harsh glare from him. But instead, he felt nothing of the sort. He was too distracted by the sudden lack of maliciousness pointed toward him to see the older giving him a look of sorrow and acceptance. And also a hint of happiness before returning to a malevolent expression.

"We'll be walking ten miles straight. I expect you to not lag behind," they exited their shelter and began their long journey to their next destination. It was a pain in the ass walking only on foot everywhere but the boy had gotten used to it. He had walked much farther many times so ten miles meant very little to him.

Eventually, they made it to another mountain. But this time, the top could be seen and there's a cave near the top. The boy was told to climb it and did so despite the growls he let out. The man watched with a look of disappointment. But there was also a tiny bit of guild and hint of sadness before fading into its usual hateful scowl.

The younger male made it to the cave and collapsed right after climbing over the edge. His breathing was quick as more sweat slipped down his face. Then the older climbed up after in only a few minutes. He clicked his tongue in disappointment before looking ahead. In front of them was a giant nest. But it wasn't any nest. It was a dragon's nest. Now people believed that dragons didn't exist. But little did they know that they have lived long before mankind. There were very few people who have encountered them.

The creature flinched and opened an eye before looking at the two humans. It rose from its nest and let out an ear-piercing roar. The boy gritted his teeth as the man had not been affected. After that the dragon had spoken.

"Humans. What are you doing here?"

"Come now, Kosmos. Don't pretend as if you don't know who I am."

The creature examined the man before huffing, "It's you. What is your purpose for coming here?"

"Training," he answered monotonously.

"It's for your offspring I'm assuming?"

"Yes. He's weak so don't be surprised if he fails the first time."

"You are as cruel as I remember. Showing no mercy to others even to your own kin."

"Just get on with it. Don't stop until he has passed."

"Of course."

The dark haired male huffed before exiting the cave to leave his son with the dragon. After that, screams emitted in the air.

*Time skip*

The man returned to see the boy shakily stand on his feet. He panted and winced at all the bruises he received. The dragon's tail swung but was stopped. The boy held it in his hand. His hair covered half his face as he breathed heavily. The creature roared in pain before letting out a loud snarl. As soon as they made eye contact, a sudden force had pushed the man back but recovered quickly. The dragon's eyes widened before bowing his head to the boy.

"He has passed."

The older huffed, "Get out."

The boy had exited the cave and waited until he was sure his son was officially gone for now. He faced the dragon.

"You felt it too, didn't you?"


"How long?"

"Eight years. It has been increasing since then."

"If he does not learn to control his power all shall be lost."

"You think I don't know that?"

"He is capable of many things. You must make sure he uses it for the right purpose."

"Of course."

He packed his things and walked to the edge. He looked back at the dragon and smiled.

"It was nice seeing you again. Old friend."

"Take good care of him."

"I will," he jumped off the mountain and everything had gone silent. The dragon let out a low hum.

"I only hope he knows what he's doing with that boy."

*Time skip*

"You didn't screw up for once. But don't expect to be lucky next time I give you a task."

The boy grunted in response. He had walked many kilometers, climbed mountains, fought other creatures, and everything else that should've killed him. But never had he fought a dragon before. He was about to lose when it had given up. He didn't get it. Why hadn't the dragon attacked? He had the perfect opportunity to do so.

"You're thinking about that match, aren't you?"

The boy flinched but kept walking behind.

"Forget about it. It's not important."

The younger grunted at that but didn't say a word. He simply followed behind his bastard of a father.

"Shit. I thought I lost them," the man muttered under his breath. The boy raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. He didn't care anyway. Well, he didn't care about anything. He didn't care about what other people would say about it. He never talked with another living human being before so he didn't really know much about them.

Now that he thought about it, he never made contact with another person other than his father. And they've never been to a town or city. Not even a village! They never used public transportation and went to places people would never go to because it involved risking their lives. In fact, whenever he heard voices, the man would tell order him to hide until he was allowed to come out. For the first time in his life, he was starting to question everything. Especially what his father was trying to accomplish by 'training' him.

"Stay in the trees and don't come out until I tell you to," the man hastily told his son. The boy obeyed and went into hiding. He tried to search for what the older male was looking for. He stood completely still as bright lights in the shape of lightning bolts had struck around him.

"Did you really think you were being crafty by using an invisibility spell then striking me when my guard is down? That's playing dirty."

A number of wizards had appeared with very outdated clothing. The man cringed at their taste before clenching a fist.

"Says the man who's taken thousands of lives!"

"You're going down!"

"Give it up! You're surrounded!"

The man smirked before the ground cracked beneath them. They barely dodged and backed away before the crack sealed itself back up. They looked back up and quivered at the sight. The male had a grin that made even the boy shiver slightly.

"You were so confident before. What changed?"

The boy gulped as his father emitted a dark aura making the wizards shake. Surprisingly, they stood their ground. But what happened next had made even the boy fear the man he despised.

"Now let's see how long you can stay alive," he chuckled sadistically before he disappeared.

The wizards panicked and frantically glanced around fearing for their lives. One of them was taken while the others weren't aware. Each wizard disappeared until there was only one left. He called out to his friends before realizing they were gone. He sweated as he felt something ooze evil behind him. He slowly looked behind then all there was were screams in the air. After a few torturous minutes later, the boy came out of the bushes slightly afraid after seeing what the bastard was capable of.

"I didn't tell you to come out," the young male flinched at the icy voice. He reluctantly faced the older.

"I've done worse."

"And have many regrets," he finished in his thoughts.

"I expect you to be at your best. Especially tomorrow. I won't be here forever."

The boy grunted in response to the man. The father took a slight glance at his son before walking straight. The younger followed behind failing to notice the small glances he received. Despite how little they lingered, they were all filled with guilt and slight relief.

*Time skip*

The two have made it into another cave after miles of walking nonstop. They took shelter for the night and so the routine went on. The boy always snuck out to lay beneath the stars before falling into a deep slumber right after seeing the same silhouette for as long as he could remember. Then he'd wake up in his sleeping bag while sweating and breathing heavily as if he anticipating something but wasn't aware of it. But lately, he would wake up with a beating organ which he found unusual.

The boy had no clue what was happening to him. He woke up with the usual breathing and sweating but he never questioned until the day prior. But time to time, he would find himself crying for no reason whatsoever. He had no idea what was happening to him. What was happening to him and why? He wanted answers but doubted that he was going to get them.

The man had seen this coming since day one. He knew the day was coming and he was anxious but at the same time nearly relieved. He wasn't ready but didn't have much choice in the matter. He couldn't live with himself knowing that the boy despised him and how he was treated. But it all had to be done. It was for the sake of everyone including himself. His son had no idea how important this was. Or how important it will be.

He wished things didn't have to be this way. He knew his son would never make it to the stars because fate had not allowed him. He didn't care where he went. Whether it was the heavens or the place where those who weren't bound by fate, he didn't give a damn. He never wanted this for his son. He wanted the boy to live a normal life. But no one decided to live this way. While everyone else had strings tied on them, there must be at least one person who can resist its tide.

Why couldn't he be a normal person? Blissfully unaware of the strings tied around him and having a bright smile on his face. The thought made him laugh, knowing that there was no happy ending for neither him or his son. They would forever be trapped between where they could never move on. Meaning that they will never be a part of the stars.

The dark haired man walked out of their temporary shelter and smiled at the sight. The boy had just reached the point of falling asleep on the grass. Right under the stars. He knew the boy knew that going to the heavens was impossible. However, that didn't stop him from thinking of how lovely it was up there. It was unfortunate since he would never be able to see them.

But there was a slight glimmer of hope. There was a slight hope of him making it up there. It was already too late for the older individual but his son had not started yet. Despite the hopelessness that had consumed them both, somewhere deep inside him, a tiny part knew that the boy could be saved this awful damnation. He didn't want his son to live like this for the rest of his life and never move on once his time was up.

He relied on what little hope he had for his son. That was all he could do for now. He would still be able to watch over him even after death. But the male wouldn't be able to do a thing since he'll be stuck in between unless he tried hard enough. He wanted the cycle to end. He wished this burden onto no one. No one deserved to go through this hell and never move on even after passing away.

"Your journey starts tomorrow," the black haired man placed his son into the sleeping bag.

"I know you won't forgive me. But I beg that you find it in your heart to realize that I did the best I could under our circumstances," he leaned in and gently kissed he boy's forehead before pulling away with a sorrowful smile. He got up and walked out of the cave and glanced at his son one last time before exiting.

*Time skip*

The younger boy woken up as usual in his sleeping bag and a panting, sweaty mess. He clutched the cloth that covered his chest to stop the sudden increase of his heartbeat. It didn't help much. His breathing had gotten shorter and became more ragged. He was too distracted by the sudden pain and hyperventilation to notice the tears falling from his eyes.

His head had been clouded by his father. He didn't question it as he got up. His legs lead him out of the cave and subconsciously began searching for the man that had treated like shit ever since he can remember. He hadn't bothered to dodge any obstacle that stood in his way or rested. The adrenaline was the only thing that kept him going along with the motivation to see the bastard again.

He mumbled and cursed under his breath as he ran faster at each step he took. He knew where he was going despite never staying in one place more than a day. He had a built-in compass that pointed him in the direction. He didn't need a map or photographic memory to know where he was going. He hoped he wasn't too late. He hoped that his bastard of a father was alright. That he was safe and sound. Walking back to their cave with that stupid scowl on his face.

But somehow, deep down he knew that wasn't going to happen. Feeling a sense of dread take over him, he refused to believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. He tripped but recovered quickly. He never stopped running. Each second that passed made him more anxious than what was thought possible. He never slowed down until he was absolutely sure. He won't stop until his dreadful thoughts were confirmed.

Eventually, he made it to a clearing in the forest and froze. He shivered violently at what he saw in front of him. He refused to believe what he had seen.

The father coughed, "What are you doing out here? You should be back at the cave."

The boy trembled and his breathing increased along with his heartbeat. The same heart rate that he had woken up with lately. This was why it kept occuring. How stupid could he be?! It was right in his goddamn face and he was too blind to see it!

"Quit thinking like that," he wheezed then coughed in his hand. The young male saw a red substance drip out of his father's hand. Blood.

"This day was going to come eventually. We both know this," he spat more blood from his mouth, making his son nearly lose his sanity. He slowly took a step forward before repeating with the other foot. This continued until he sped up and ran to his father. He tripped and sprained his ankle but the adrenaline prevented him from feeling pain.

"Stay away from me," he hacked out more blood. The boy froze at the command.

"There's nothing you can do. I'm going to die and you're just going to get hurt."

The younger shook his head and stayed where he was. The boy watched his father smile. But that's not what shocked him. What shocked him was the genuity of the smile. He only did this when toying with his enemies until he grew bored of them.

"I figured you wouldn't listen," he coughed and shoved a hand into his pocket. He took out what seemed to be a tooth hanging by string. He barely reached the boy's hand and placed the object before closing it.

"Take that," more blood came out of his mouth.

"That's going to be important later on. Protect it even if you have to put your life in danger," the dark haired man clutched his chest and had a cough attack. A magnificent amount of blood had been spilt and he hadn't done anything to cause his body harm. At least, the boy didn't think so. He had no bruises or anything that indicated he was in a fight.

"I'm fine. It's just my body giving out," the male had become very pale from the blood that exited his body.

"Don't worry," he laughed humorlessly.

"This won't happen to you. Probably," he slightly chuckled before coughing more blood.

"Just keep that thing safe."

"Oh and," he barely grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him in, "just know that I'm sorry and I love you."

The little boy was on the verge of tears. He didn't want to cry out loud but he wanted to say what he had kept inside him for his entire life. He shook his head and made eye contact with his father.

"You're the worst person in existence! I hate you and I always will!" his father watched with a smile. But what his son said next made his smile grow.

"But for some damn reason, I just can't stand the thought of seeing you hurt. So what gives you the right to die without telling me first?! Huh?!"

For the first time in eight years, the dark haired man began to laugh joyously. But it only caused him to cough more blood. He continued anyway merely because he was happy.

"Why are you laughing, you bastard?! You're dying! You shouldn't be happy!" more tears fell from the boy's face as he clenched his fist. But no matter how much he willed himself to, he could never hit his father despite what he put him through.

"That's the first time you spoke. And the first thing that came out of your mouth was that you hated me. Then you suggested that I was going to die without telling you."

"Aren't you worried that you're gonna die?! Do something dammit!" he rubbed his tears only for more to fall.

The older simply smiled, "Unfortunately I can't. Even if I could, I'm only delaying the inevitable. Besides, I'll never make it to the stars."

He cupped his son's cheek, "But you can. You just need to find out how."

The son gritted his teeth, "What the hell?! First you treat me like shit and now you're trying to give me false hope when you're on the verge of death?!"

"You can make it up there. You will. You just need to figure out a way how. I know you can make it."

He coughed out what seemed to be all the blood he had left that kept him alive. His breathing had slowed significantly before his grip on the boy loosened. The younger held his father tightly.

"You're journey will begin the moment I'm gone. I hope you live a wonderful life. I will be watching," he hacked and wheezed but no blood came out. His skin was extremely pale. His eyes were dull, drained of life. In his final moments, his final breaths were used to whisper to the boy. His eyes widened before the man went limp.

After hearing those last words, he finally understood everything. Why his father had put him through hell. Why he was treated the way he was treated. He understood all of it. And it was too late for him to apologize. The man had died in his arms and he was too slow. How could he have been so blind?!

The boy opened his hand and looked at the object his father had given. His eyes had become dull before he clutched it and put it in his shirt. He gave his father a proper burial. He had torn off a piece of bark to act as a tombstone. He left without so much as a word. He couldn't tell his father how sorry he was and there was no point in doing it now. He still hated the bastard. But a tiny part of him had forgiven him a long time ago.

What will he do now?

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