Chapter 36

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Almost brain dead, but I'm aware of things going on. I feel so heavily sedated yet weightless like a light feather. I know someone's arms are carrying me and holding me close, I just wish I knew who's arms they belonged to. I find so much solace in them but as much as I'm trying to clear my head from whatever is running through my veins, I just can't seem to recognize the voice. It's an angelic voice, a voice that I fathom and brings joy to my semi lifeless body.

Is this my guardian angel who came to save me? It feels like it.

I want to wake up, I want this person to know that I'm alive, well, almost.

Wake up Y/N, fight it, I know you can do it.

Both of my eyelids feel like they're being weighed down by a thousand pounds, this is frustrating and impossible. I want to ravel in this person's arms. I need to wake up, I have to..

Harry's POV

As his cold eyes stare back and forth between me and Y/N guarded safely around me. My irritation and confusion grows further as he just stands there. My blood begins boiling and if it wasn't because I have her in my arms, I would've have my hands on him. I fucking knew Kendall was a part of this, I knew it.

"You have got to be kidding me," I say readjusting Y/N.

"How did you find this place? What happened to her?" He asks, like if he's concerned. What a joke.

"You and Kendall were behind all of this shit, why am I not surprised," I sneer sarcastically. This was expected, not as much with this guy, but I had my suspicions of Kendall, that... She's not even worth insulting.

"That whore isn't bright enough to carry something like this out. Oh Styles, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this. Never mind how you found this place, this is better than what I wanted." The tone in his voice seems off, lunatic maybe, what is this guy on? What the hell does he mean? I could ask this piece of shit so many questions but I have the woman I love half alive in my arms and right now, she's much more important.

His voice doesn't match the one of the man making the calls, how many people were in this shit? I don't even know who's who or what they did.

"What do you want? Why did you do this?" I ask the man.

"You obviously don't remember me for shit, do you? You sure did promise on leaving your past in the past. But boy does the past come back to haunt you." He says. I still have no clue what the hell he's talking about and as much I'd love to stay and chat, I have to get Y/N to the hospital now. She's barely alive as it is, I don't need him to stall.

My brows furrow in confusion, my past?

"What does my past have to do with anything? The only past we have is you fucking my mistake of an ex girlfriend."

"I'm Andrew Simmons, Styles. Does the name Sofia Simmons ring a bell?" My mind goes to a dull. Sofia Simmons? Oddly enough, that name does ring a bell. I just can't seem to remember where the hell I heard it.

My gaze from him, back to Y/N. Fuck, if I don't do anything this asshole is gonna get away, but if I don't get Y/N some help soon, she could, she could... No, hell no. I readjust her fragile body into my arms. Holding her close, I want to be able to protect her, even if she is unconscious. I hope when she wakes she doesn't resent me, I've went through too much but I don't mind doing more if it means having her forgiveness. I need it, I need it more than anything.

"Do you remember Styles?" He says more aggressively, snapping me away from my thoughts. He's so damn persistent.

"Vaguely, it sounds familiar but I can't remember. Look if it wasn't because I have to get her some help I would've beaten the shit out of you already," I threaten, though he doesn't seem to be intimidated by my demeanor. If anything, he's looking at me with fury engraved deeply into his brown eyes. They've become dark and dilated since the past minute. Whatever this guy has going on, he's shooting daggers at me.

Nothing's fine, I'm tornHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin