The Nerd Can Fight (Slow Upda...

By RomanticBunny

80.6K 1.8K 230

Shimmer is a nerd in high school! Shimmer gets straight A's and is the teachers pet! She always works hard i... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Auhors Note
Chapter 10
A Day Out
Does Damien Love Me?
Seeing Rosie
Past Life
First Day of School
Mission Impossible
School Trouble
Who Are You?
Hospital Coincidence
Im Back Bitches
A Week Later...
Christmas Fun
Thier Back!
My Shimmer
Joel Black
What The Fuck?
Dead Man Walking
Meeting Damien
Hey Peeps!
New Cover??!!
I'm Yours
Halloween Party
I Think I'm Falling For You


615 17 0
By RomanticBunny

Kieran's POV

Dami? Who the hell was that? And...why was Shimmer hugging me? Questions rushed through me all of a sudden.
"Who's Dami?" I questioned Shimmer.
"D-Damien!" She sobbed. I froze at just the sound of hearing the name. Damien? Did I hear right?
"Who is that?" I asked her curiously.
"My boyfriend! Look Kieran you need to save him! Please don't let him die." She continued to sob. She hugged me tighter as she cried into my chest. I held her shoulders and hugged her slightly.
"He will be fine." I spoke.
"No he won't! He had a fucking knife in him! He was bleeding so much and your fucking saying that he will be ok. He nearly died on the fucking way here! Kieran please you need to do something!" She pleaded. If I'm being honest I kind of felt her pain.

Shimmer's POV

"Excuse me?" Someone said suddenly. I looked up to see a nurse nurse looking at me. She looked very worried.
"Y-yeah?" I stuttered.
"Damien was brought in critical condition and... he needs blood. We have checked and he is AB negative and we have no AB negative bloods here. I'm very sorry but I don't thing that..." she began.
"I'm AB negative." I spoke quickly.
"You are?" She asked shocked.
"Yes, why do you look shocked?" I asked the nurse.
"Only 1% of America has AB negative blood." She spoke.
"Can you take the blood from me?" I questioned the nurse.
"Well we need to do a blood test to check if your blood is suitable. So if you would come with me then that's grand." She spoke and quickly walked into a corridor.
Quickly I followed her and soon I found myself in a room. It was a checkup room. The nurse wasted no time in grabbing all the equipment which she required to check my blood.
"What age are you?" She asked me suddenly.
"16." I spoke.
"You too young to give blood then. You need your parents consent in order to donate blood." The nurse spoke.
"Look please just take my blood. If Damien doesn't make it out alive then I WON'T be able to live and I'm not lying. I literally won't be able to live. Please just take my blood and give it to him. Please." I pleaded as tears began to flow again.
"I'm so very sorry but we will need parent concern." The nurse said sadly.
"But... I'm sorry I can't give you parent consent." I sighed as I thought of my mom.
"Why? I mean if your parents don't allow you to donate blood then you can't. I know that his condition is critical but I still can't take your blood without consent. We will need to find someone else that has the correct blood group." The nurse then said.
"Please just listen to me! My mom is dead. My dad... he left when I was thirteen. How do I get his consent when I don't even know of his whereabouts? Im telling you I'm letting you take my blood just please take it." I pleaded.
"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that." The nurse said." Do you have a guardian then?" She questioned.
I froze. What would I say? No. I'm live with Damien and I'm underage? No way!
"Erm... she's out on business." I stuttered.
"I'm sorry miss but I can't take your blood and trust me I wish I could but I'd probably get fired." The nurse shook her head sadly.
"Please..." I pleaded.
       The nurse then sighed and muttered sorry before walking out of the room. The tears which I tried to hold back fell out. I sobbed and sobbed. What would we do now? Only 1% of America's population has AB negative blood group. It'll be so hard to find someone quickly enough before Damien...
      Suddenly, I heard someone walk into the room. I stiffened. I knew exactly who it was and I definitely wasn't in the mood to talk with that person.
"Go away!" I spoke as my voice wavered.
"Look I can give you consent. I'll pretend to be your guardian. And,yes I heard everything. " He spoke.
"How will you give me consent?" I asked him hope and doubt growing.
"I'll be your guardian." He smiled.
"But how you be my guardian? Your not even of age!" I told him.
"Shimmer, just leave it to me. Trust me you'll be able to save...him." Kieran spoke but hesitated at the end. I nodded an ok and Kieran and we went to the reception area in order to ask of the whereabouts of the nurse.
"Hi,how can I help you?" The receptionist asked me with a smile.
"Hi,I'm looking for Nurse Shannon. She just left that room." I explained to the receptionist as I pointed towards the room which we had just left.
"She will be in room 11. Just down the left." She replied and pointed towards the left side of the office . I smiled a thanks and me and Kieran rushed towards room 11.
Kieran knocked on the door and we waited. Butterflies grew strongly in my stomach. What if Kieran could convince the nurse to take my blood? What if he died? I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes.
"Hello... oh it's you again. Can I help you?" The nurse smiled slightly.
"Hi, I'm her guardian. It was just to say that I am more than happy to let her donate blood." Kieran then spoke smoothly. I was slightly shocked.
"Are you sure you still want to donate blood? The poor man had lost a lot of blood and we will need quite a bit. You might even pass out due to not having enough blood. We may need to take about 2 or three pints of blood. If we do need a third you will begin to feel dizzy and possibly pass out." The nurse warned me.
"Look I don't care! I'll pass out if I have to but please just save him. Please get on with it! If he does then I don't know what I would do. Please hurry." I pleaded the nurse.
"Ok. I need to do a quick test first to ensure that your blood is safe to enter his. I will test the blood as quick as possible seeing as the man needs quite a bit very quickly. I'll quickly take a blood sample right now." The nurse said and gestured for us to enter the room. I quickly came in and sat down impatiently waiting for her to test me. If she kept taking ages then Damien will... Oh my god!
"Can you hurry please?" I begged her to hurry up.
"Ok sorry." The nurse spoke and quickly inserted the needle. Before long she had my blood sample and went off to the lab in order to test it. I was so worried about Damien. What if he didn't accept my blood? What if I was too late? What if my blood wasn't safe? I felt tears coming down my cheeks again as I thought about Damien and how he weakly walked into the house.
"Hey don't cry! He'll be ok!" I heard Kieran speak.
"How would you know?" I sighed as tears ran down my cheeks. I was so sad and scared for Damien. If he didn't live then how was I supposed to. I know that Rosie too wouldn't take Damien's passing away very well. She would probably cry for day and get ill.
SHIT! Talking about her where is she??? Fuck. I shot out of the room and told Kieran to stay there before I quickly went to the reception room to find Rosie.
I smiled slightly as I saw her there. I grabbed her in a hug and realised that she was crying badly. I wiped her tears off of her cheeks and kissed her cheek.
"Hey,I'm so sorry baby girl." I hugged her as I went back to the room which we were in. I calmed her down before introducing her to Kieran. Like Damien she warmed up to him pretty quickly.
"Your blood is ok for him." The nurse spoke as she entered the room. I was filled with happiness.
"Do we need to leave the room for your to take my blood?" I asked her.
"No it's fine just take your jacket off." The nurse spoke as she got ready to take blood.


Soon one full bag of blood was full. I felt like energy was being drained from me. Literally! She then got another bag and it bags to fill up as well. Rosie looked scared and so Kieran tried to get her to sleep...which in the end he did. I was thankful for him to be here.

As she began to take a third unit of blood from me I began to feel dizzy. Very. I blinked in order to fix my vision. It did not help. I felt myself becoming very drowsy, then I saw the black spots appear in my vision.
"Kieran!" I gasped as I tightened my grip on his hand.
"Kieran! Damien! Save him! Pleas...!" I heard myself speak. Suddenly darkness claimed me and I fell into a deep slumber.


Hi! So as you may or may not know my exams are starting tomorrow. This may or may not be the last chapter I publish for two weeks. When my exams are over I will post an extra long chapter for you guys.

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