You never know.... ( AMBW )

By luvneverminuteSJE

136K 8K 7.3K

When Sierra was trying to put the past behind her..... But it found it's way back... Read to find out how. [... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not an update but list of characters
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Side story - Javon POV
I Wanna Say Thank You!!!!!
Javon POV side story part two...
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
OMG I can't believe it's been a year
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
I can't believe it / not a update
chapter 39
Chapter 40
cast visuals/ year two can't believe it again
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
year 3 ❤/ preview / new cast member visual
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
year 4 ❤ of my starting this book
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
Chapter 65
Celebrating my 5th year🎉🎉🎉
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Its the sixth year that I'm still writing this book ?
Chapter 68
* Author's note

Chapter 30

1.1K 100 164
By luvneverminuteSJE

Nan's pov ~


As I sat down in the seat that her mother just vacated. All eyes were on me. But I focused on my precious niece, couldn't help but pinch her little cheek.

And she asked me in a cute little voice, " Who are you ? "

" I'm Nanmon but you can call me Aunt or Auntie Nan, " I smiled patting her head. And the older woman that am guessing was Sierra's mom was staring daggers at me the whole time.

" Who is that Aya ? Is she gonna be your new mom ? " a little boy said out of curiosity. But I suspect it was deliberate.

Cause I could have sworn I just said I was her aunt. But he's a little child, doesn't know any better so I'll let it slide. And there's another problem everyone's eyes were on me, I really think I should explain myself.

" Aya ? I'm your father's sister which makes me your aunt, okay sweetie, " I said looking Aya in the eyes hoping she would understand.

" My daddy ? But mommy said that ..... " she began to say when an older woman came over and snatched her up as Aya began to cry.

" I think you should leave, " she said very authoritatively.

" But I have as much of right to be here as anyone. I'm her family also, " I stated.

Then an older man got up from his seat and said, " I don't see how that could be not after what he did to my daughter. Him and especially you can't come here announcing something like this in public. "

" I am not ashamed, I'm happy we've gained another family member. So I don't see a point to all of this. "

" What are you talking about ? He ra..... " he began to say but was cut off by the older woman.

" That's enough John, Okay, " she said putting Aya down, helping the older man back to his seat.

Then an younger woman got up, coming over to me, asked " Can we talk over here ? "

And I replied, " Well okay then, " as I looked around to waved goodbye to Aya because I knew what this talk would be about. But I didn't see her as the woman guided to the other side of the room.


Sara's pov~

As I lightly pushed this woman over to the other side of the Auditorium.

I got the gist of what was gonna on. But also disappointed that Sierra left this big part of herself, her past from me. Does Jasmine know or is she in the dark like I was just minutes ago.

" Isn't this far enough ? And what is it you wanna speak to me about ? " the woman said to me annoyed.

I really didn't like this girl's attitude but I needed answers of my own. Because I'm not gonna let these two hurt my friend.

" First of all I think you and that guy should leave, second how are you and him related or associated with my friend ? "

I knew it was dumb but I wanted to hear it from her mouth to confirm it. I wanted to be sure.

" Well if you must know. Chan's little Aya's father, I'm her aunt, " she smiled.

" Her father and her aunt....... " I was shocked, this was totally different from what I was thinking. I didn't know what to say next.

" Yes I am her Aunt. As in Chan's my brother so that makes me her aunt. "

" I thought that ....... " I was saying but was quieted my Sierra's mom yelling out.

" Where's Aya ? Has anyone seen her ?! " she asked around. I'm pretty sure that everyone heard her. And she was kind of hysterical while saying it. I guess we were too deep in our conversation to notice what was happening at first.

At that same moment, I see that woman walking off in the direction of the exit. But I couldn't worry about it. We need to find her and fast. So I went to over to where everyone was, asked.......

" Did anyone check the restrooms or under the tables ? " cause I knew she liked playing under tables because I witnessed it before.

" No she's not in there but I'll check others, " Javon said coming back into the room, looking worried.

We need to find her and soon.


Sierra's pov ~

" What the hell did you just say ! "

" Calm down Sierra ! All we have to do is she search for her, " Chan said putting a hand on my shoulder.

But all I wanted to do was smack the shit of his sister for telling me this lie.

" Y'all had this plan. So this is why you both came here to pull something like this ! " I laughed when in actuality I was frightened to death.

Where is my baby ? She would never do anything like this. I needed to find her. But where do I start ?

Then I noticed kids playing over in the park. Maybe she could be over there. So I ran like a mad woman. When I got there, I checked everything, every child. Even spooked some parents while doing so. I looked the whole area but came up with nothing.

As I wiped sweat off my forehead Chan came up to me but his sister was nowhere around.

" Sierra it's gonna be alright. I asked my sister to go back in to asked and see if they found her yet. We might be panicking for no reason. But if not, you can be sure that I'll find her. "

" How do I know you're telling the truth cause it seems awfully strange that this happened. When you two showed up because everything was fine. "

" What are you saying Sierra ? "

" Oh you know what I mean. Because if you don't then figured it out for yourself, " I told him then turning around to race back to the school.

After feeling so low because of what happened to me. I wanted to give up writing. But I couldn't because I love writing and I don't wanna stop. So thanks to everyone who gave me some encouraging words. To all who reads and votes for my stories.

Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart ❤

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