The Nerd Can Fight (Slow Upda...

By RomanticBunny

80.6K 1.8K 230

Shimmer is a nerd in high school! Shimmer gets straight A's and is the teachers pet! She always works hard i... More

Authors Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Auhors Note
Chapter 10
A Day Out
Does Damien Love Me?
Seeing Rosie
Past Life
First Day of School
Mission Impossible
School Trouble
Who Are You?
Hospital Coincidence
Im Back Bitches
A Week Later...
Christmas Fun
Thier Back!
My Shimmer
Joel Black
What The Fuck?
Dead Man Walking
Meeting Damien
Hey Peeps!
New Cover??!!
I'm Yours
Halloween Party
I Think I'm Falling For You

Chapter 1

4.5K 90 13
By RomanticBunny

"Look at you! Your such a disappointment to the world!" Said Lucy the schools popular girl to me.
I was trying to get my bag from my locker. I didn't usually take my bag with me for lunch because it was heavy and uncomfortable. So I was trying to get my bag, when Lucy and her minions decided that now was the perfect time to bully me and humiliate me. Yet again!
"C-can I just g-get my bag?" I stuttered out.
"Sure!" She smiled at me, flashing her perfectly straight and white teeth.
"Once I'm done though!" She then said. I was scared of Lucy. If I even done one wrong thing then I know that she would get her dad to fire my mum from work! You see, my mum works for Lucy's dad. So if I even touch a hair of Lucy's then my mum is fired!
"What a-are you d-doing?" I asked her as she gave her bag to her minions, Rebecca and Sarah.
"This!" She she whisper yelled, before she punched my face! I felt tears running down my cheeks and I grew hot. I felt everyone watching us! I knew that everyone would either be taking pictures of me punched or videoing the full thing. Lucy was about to punch me again, so I immediately moved my hands in front of my face. However, the punch never came. Her perfectly manicured hand never even touched me! I opened my eyes to see that a hand grabbed her fist.
Lucy looked pissed off! I looked to see who had saved me. I realised that it was the principal!
"Sir!" Lucy almost shouted in confusion.
"Lucy Avery Adams! What do you think you are doing young lady?" Shouted the principal. He looked Lucy straight in the eye angrily and I watched Lucy gulp in guilt.
"N-nothing sir! See Shimmer was saying how much MY dad was a failure and I couldn't take it!" Lucy said acting innocent!
"Shimmer-" the principality started before the bell interrupted him.
"Right! Everyone get to your classes!" Shouted the principal.
I quickly opened my locker and grabbed my bag out before I almost ran to my class.

In class...

"Shimmer here is your test papers back:" Mr Brown said to me as he gave me my paper back. As usual there was an A wrote on it.

" Thank you sir." I thanked my teacher.

    After we all got our test papers handed out Mr Brown went over the papers. He explained parts that some other students didn't understand. Even though I understood every thing that the teacher was going over, I still listened to everything.

"Any questions?" the teacher asked.

"No sir." the class replied.

"OK class, well done for listening. The bell is due to go soon so pack your stuff and stand behind your chairs." Mr Brown said. I quickly put my book in my folder and put my folder in my bag. Soon the bell rung.

        I quickly got out of class and walked towards my locker. I halted to a stop when I saw who was standing at MY locker. It was Lucy, Rebecca and Sarah. I cautiously walked closer to them, until I could hear what they were saying.

"She is so ugly!" Rebecca said. Who were they talking about?
"I know!" Sarah replied. They laughed.
"How does Shimmer survive her life?" Lucy asked.
They were talking about me! Who else were they supposed to talk about? I can't believe it!
"Why are you talking about me?" I asked Lucy with an unknown emotion... anger!
"Did you hear our conversation? How rude?" Lucy made a face at me.
My blood was boiling! How dare she? I lifted my hand to slap her. She looked shocked. I then slapped her as hard as I could.
Suddenly the halls were filled with boos and oohs. I felt my cheeks growing hot! I had just hit Lucy! I never hit anyone!
"What the fuck?" She asked me. Then she laughed hysterically.
"You should seriously learn how to slap properly! That didn't even hurt! And how dare you touch me?" She shouted.
"Oh I dare!" I said angrily. She then threw a punch at me! I felt tears escaping my eyes as I touched where she had punched me!
"Oh, and you should learn how to self defend! Your such a weak bitch!" Lucy yelled at me.
"Slut!" Rebecca shouted.
"Whore!" Sarah added.
My tears were now streaming down my face! I quickly pushed past them when I fell to the floor! I heard Lucy laughing behind me.
"Oops, did I trip up the bitch?" She asked me mockingly.
I stood up and picked up my books. I stuffed them in my bag and walked outside. I kept my head down as I didn't want anyone to look at me.
Suddenly I bumped into a wall! But it moved!
"Sorry!" I apologised without looking up. I wiped tears from my face.
"Hey, it's ok!" The voice said kindly. I looked up to Damien - he was the schools bad boy - but he seemed kind to me.
"Your crying!" He said as he wiped my tears.
"I-i should get going."I started to walk of however I was jolted to a stop by someone holding my wrist.
"Wait!" I heard Damien's voice behind me.
"Why are you crying?" He asked me.
"Lucy Adams..." I trailed off.
"That bitch!" I muttered angrily.
"What did she do?" Damien questioned.
"Why do you care?" I asked him as I walked off.
"Because she's a bitch! She cheated on me with Prescott!" He explained. I sighed.
"She punched me twice and called me a bitch!" I whispered.
He gently held my arm as we walked back to the halls.
"What are you doing?" I protested. Damien never replied.
"Lucy!" Damien shouted. She immediately spun around her skirt twirling a little to up to show her butt!
"Babe!" She smiled as she rushed over to Damien. She put her hands around his neck and fiercely kissed him. I saw her push herself onto him. Damien pushed her away. Lucy obviously wasn't used to taking no for an answer.
"Why did you fucking punch..." Damien started."... her and then call her a bitch!" He yelled angrily! Lucy jumped in fright.
" Well! She is a bitch" Lucy said casually as if bitch was just a 'hi'.
       Then Damien done something that I never even thought he would do! He slapped Lucy on her face! She burst into tears and her face was red!
"Fuck off Lucy and leave..." he started.
"Shimmer." I filled in the gap.
"Leave Shimmer alone!" He finished.
     Then he held my arm and we walked outside.
"Damien... you didn't have to do that!" I said.
"Yes I did!" He replied.
"Why? It's like you know me or even care about me?" I said.
"Lucy used to bully a girl like you a few years ago! In fact Lucy bullied her so badly that the poor girl committed suicide! I didn't want you to be like that!" He explained.
"Thank you! But still, you probably haven't even seen me before or anything and now you care?" I asked Damien. I saw pain in his eyes. He sighed then spoke.
"My little sister, she got bullied like you! I saw how the bullying affected her and let's just say it didn't end very well!" He said to me.
"I'm so sorry!" I said.
"I'm sorry for making you upset! I wish I could learn how to self defend myself! So then I would be able to stand up to her myself!"
"You can learn!" Damien held my shoulders. "You can." He repeated.
"But how?" I asked. He never replied. He just led me to his car and told me to sit in.
"Where are we going?" I asked quizzically. Why was I getting into Damien's car? I never got into a boys car! Why was I fucking  going with a complete stranger to some unknown place?
"You'll see!" He smiled.
     Damien beckoned me to sit inside. So I sighed and sat in his fancy car. I carefully shut the door and put on my seatbelt. He then sped off away from the school.

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