Kakashi's Daughter

By InfinityxInfinity79

241K 5.1K 3.4K

Mizuki has no last name. She has no family left. Her clan was destroyed. Her family killed right in front of... More

Author's Note!
Im sorry :( Authors note
Im not dead(Authors Note)
Two Flipping Years


1.3K 34 1
By InfinityxInfinity79

Thank you all who have stuck from the beginning until now! You all are amazing! You make this book possible. I would have quit this book if it never got read by you. So thank you so much. There is a new character coming in to the book. I'll explain more later. But you guys want the chappy already so here you go! Enjoy!!
"They cause him to die! I see the side you've chosen. If you want to be with them so badly then why don't you just leave?!"

"Because I love you." I say a little louder.

"I don't know anymore. Maybe you shouldn't."

"Sasuke..are you breaking up with me?" I say through a cracked voice."

Mizuki's POV
I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth right now and it just brings a tear to my eye.

My throat feels so dry from all the pain this brings to my heart just thinking about losing him.

He doesn't even know that Itachi was very sick with untreatable illness and that Sasuke himself wasn't the reason he died, it was the sickness and it was only sped up because of the fight.

"No. I'm just saying...if your not gonna stand by me. I'm not talking about physically then yes maybe we should break up." He says softly while looking at the floor.

I walk closer to him and I take his hands in mine which are shaking with so much fear of being alone.

I look at him and wait as our eyes meet and I give him a small smile which he returns and in that moment I see those eyes that I fell in love with the same day he stood in front of me at the KIA rock.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be on your side Sasuke. I've had to deal with you for almost five years now. I'm definitely not going anywhere and you better not either." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

His hand leaves mine and I feel it wipe the tear away and I place my hand on his and just hold it there.

The warmth that comes off his hand sends chills down my body as I feel his lips on mine and I smile while kissing back.

I let go of his hands and I wrap my arms around his neck and I feel his hands on my waist as we kiss like we haven't seen each other for ten years.

"I have to go." I say between breaths.

"I know." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you." I reply with a smile.

"I love you too." He says while adding another kiss afterward.

I leave his room and I slip outside to find Neji sitting patiently by the same tree he was at before.

"What took you so long?" He asks.

"I couldn't convince him. Leave it at that. Let's go back." I say softly.

We head back to the Leaf quickly so we can report back to Lady Tsunade as soon as possible.

-10 minutes later-

We finally reach the Hokage mansion and I knock once when I hear her say come in.

We walk in to see a body standing in front of the desk which blocks our view of Tsunade.

The girl is about my height maybe a little taller, white hair, a black dress, black ninja sandals but no headband.

"Who's this?" I ask rudely.

Something about her seems familiar but I can't quiet remember but I don't like the feeling it puts in my stomach.

"I'm Rin Tsuaki and I came here to find a new home." She says with a bow and smile.

"I'm Mizuki." I say while walking around her.

"Did you talk to Sasuke?" Tsunade asks.

"Yes. I couldn't convince him. So I guess it's war."

"Sasuke...you mean Sasuke Uchiha?" Rin interrupts.

"Yeah, why?" I ask while turning to her.

"I've just heard his name when I travelled through villages that's all." She says while holding her hands in surrender. 

"Mizuki I want you to show Rin around. She's met a lot of people already but doesn't really know the Leaf."

"Sure whatever." I huff.

I leave the mansion with Rin following me and I get this weird scent in my nose that smells so familiar that it sends shivers up my spine.

"That smell...Orochimaru? Kabuto?" I think to myself.

-2 hours later-

"So that's how I learned to fight." She says.

"Oh." I say cause I wasn't listening.

We walk towards the training grounds which is our last stop on the tour of the Leaf village.

"So what happened to your parents?" She asks suddenly.

"What do you mean? My parents are fine." I lie.

"Orochimaru told me your parents died." She says and I turn quickly.

I feel my blood boil at the sound of his name as I walk towards her and I pull a kuni to her throat and she takes a step back.

"How do you know Orochimaru?" I hiss.

"So you are the Mizuki he spoke of." She says with a smirk.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

She pulls the kuni out of my hand quickly and kicks me in the stomach which pushes me back in to a tree.

I feel a rib crack when I look up and she's standing right in front of me as she grabs me by my throat and pulls me up so I'm off the ground.

"Orochimaru made me in a lab. I'm stronger than you. I know of Sasuke because I use to train with him everyday." She says with a smirk as she brings her mouth close to my ear.

"L-Let me g-go." I struggle to say.

"Sasuke was so much fun to play with. We had a good time together." She whispers.

I feel my body start to burn as I let the beasts chakra burn her and she lets me go.

I grab the kuni and I tackle her to the ground and I hold the kuni to her throat again.

"Don't ever talk like that! Sasuke loves me! He'd never." I hiss.

"If he was desperate enough. He was so obsessed with killing his brother. He trained so hard he needed some fun but you weren't around."

Her smile sends a shiver down my spine as I push the kuni against her throat leaving a cut.

"What was his name...? Itachi?" She whispers.

I tighten my grip on the handle of the kuni as chakra starts to seep off my body but when I see black chakra start to seep off her body and my eyes widen.

"Mizuki?! What are you doing to Rin?" Naruto yells.

I'm pushed off Rin as Naruto gets in my face and he looks so angry that his whiskers darken as he helps Rin up.

"You need to control your chakra." He hisses.

"She just came at me. We were taking a tour but she went wild." Rin says innocently while wiping away a fake tear.

"Don't lie you snake!" I say while taking a step towards her.

Naruto holds his arm out in front of me and my eyes meet his in an instant as I put my kuni away.

"Stop Mizuki. You can't assume everyone is bad. Come on Rin I'll take you back to your apartment." Naruto says as he walks away with her.

She turns her head towards me and smirks while walking away with Naruto.

I don't know who would believe me so I go to the one person I trust most as I go to the house quickly.

I knock on the door but there is no answer so I knock again when I hear some footsteps.

The door swings open and Kakashi stands in his blue long sleeve shirt and blue pants.

"Mizuki? What's up?" He asks.

"It's that new girl Rin."

"Come in." He says.

I walk inside and it still looks the same as when I left the last time and I smile slightly from the memories then I remember why I'm here.

"She has dark chakra Kakashi. She was made by Oroichumaru."

"Dark chakra hasn't exists since the first great ninja war and Mizuki...Sasuke killed him." Kakashi says softly.

I couldn't believe the words I was hearing as I place my hands on the back of a chair and I grip it so hard it cracks.

"You don't believe me either." I say harshly.

"Just give her a chance. Just trust me."

"No. Kakashi. I have a hunch that this is going to end badly if we don't do something."

"Just trust me." He repeats.

I stare at him amazed at his reaction to this when I just say 'okay' and leave after I give him a hug.

I walk back to my apartment and I go inside while taking off my sandals and placing them by the door.

I get this weird feeling in my stomach when I go in to the kitchen and I open the fridge as I grab an apple.

When I close the door there stands Rin as she pushes me against the wall behind me.

She covers my mouth with one hand and uses the other to hold my arms down.

"Now that everyone believes your just trying to come after me. It will make my mission easier to erase you and Naruto from the picture." She hisses.

"Yes, you are right I do have dark chakra. Orochimaru implanted it in me." She says with a smile.

Her hand moves from my mouth and I grit my teeth as I plan out my words carefully.

"You won't get away with this. I'll end you." I whisper.

"With what? That tailed beast in you?" She asks.

"How did you know?"

"Orochimaru told me. He found it when he was doing tests on you. But you know what? That beast can't protect you forever. Dark chakra is strong." She says before disappearing.

I let my back hit the wall and I slide down to the floor as I bring my knees to my chest.

"I need to find a jutsu to use on her." I think to myself.

"Itachi. I wish you were here." I whisper.

I get off the floor and I walk over to my door as I put on my sandals and jacket when I leave my apartment.

After locking the door I jog to the Hyuga mansion when I approach the door I raise my fist to the door hesitantly. 

I knock softly when Hiashi opens the door and he gives me an angry look and I sigh as I cross my arms.

"Can I speak to Neji? Its important." 

He stares at me with his lavender eyes as he leans against the door frame and I can feel the answer no coming at any second.

"Why? You're not welcome here Mizuki." He says harshly.

"Hiashi. Now is not the time for this. Also you owe it to me for sparing your life back then when you tried to kill me. Also I've saved Hinata plenty of times. Now...get Neji." I demand.

He stares at me with widen eyes and he turns around and walk inside but never comes back when I hear footsteps. 

Neji appears at the end of the hall and he smiles when he sees me as he walks to the door and I smile back.

"What are you doing here Mizuki? It's like ten."

"I need to ask you. Did you get this weird vibe from that girl Rin while we were in the Hokage mansion." I ask softly.

"She did seem odd. She didn't have a headband and her chakra was weird. I looked at it with my  byakugan." 

"Everyone is siding with her. There's something up. I need you to help me tomorrow." 

"Okay. Where do you want me to meet you?" 

"Just come over to my place. We need to go over some books to find this special jutsu. I hope the mansion saved some books from my clan. It will help with this and also I think everyone is under a powerful genjutsu." I say while crossing my arms.

"Maybe. Okay well lets talk more tomorrow. Someone could be eavesdropping. We need to act like we belong, well I do anyway cause she's after you." 

"Yeah well here." I say while doing hand signs.

I place my hand on his chest and it glows a orangish red color for a minute then goes out as I remove my hand.

"What was that?" 

"Well it will keep any genjutsu from affecting you so Rin can't get you. It only works for two days then goes away. My clan made it." 

"Okay well I'll talk to you tomorrow." He says.

No cliffhanger this time. Sorry this chappy is a little shorter. I'm writing this at like 4:20 pm and I've been writing essay's and reports. I'm trying to update more often for you guys. Also this chappy is dedicated to a fan who made the character Rin. She will be featured in more chappy's. But thank you so much @Sarada_Uchiha15 for the help! This chappy is dedicated to you. I hope you guys enjoyed. I'll update soon.

Love you guys <3


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