My Friend (Harry Potter Love...

By Ocean-Girl

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~ Years 5-7 ~"Ro, I love you, that's because!" shouted Harry. I stop dead and I turn around "What?" I sa... More

Part One
Rosemary Fisher
Chapter 1 Annoying Dudley and Danger
Chapter 2 Yelling, Letter's, Expelled.... Kind Of
Chapter 3 Odd Arrivel
Chapter 4 Flying and Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
Chapter 5 Forever And Always
Maggie Thorn
Chapter 6 Hearing
Chapter 7 Electricity
Chapter 8 Sweet Kiss but Confusion
Chapter 9 Going To Our Second Home
Lost Chapter Ten
Carly William
Chapter 11 Oh Darn, And New Song, Ron's idiotic
Chapter 12 Supportive Friends
Chapter 13 Singing In The Forest
Chapter 14 Umbridge's Class
Chapter 15 Carly's Point of View
Chapter 16 Pain
Chapter 17 Telling Harry And Violet's Letter
Chapter 18 Their Starting To Believe
Chapter 19 Detention With Umbridge
Chapter 20 Catching Ronald
Chapter 21 Nervous and May Be Possessed
Chapter 22 Birthday And Singing About Him
Chapter 23 Bad Day
Chapter 24 "Baby, i'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake"
Chapter 25 What The Grade's Stand For
Chapter 26 Hermione's awesomeness
Chapter 27 Our Fun
Chapter 28 Sharing How I Feel
Chapter 29 Out of Control
Chapter 30 Meeting
Chapter 31 Me?
Chapter 32 Umbridge's New Rule
Chapter 33 Injured Hedwig
Chapter 34 Neville's Wrath
Chapter 35 Another Plan
Chapter 36 Into the Closet With You
Chapter 37 Finally (You'll love this chapter)
Chapter 38 Nervousness and Telling
Chapter 39 Meeting Dobby at Last.
Chapter 40 Trying But Not Working With Me
Chapter 41 Did Hermione Granger kiss Ronald Weasley?
Chapter 42 Damn Slytherin's and Ravenclaw
Chapter 43 A Mother's Care
Chapter 44 "Can you two drop it already!" (Part One)
Chapter 45 Hagrid's Story (PaRt ToW)
Chapter 46 "You must promise"
Chapter 47 First Date
Chapter 48 "I love you,"
Chapter 49 Pain
Chapter 50 "It's a curse and blessing"
Chapter 51 Aunt Scarlet
Important to Read!
Chapter 52 May My Boyfriend and I Be Possessed?
Author Note
Author Note Once Again...
Chapter 54 "What?"
Chapter 55 Rosemary's Birthday Plan
Chapter 56 Damn You Violet
Chapter 57 "Think Again"
Chapter 58 Asking Ro Out and Welcome to My Lessons, Harry.
Chapter 59 Valentines Dance
Chapter 60 Singing For Our Loved Ones
Chapter 60 "Kill him, more like,"
Chapter 61 "I believe you both"
Chapter 62 Dreams
Chapter 63 Umbridge's Worse Fear
Chapter 64 Two Mistry Messages
Chapter 65 New Nightmare
Chapter 66 The Lord Family
Chapter 67 Where did Rosemary Go?
Chapter 68 A Glimpse's of the Future
Chapter 69 "Teaching a Player to not mess with my heart,"
Chapter 70 Shocking News
Chapter 71 A Glimpse Of My Teen Mother
Chapter 72 "Never go near me again, James Potter,"
Chapter 73 The Mystery Man Is Back
Story Update
Chapter 74 "Harry!"
Chapter 75 "Till the match is over?"
Chapter 76 Meeting a New Friend
Chapter 77 Ron Scored

Chapter 78 Examination.

2.1K 29 23
By Ocean-Girl

  Chapter 78
(Year Five)

The next day after Ron won us the Quidditch Cup, he was being praised by Gryffindor's 24/7 wit hthem sining "Weasley Is Our King" but soon me, Harry, Hermione, and Carly convinced Ron to come with us to go sit by a tree near the Black Lake, thankful to see nobody here to bother us as we could tell Ron about Grawp and about we missed Ron's game. IT wasn't as peaceful thought seemingly as Ron kept telling us about the freaking game what felt like the 10th time today. "......I'd already let in that one of Davie's, so I wasn't feeling that confident, but I dunno, when Bradley came toward me, just out of nowhere I thought 'You can do this!' and I had about a second to decide which way to fly, y'know, because he looked like he was aiming for the right goal hoop, well, his left to be exact, but I had a funny feeling that he was feinting, and so I took the chance and flew left ----"
"---- Wood's spirit visited you, somehow." Carly says in a bored tone as she flipped through a page of Divination.
"Anyways," He says and looks at Carly like she offended him, "you know what happens next..."
I roll my eyes and look at the book about Empath's for a bit then changing to my potions book.
"And then, when Chambers came at me about five minutes later" Ron paused and looked at Harry. "What? Why are you grinning?"
I look at Harry and squint my eyes at him.
"I'm not," Harry says quickly and looks back at his book and I shake my head at Harry. "Weirdo," I cough loud enough for Harry to hear he shook his head at me for my silliness. "I'm just glad we won, that's all."
"Yeah..." Ron says slowly, looking at Harry for a moment if to believe him or not. "We won. Did you see the look on Chang's face when Ginny got the Snitch right out from under her nose?"
"She cried, I'm betting." I say, the words slipping off my tongue as jealously bubbled inside me at the mention of that twerp. Carly slowly looked up her book and looked at me "Somebody jealous?" Carly says.
"Shut up, Carly." I say to her and she giggled brightly and went back to her book as Ron stared at me for a moment. "Well, yeah ---- more out of temper than anything, though...but you saw her chuck her broom away when she got back to the ground, didn't you?"
"Oh, uhm, well..." I was lost at words really.
"Well, actually, no, Ron." Hermione pipes up, sighing heavily, putting her book down beside her and look at Ron directly in the face. "As a matter of face, the only bit of the match Harry, Ro, Carly, and me saw was Davie's first goal."
I could feel the disappointment raiding off him and in my gut from my Empath powers. "You didn't watch?" He says faintly looking at us as we all look at him, Carly looking a little guilty. "You didn't see me make any of those saves?"
" But, Ron, we didn't want to leave ---- we had to!"
"Yeah?" Ron says, I could sense the annoyance in his voice, and could feel it too. "How come?"
"It was Hagrid," me and Harry say in union. "He decided to tell us why he's been covered in injury's ever since he got back from the giants. He wanted us to go into the forest with him, we had no choice, you know how he gets..."
We all take turns telling Ron the story of that adventure, Ron looking like he can't believe that was real.
"He brought one back and hid it in the forest?!" Ron says, surpired.
"No, no, he can't have..."
"He has." Hermione said firmly. "Grawp's about sixteen feet tall, enjoy's ripping up twnety foot pine trees, and knows me as Hermy." Hermione and Carly snorted at the nickname, keeping it all in.
"And we want's us to....?" Ron trailed off looking at us.
"Teach him English, yeah," Harry told him.
"He's lost his mind!" Ron says and Carly chuckled weakly.
"Afraid he has..." Hermione sighed turning a page in her book. "But Harry made us promise."
"Well you're just going to have to break your promise, that's all. I mean, come on" Ron said looking at us in disbelief. "We've got exams and we're about that far" ---- he held up his finger s to show how far we are, being a small amount his finger's almost touching ----" from being chucked out as it is. And anyway remember Norbert? Remember Aragog? Have we ever come off better for mixing with Hagrid's monster mates?"
"I know, Ronald, but we promised him." Carly said.
Ron smoothed out his hair flat once more and looked at us. "Well, Hagrid hasn't been sacked just yet, has he? He's hung on this long maybe he'll hang on till the end of the year and we wont' have to go near Grawp at all." Ron sighed and I nodded.

The past few days later, our O.W.L.s so close now, we got our Schedules and details of the procedure for it on our Transfiguration class by McGonagall. "As you can see," McGonagall said as me and Jamie, sitting next to each other, wrote down what was on the blackboard on the dates of our exams. "Your O.W.L.s are spread over two successive weeks. You will sit the theory in the mornings and the practice in the afternoons. Your practical Astronomy examination will, of course, take place at night. Now, I must warn you that the most stringent Anti-Cheating Charms have been applied to your examination papers, Auto-Answer Quills are banned from the axamination hall, as are Remembralls...." McGonagall continued to tell us the rules and what would happen if we broke those rules (which was to be punished with Umbridge). That wont be pleasant. "...however, that is no reason not to do your bery best, You have your own futures to think about."
Hermione raised her hand and McGonagall nodded to her. "Professor, when will we find out our results?"
"An owl will be sent to you some time in July." McGonagall told us.
Jamie sighed with relief next to me. "Thank the heavens." she sighed beside me and I smile to her and squeeze her shoulder comfortingly.

By dinner in the Great Hall, none of the Fifth Years spoke that much, we had Theory of Charms on Monday in the morning so Hermione would always take a bite, set her utensil's down, and grab a book to check for some sort of fact. Ron would tell Hermione to eat or she wouldn't sleep but she wouldn't listen and continued doing what she was doing.
All of a sudden Hermione's fork fell onto her plate staring at the entrance hall. "Oh my goodness! Is that them? Is that the examiners?"
We all look around seeing Umbridge talking to some old witches and wizards looking a little nervous about talking to them, and I had to be honest, I felt a little nervous myself. I mean this is a exam how good I'm doing in my classes. "Should we get a closer look?" Ron asked, me, Harry, and Hermione nodded.
We got up and walked to the entrench hall and walked past them a little until Ron stopped and crouched down to his shoe and started pretending to tie his shoelace and me, Harry, and Hermione waited for him.
"Journey was fine! Journey was fine. We've made it plenty of times before!" said one of the examiners quite loudly, me having a theory she was deaf a little. "Now I haven't heard from Dumbledore lately, no idea where he is, I suppose?"
"None at all." said Umbridge, me feeling her shooting us a disapproval look at us all. "But I fare say the Ministry of Magic will track him down soon enough...."
"I doubt it! Not if Dumbledore doesn't want to be found, I should know....Examined him personally in Transfiguration and Charms when he did N.E.W.T.s did things with a wand I'd never seen before." Said the examiner.
"Yes...well," said Umbridge as we walk up the stairs slowly. "Let me show you the staffroom, you look like you could use a cup of tea after your journey."
Umbridge lead the examiners away from us and we all just went up to the Gryffindor Common Room, just doing last minute studying.

By the morning of our first exam at breakfast nobody spoke a single word unless it was about studying, Carly was just eating patiently but whenever somebody touched her she'd jump and look at you like you just insulted her family, I was just thinking over everything I studied last night with Jamie while eating my eggs and ham slowly.
Later on the day when everyone that was below or above was in classes all us Fifth years were called into the Great Hall which was arranged the exact way me and Harry saw in that pensieve of Snape's memory when they had their exam in Defense Against the Dark Arts.
What was different was it was Professor McGonagall standing at the teacher's table at the front with this huge hourglass, it kinda looked intimidating to be honest. That's probably because I'm exhausted right now.
"You may begin," Professor said once we were all seated quietly, turning the giant hourglass upside down the timer starting. I looked down to my exam and put my elbow on the table, placing my cheek in my palm, looking at the questions and what I'd need to write down, logging into my memory to what is this and that. I began writing the familiar sound of scratching on parchment of Quills.

Hey, Minions.
This isn't how I exactly wanted this to go, I wanted this to be longer until Hagrid's part, but I'm going to save that for now since you all must be wanting to read more about this right now and I think this is a good stopping place for it.
It's not long, it's only 6 pages long when it would've been about 10-12 pages long if I actually did what I wanted to do but...*shrugs*
I do hope you'll enjoy this chapter and sorry it took so long, my summer's been insane with my Dad going on business trips and getting the house all sorted out...
Thank you for sticking with me and my shitty updating :)
I love you, Minions



Present Day:

So, this had to be made in 2015 and I haven't updated since, for certain reasons.

I stopped because I got depressed over Alan Rickman's death and a bunch of people death, I was a bit depressed last year...

Now I'm better and actually happier, I'm writing three chapters to publish in one day, which should be publish either October or December, who knows, I don't like updating this story much but I wasted almost three or four years of my life writing this and many people like this story.

If you can't wait to see more of my stuff, I suggest reading "Silent", probably my second popular story on here. And a original story I'm writing called "The Survival Game".

I also have a YouTube channel where I uploads, Speed Builds of Sims 4 and Sims 3, and would post me making the covers of my books on there.

Hope you guys like this chapter :) and all my other stuff! Love you guys and see you when I'm done with the three chapters.

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