Kakashi's Daughter

By InfinityxInfinity79

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Mizuki has no last name. She has no family left. Her clan was destroyed. Her family killed right in front of... More

Author's Note!
Im sorry :( Authors note
Im not dead(Authors Note)
Two Flipping Years


1.1K 21 5
By InfinityxInfinity79

Third Person POV
"Kaguya Otsutsuki...this is the mother of the Sage of the Six Paths?" Kakashi thinks to himself.

Fear is the only thing that was shared in the five ninja's eyes as they stood staring at the mother of chakra.

"These two are...Hagoromo and Hamura..." She says while looking at Naruto and Sasuke.

"No...Indra and Asura..."

"No, mother..." Dark Zetsu says from the sleeve of Kaguya's attire.

"They're Naruto and Sasuke. The two vessels of reincarnation..."

"Black Zetsu..." Kakashi mutters from behind his students.

"He's...changed somehow?" Kakashi thinks with confusion clouding himself.

"Finally...Now, Mother has been resurrected. I can return to her side..." Black Zetsu says with an evil laugh.

"Just...who are you?!" Naruto says angrily.

"A child...of my mother, Kaguya..." He says which sends chills down my spine.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke finally says as he looks at them with a stern look.

"You probably don't know this...but my mother was sealed...by the hands of the Sage of the Six Parths Hagoromo, and his younger brother Hamura. Just before she was sealed, I was born from the very last ounce of her power...Born with a mission to revive her..." Black Zetsu replies.

Naruto steps forward slightly with anger and his fists curl up in to balls as tension grows stronger.

"Why would Great Grandpa do that?! I thought he sealed the Ten Tails!" Naruto exclaims.

Mizuki feels her chest get heavy when she thinks of her partner being taken out of her and used for such evil.

"Looks like you don't quite understand what the Ten Tails really is. Mizuki why don't you explain." Black Zetsu says with an evil smirk.

"That thing isn't really the Divine Tree. It's Kaguya, herself." Mizuki says as her eyes gaze drops to the ground.

"What?" Kakashi say as he steps beside Mizuki.

"Not even Hagoromo knows this. Mizuki only knew because she had the Ten Tails." Black Zetsu says with an evil chuckle.

"He didn't even know that I've been working to revive her this entire time."

"The Ten Tails was Kaguya...If that's the truth...Then that means you must have gotten close to Madara and used him al for the sake of unsealing and reviving her...so the she was put inside Mizuki's mom until a new vessel was born in the family. That makes sense as to why Mizuki's last name is
Otsutsuki." Kakashi says while placing a hand on her shoulder.

"That's right. I made him think that he 'created me,' then worked as his shadow to enact the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Since the Infinite Tsukuyomi is capable of gathering so much chakra, it was the sole way of reviving her. Of course...Madara wasn't the only one I used. I used everything I could get my hands on. I fed the fire of Indra's jealousy toward Asura, through his descendants...I even controlled the Uchiha clan as it suited me." Black Zetsu says.

Mizuki grabs Sasuke's hand as he frowns at Black Zetsu when he tights his grip slightly on her hand.

"People...wills...traditions...history... You really did...use all of that?!" Kakashi questions.

"Remember, it's the whole reason I was born. While my mother was gone, I wrote down everything and created history. In other words, the path that you all walked...The story of the Shinobi...was merely a story that I created in order to resurrect my mother! Naruto...it doesn't matter how hard you glare at me. Right, Mother?" He says as we all gasp softly.

Tears run down Kaguya's face as she stares at Naruto and Sasuke weakly but yet full of strength and hatred.

"Oh, that's right...You've been sealed for so long...Did you remember the faces of your children? They're your enemies, though. The ones who stole your chakra..." He says and Mizuki lets go of Sasuke's hand.

Anger fills her eyes as she glares at us and the earth seems to shake as she lifts her arms slightly.

"Yes...That's right...I...hate them..." She says as she activates her byakugan.

"Here she comes...This is insane..." Naruto mutters.

"Yeah..." Sasuke agrees.

"Hagoromo...Hamura...You belong to me! It's time to gather up all my chakra...and unify it once more!"

"Naruto! You know what to do?" Sasuke exclaims as he gets in to a fighting stance.

"Yeah! We can just seal her again!" Naruto replies.

"Let's do it!" Sasuke says as they both charge towards her.

"What should we do?" Sakura questions.

"Back them up when they need it. I know they will." Mizuki answers.

Naruto and Sasuke work perfectly together as they combine kicks and punches to push her back.

But as they fight the scenery around them changes to lava and rocks which makes her ninjutsu change completely.

Naruto finds and opening and uses a reverse sexy jutsu on her which pushes her back.

Sasuke follows up with a chidori which hits and forces her to change the scenery again to a desert area.

She uses sand to hit Sasuke and Naruto hurting them slightly but they continue to push her.

She changes he scenery one more time to a winter area as she uses ice to try and freeze them as Mizuki jumps in blocking some ice needles with a kuni.

Kakashi and Sakura get the other sides so there aren't any openings for her to take.

She floats with her head down a few feet away as Team 7 catches their breathes.

"Now!!" Naruto yells

He makes two shadow clones as the middle one makes a rasengan and hits her directly.

Mizuki and Sakura sit with Obito as he holds his stomach and coughs when the two shadow clones stand beside them.

"Obito...you're awake?" Kakashi says while standing up.

"Kakashi? I'm not dead?"

"Let me give you a quick run-down..." Kakashi says to him.

Kaguya comes out of no where hitting Sasuke and Naruto as they fly back and hit a wall.

"This is our chance. Mother!" Black Zetsu exclaims.

She raises her hand as ice covers the two men and they are trapped with no escape.

"Oh...So that's what happened...But how are we gonna stop Kaguya?" Obito says to Kakashi.

"Sasuke and I will figure--" One of Naruto's clones starts to say.

Both clones disappear and Mizuki's hands tremble in fear as she thinks of the real Naruto and Sasuke.

"He disappeared?!" Sakura questions.

"Something must have happened to the host that made it impossible to retain the clones!" Kakashi answers.

Obito grunts as he gets up and takes off for the area where Kaguya, Sasuke and Naruto are.

"Ggh...I can't move!" Naruto thinks to himself.

The rest of Team 7 including Obito get to the area as Kaguya raises her hand to use a jutsu at the two rivals.

But Obito uses his visual prowess to stop her as she moves back away from the boys.

She turns to see Obito crouched on the ground breathing very heavy as lets one of his arms hang.

"You're not allowed to touch them." He grunts.

"Him..." Black Zetsu says with anger in his voice.

"Obito!" Kakashi says as Sakura and him land behind Obito.

"They just keep coming out..." Black Zetsu admits.

"Amaterasu." Sasuke thinks as black flames start to form so it burns the ice jutsu.

"Escaping will take some time...I need to keep her busy until then..." Obito thinks.

"I can't let you go out there alone. Let me help." Kakashi says as he places a hand on Obito's shoulder.

"I-I'll hell too. I can spare a little chakra." Sakura exclaims.

"I can help." Mizuki says but Kakashi frowns.

"No. Sit back. We could need a medic after." He says and she nods.

Mizuki could see that the sharingan in Obito's eyes were weakening, meaning he's losing his vision.

"Mother...If we don't stop them, they're going to keep annoying us. Let's take them out first." Black Zetsu says to Kaguya.

"I need to withstand this until Naruto and Sasuke can escape the ice...That's all I can do right now...This will be my final repentance..." Obito thinks to himself as he takes a long blink.

"Kakashi...Sakura...Back me up." Obito says as he charges toward Kaguya.

Kicks and punches were exchanged between Kaguya and Obito when Obito hit her in the face knocking her back.

Kakashi runs past with another lighting blade but misses although Sakura came down with a punch to the ground making the ground shake.

Obito gets a fire ball ready as the two comrades move when he blows it at her and she blocks it.

She grabs Obito and throws him back as he slides back on his feet towards Mizuki who starts to heal him quickly.

The sound of ice breaking fills the air as Sasuke and Naruto escape and they land in front of the others.

"Tch...They got past?" Black Zetsu says with frustration.

"Thanks, Obito!! We'll take it from here!!" Naruto says with a big smile.

"How can dying maggots be this persistent? Mother...Let's just kill them right there."

"Yes..." She says harshly.

The scenery changes once more as Team 7 and Obito are pulled to the ground.

You body is pulled to the ground and you can barely move a finger cause the gravity is strong.

"Ggh...The gravity here...is super strong..." Sasuke says through grunts.

"My body...feels so heavy!" Naruto replies.

"But if looks like she's used up a lot of chakra as well..." Kakashi thinks to himself.

"Are you alright, Mother? Let's hurry up and finish this, then leave this dimension!" Black Zetsu asks as Kaguya pants heavily.

Kaguya manages to sit up as she raises her hands when bones start to come out of the palms.

She aims straight for Sasuke and Naruto as Mizuki notices and so does Kakashk and Obito.

"I no longer have the power..." Obito thinks.

"...to defeat her..." Kakashi thinks.

"Which means...The only thing I can do now..."

"I must protect Naruto and Sasuke...even if it kills me..." Obito and Kakashi think together.

As the bones fly out of her palms Obito jumps in front of Naruto and Kakashi starts to jump in front of Sasuke but Mizuki runs in front of him first.

She stands with her arms out, ready to take the bone to the chest even if it kills her.

"I must protect them!" Kakashi, Obito and Mizuki think to themselves.

Obito's eye widens as he makes the bone coming towards Mizuki disappear and he takes his to the stomach.

"Obito! You..." Kakashi say but loses his words.

"Kakashi...Just stay here for a while with Mizuki." He says through pants.

"Him..." Black Zetsu grunts.

"Wh-why..." Mizuki and Kakashi exclaims.

"Look at your face...Now I get to be all alone with Rin. You'd alone ruin things...Kakashi..." He says with a slight smirk.

"Obito..." Naruto starts to say.

"You really...taught me a lot...and you probably still have a lot of suffering left waiting for you. But...just make sure you stick to your ninja way, all the way to the end...Stay strong...and don't break your word...Is that hoe it went? Yes...that's it. Naruto...I just know...you'll become the Hokage!" He says as he stands up straight and turns his head slightly to face Naruto.

"Yeah!!" Naruto says with a smile.

"And...Kakashi..." Obito says as he reaches out for him but falls.

Kakashi catches him as he places a hand on his back to help him as they look at each other.

"Obito!" Kakashi says with a shaky voice.

"You'd...better not come and join me...for a while...Survive until..the very...end." He says as he places his hands over Kakashi's eyes.

"What? C'mon, Kakashi. For give me that face...Don't make a face like that's...for trash like this...What's this feelings..? It feels like it's...bubbling up from inside me...Oh...that's it...I'm...happy. At the very end...I got to stand right next to my friend...I get it...That's why...I'm smiling...You don't need to be merciful toward someone who's this guilty...Kakashi...I just want you to send me off...Thank you...for everything." Obito says as his body disappears.

Kakashi's hands fall as tears fill his eyes but they don't fall and he looks at the ground with clutched fists.

Black Zetsu begins laughing feet away from where Team 7 sits as they mourn their lost comrade.

"Why are you getting so desperate? The only thing you can change is the order that you die in! You're all such fools!"

"Don't laugh...at my friend!" Kakashi says as he stands and actives his Mankeyou sharingan.

He uses his kamui on Black Zetsu as the scenery changes back to the original area.

"The Sharingan?! But how?! Your eye was stolen!" Black Zetsu yells.

"This is the power that Obito left to me at the very end." Kakashi says as he activates his Susano'o.

"That little worm...He kept screwing with my plans right to the very end...But it's fine, Mother. They're all just--" Black Zetsu says but he's cut off.

"Mine." Kaguya mutters.

"That power...is mine..." She says.

"M-Mother?!" Black Zetsu says with fear in his voice now.

"My power..."

"Calm down, Mother!"

Kaguya starts to shake as she starts to form in to something new as she gets even more angry.

"Who said you could use that? I will not permit any more foolish actions commited...with my chakra!!" She says as she forms in to a beast.

Kakashi makes a fist as he forms in to his Susano'o so he can fight off Kaguya in her new form.

I'm gonna have two parts for the Kaguya fight. One reason is because this fight is very long and I don't want this chappy being 50 pages long.

Second is because I'm gonna split the parts up where your fighting normal Kaguya and where your fighting the beast Kaguya.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chappy!! Poor Obito :( Helped even to the end after his passing.

Love you guys <3

~Heaven & Sarada

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