Nothing's fine, I'm torn

By monica4l

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In the simplicity of 2 words; she's torn. More

Nothing's fine I'm torn
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 35 (Continued)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 32

1.1K 26 2
By monica4l



As the man responsible behind all of this steps closer, I just can't seem to process why he would want to do this to me. I'm very at a loss for words at the moment, this really doesn't make any sense.

"Hello Y/N," his voice rings into my ears. "Surprised to see me, again?" He smiles smugly. "Oh pardon my manners," he clears his throat, "my name's Andrew, Andrew Simmons."

"What the hell? You're that guy Kendall was with." I say in disbelief. This doesn't add up, or maybe it does. Kendall must be behind this as well, no? It would only be the reasonable explanation, I don't see why this guy has anything against me. Unless Kendall asked him to do so.

"Yes, was. The bitch was too complicated, I don't know how Styles did it, but hey at least he found out before it was too late.. I think." He says. I have so many questions to ask, I mean if he's not with her then why am I even here?

"So what's the point of me being here? You don't even know me." I snarly remark. This guy is, if not a complete psycho.

"No, you're right I don't, but I do know Styles."

"What does Harry have to do with this?" It never crossed my mind that this could be something against Harry.

"Everything. You see, I've known him for a long time, yet he doesn't remember me. We have a history him and I, but that's a story that will have to wait. You think you may know Harry, but you don't. There's a part of his past that he left out. A past that he tries to forget but it will always come back and haunt him, it always will." His words leave me thrown off. Harry's past?

Harry's told me everything about him. This man knows Harry? And obviously it must be something huge and incredulous for me to be here.

"So how do I come into play in all of this? If you're not explaining much at the moment. Why am I kidnapped?"

"Well to make things more simpler, I've come back for a vengeance. Harry owes me so much. If I told you half the shit I know about him you'd be disgusted. Need I remind you that this is all before the fame and fortune. I know Harry cares about you, so this is a way to hurt his ego. I've been planning this for so long, you know the Kendall thing, this. It will all make sense once I tell you the truth. This is only partially how I intend on hurting him, and it starts with you, the only person he's ever truly cared about." I don't understand, what did Harry possibly do that was so horrible for this guy to have such hatred towards him? The way his words spit out with

poison only makes me more curious. The thought that Harry left out this big secret from me does worry me. It makes me feel like I don't even know him.

His brows furrow as his eyes narrow to my face. He cringes, placing his hand on my face to examine what I suppose is a bruise left by this other asshole.

"Dammit," he groans. He turns his attention to the other man who's holding me up. "Did I not tell you to not touch her?"

"She tried escaping, I had no choice." He justifies his action. If I wasn't tied up, I'd be digging my fingers into his eyes.

"Escaping? Huh, brave one. I like it." He eyes me and down, his eyes turn dark. I want to cover myself, I'm so tired of these men looking at me like I'm some piece of meat. He licks his lips and I gag as he does so.

"I'll give it to Styles, he always does know how to choose the pretty ones. It's a good thing he didn't make you a victim, would hate for you to go through that." Again his words leave me even more bewildered. Victim? Harry having victims seems improbable to me, he's the sweetest guy I've ever known, besides the way he treated me.

"It's also a good thing that you have not let him back into your life after he choose that bitch over you. Some best friend he is."

"I'd rather not discuss," I say. That's still a sore subject for me. It's only been a day since I first saw Harry after those two months. Those two, torturous months.

"I understand, wouldn't force you to. If you don't mind, I will now have to excuse myself. I have some very important meetings to get to. Oh and Marcus, hit her again and you won't get a single dime, understand?" The man next to me hastily nods. Mystery guy's name is Marcus, interesting.

"Sorry, won't happen again." He assures.

"Good," Andrew nods before turning his heel and exiting the door. This hardly makes any sense. I know I won't be able to stop thinking about whatever it is that he was talking about. I don't see Harry ever being a bad guy. This such a twist to unfortunate events, this is literally all a plot twist. Only this is real life, this concerns my life.

"Do you have any idea what he meant?" I ask Marcus who's name I now know.

"No clue. I don't ask questions, I just do my job. He's paying me a gross amount of money, the hell with whatever it has to do." He places me back down on the couch. All this thinking is gonna eat me alive. Oh Harry, what is it about you that I don't know?

I feel the man's hand rest on my thigh, making my head bolt up with enraged eyes.

"What are you doing?" I sneer at him. He scoots me down the couch and sits next to me not removing his hand.

"Get your hand off of me," I hiss.

"Just wanna have a little fun, that's all." He says leaning in. I quickly move my head to the side making him completely miss my lips.

"This could go either one or two ways. You can oblige and do as I say or I'll force you, your choice."

"My choice is none. Get away from me. You heard the man if you touch me he's not paying you shit." I remind him. My heart is beating at a rapid pace. I want to run out of here as fast as I can but I can't. There's no way out.

"Andrew isn't here. Don't be so hard, little sluts like you are easy." He prances on me abruptly kissing my neck. I cry out as his mucky lips make contact with my skin. I want to push him off but my hands are still tied behind my back.

"STOP," I scream as loud as I can. My voice echoes through the entire warehouse. He doesn't let up continuing to assault my neck. His fingers are digging into my hips, it hurts so much. Any moment now Harry and Liam or any of those two are gonna come in and save me. Tears spill out from my eyes as I squirm underneath this man.

"Don't act like you're not enjoying this. You whores like to be fucked anyway." He growls. His hands move down to my thighs, lifting my dress up to my waist exposing my bottom half.

"Please don't do this," I cry. I'm not sure if making him feel guilty would do me any justice but it's worth a try. This man is on the verge of raping me and he has no mercy, none.

I never thought this would happen to me. He's too powerful for me to even nudge him. His fingers keep digging into my skin and all I can do is cry. The feeling of his grotesque lips and hand on me makes want to hurl. 'This isn't happening, this isn't happening' I repeat to myself in my head. The truth is that it is happening. God, please don't let this happen, please..


Harry's POV

"This is fucking ridiculous," I curse out to officer Quinn. The fact that these people have very small leads is pissing me off. No, I'm beyond fucking pissed.

"Sir, we are trying. Kidnappings are very hard to deal with. Especially when the person behind it has barely contacted you. The private phone number is hard to locate but trust that we will be able to surpass it." We've been at this station for hours and for what? All I can do his pull at my hair and pace the hell out of this damn floor. Liam is just as frustrated as I am. I've already alerted someone to tell Y/N's parents of the situation but they haven't gotten the news since they're in fucking Europe.

"Please, you guys are professionals. A woman's life, the love of MY life is at risk here. Also, I want you guys to investigate the hell out of Kendall Jenner." Although she sounded convincing, I can't be too sure that she doesn't have anything to do with this.

"Miss Jenner? Why?" He asks.

"She's my ex girlfriend. Her and Y/N had a toxic relationship. They hate each others guts. I just ask that you please keep an eye out on her, please."

"Alright if that makes you feel comfortable sir then we will. We have our best guys under this entire case. Detectives are also at it." He assures me. Maybe it's because I just want to know where she is that I'm being unfair. I just can't fathom the fact that they don't have shit.

"Harold," Liam calls out for me.

"What?" I snap at him. "Sorry." I quickly apologize.

"I've just got off the phone with our managers. I told them the situation we're in and that we need the money."

"You what? Liam, I said no one was to find out until after we found her. Fuck," I say in frustration. Now everyone's going to know about this shit. I did this to protect her from nosy ass fucking people.

"Mate I requested for them to not say a word. They said they'd have the money ready by Tuesday. That's enough time to plan out on how we will catch this asshole. The man doesn't want the money until Wednesday which is perfect. We're gonna get her back Harry. Y/N will be here once again."

I guess his intentions aren't bad. I just really wanted to keep this shit under control and my control. If word gets out about this it's going to create a shit storm.

I give him a half smile for being so positive over this. I wish I had the same mentality he did, but I don't. What could she be going through right now?

What if that man has or is... No, no shut up Styles. Don't even think about that. I wouldn't be able to handle it. If I find out that he touched her in anyway, I'll have my hands around his neck in a split second after I've beaten the hell out of him. Liam places his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey, everything's gonna be alright Harry. I now know that you truly do care about her and I can see you regret what you did greatly. You do love her, only a man who goes this insane is for someone they're in love with."

"So do you Liam. I guess we really both love the same woman. What is it about her? She can be so aggravating and challenging," I lowly chuckle as I remember all of the times she's been so stubborn. I'd give anything to have that back.

"She's just an amazing girl, that's what she is." We both slightly smile before we're interrupted by the investigators tracking down the phone call.

"Sir, we found something." The moment those words leave the woman's mouth, we both bolt over to them. Officer Quinn follows behind making his way over to their very high technological devices.

"It's in a disclosed area. There's no specific address on this place but it is in a secluded area."

"What does that mean?" I flat out ask.

"We found a signal but the area is unmarked. According to our map it's located deep into some part of the woods."

"There's tons of woods in this city. That could be anywhere." I comment. I stand with my arms crossed across my chest. It's not much at least now we know she's in the woods.

"We will route this area and I'm sure we'll have an exact location soon. It could take us at least a day but it's better than nothing." I hate to agree but she's right. The woods? What could possibly be out there?

"We're so close Harry, so fucking close." Liam says with excitement etched in his voice. A small, genuine smile glues onto my face.

"We'll have our guys search the nearest woods in the LA area. Whoever this guy is, he sure knows what he's doing. Either he's done this before, or he's watched too many movies." This is a start. We're gonna find her, and when we do, I will resume fighting for her forgiveness and love because damn it we deserve to be happy. We've been through so much shit to not end up together. I know she still loves me, just like I love her. I truly believe we will have a happy ending, I really do..



"PLEASE STOP," I yell from the top of my lungs. Just as he's about to hook his fingers on the waistband of my underwear, he's interrupted by a knock coming from the front door of the warehouse.

"God damn it," he grunts. I breathe out a sigh of relief as he climbs off of me, bringing my dress down again to my thighs. "You got lucky princess." He says wiping his mouth. I can't stop trembling, shaking and crying of what was about to happen. My skin feels tingly and dirty. I know that's a sign that I'll be okay, whoever's knocking on that damn door just saved my life.

"Quiet," he orders. I muffle my hysterical crying as he walks towards the door.

I hear a faint voice of another man, I can hardly make out what it is.

"Me and my wife we heard screaming as we jogged up this trail. We thought someone was getting murdered or something." The unfamiliar man's voice says.

"Oh that, I'm doing a project in here and I have tools in there that make very loud noise. I apologize if it scared you." He turns to look at me quickly, I open my mouth to scream for help but before I know it he pulls out a gun from his pocket pointing it directly at me. My eyes widen at the object in his hand and I gulp. Was that there this whole time?

The gun is away from the couple's view, this asshole is prepared.

"Good day," he smiles towards them. He shuts the door behind him retrieving the gun back into his pocket. "Andrew may have other plans but I don't fuck around."

I'm still trembling, my tears not subsiding just yet.

"Lucky for you, I have to call your stupid Harry again, so I guess we'll save our fun for another time. You stay here princess, I'll be back soon." He leans down to kiss my forehead and I hiss at him. I can't shake off the feeling of his fucking hands on me.

To be pinned down like that and not be able to move, to be completely vulnerable. I would rather die than to had have him go any further.

Not only that, but I also have to carry in mind all day about the guy Andrew's words about Harry. Do I really know Harry? Or was the guy bluffing? I'm honestly so dazed about this entire situation. This has nothing to do with me, well partially. For the most part, this is all vengeance from a guy who despises Harry. And I'm the target, I'm the only one who's important enough to him that this is a way to hurt him. The thing is, Andrew said Harold doesn't remember him. Oh god, this has been the most scariest and tiring day of my life, and I say that a lot.

Whatever the hell it is that he was talking about, I need to know everything. If I don't, this is going to kill me. Will it change my views on Harry? I mean he was capable enough of choosing someone over me, but I don't know. I have to get to the bottom of this, Andrew will tell me everything. It's about time people stop looking at me like I'm some incompetent woman, I'm not stupid.

Now to just shake off the guy's touch off of me, that was disgusting, but I need to be strong, I need to stop crying but I can't, I don't want it to happen anymore, if he would've gotten further... Oh god. My whole body's still trembling. Never again, please never again.

There's a major reason and critical reason as to why I'm here and it involves Harry's past. I will find out come hell or high water, but I will find out..

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