Chapter 3

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My eyelids begin to crack open and the sun shines through my bedroom window. How did I even get up here? I don't even remember. I climb out of bed and quickly go to the bathroom to brush my hair, my teeth, and wash my face. I begin to recall all that happened last night. The whole party, Harry arriving with bitch-witch, me drinking wine, which reminds me to take note of not drinking around people, and Harry not even saying bye to me. Did he forget I'm his best friend? It scares me at the thought that she is going to replace me, and that alone makes me nervous.

I open the cold water faucet and splash it all over my face. I need to cool down and recollect myself. Liam's right, it's doesn't matter who Harry dates or is dating, I'll always be his number one girl... I hope.
I return to my bedroom and my phone begins to vibrate. It's Liam. I swipe answer.

"Hey Liam? What's up?" I say onto the small speaker.

"Hey Y/N. I didn't wake you up, did I?" He asks.

"No, no you didn't." I say truthfully to him. I wish I could still be sleeping so I can dream about Harry and I.. For fuck's sake I need to stop. I shake my desirable thoughts away and return my attention to Liam.

"That's good. I brought your car." He says.

"You're outside? Why didn't you say anything, I'll go open the door for you." I say as I begin to scurry out of my bedroom. I'm still in my PJ's but I don't care, I'm not planning on doing anything today.
I reach the front door of my house and open it and sure enough there's Liam looking as handsome as ever, leaning against my car. I should've changed, I look like death. I end the call on my phone and yell,

"Hi Liam." His head turns to meet my gaze and he shoots me his big bright smile, and waving at me. He walks over to my front door and stands in front of me. "Come in. I don't bite." I say playfully.

"Thanks Y/N. I don't mean to intrude your home." He says as I gesture him over to the kitchen.

"You're not intruding Liam." I smile reassuringly. "Please sit." I motion him to the table chair.

"Has Mr. Styles contacted you yet?" He asks as I prepare the coffee pot. Suddenly, that feeling of sadness comes back and I sigh involuntarily.

"No, he hasn't talk to me since the party. I wouldn't be surprised if his bitch-wit.. I mean Kendall told him that I said something to her and Harry being the gullible guy that he is he'd believe her." I wouldn't doubt it. She had the audacity to tell me to stay away from him when clearly she doesn't realize it's years of friendship versus whatever they have.

"Are you gonna call him? You should try apologizing!" Liam suggests. Apologize for what? If anything he should be calling me to make amends. I pour the hot coffee into 2 mugs and bring them over to the table. I walk to my pantry and take out the coffee necessities.

"To answer your question Liam, no. I shouldn't have to apologize for anything. He should apologize to me for leaving me for 3 weeks and coming back home with some bitch who probably won't love him like I do." I say as I bring the things in my hands to the table. 

"Y/N, you just said you love Harry." He says with one eyebrow raised.

"I do love Harry, not in that sense, at least... I think." I shake my head and sit down to join Liam.
"This is all so confusing Liam. Why is it that just now, right when he gets a girlfriend, I develop these crazy feelings for him." I say as I rest my hand under my chin.

"Well you know there's a saying." He says as he prepares his coffee.

"What saying?" There's a saying for this stuff. Good, that means it happens to everyone.

Nothing's fine, I'm tornحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن