Chapter 5

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The moment I step foot into my house, I reach down to my phone to call Harry and let him know I got home safe. After a few rings he answers.

"You made it home." He says into the phone. I just left his home almost half an hour ago and already I miss him.

"Told you I'm not that bad of a driver." I cackle lowly.

"Is bi.. I mean Kendall back yet?" I ask, the silly nickname almost spilling out.

"No. She texted me saying she might stay over at a friend's house tonight, so I'm solo tonight. You should've stayed the night. I miss our sleepovers." I smile at the idea of sleeping over at his house. It was always so much fun. We'd stay up all night and just talk for hours until the sun rose. Now, things would be different. With these new feelings towards Harry, I don't know how I would be around him.

"Yeah I don't think your lady would like that." I remind him. She'd have a fit if she found out I stayed the night over at Harry's.

"Why would she mind? You're my best friend. She knows that."

"You wouldn't understand." I sigh. I can't bring myself to tell Harry the truth, it would fuck everything up.

"Stay with me on the phone all night, please Y/N?" He whispers. We always used to do that, whenever one of us couldn't sleep, we'd call one another and talk on the phone endlessly. They were just like the sleepovers.

"Sounds tempting." I smile and bite my lip. "I have to charge my phone though, so when I get to my charger, I'll call you right away, okay?"

"Alright. Don't leave me hanging!" He playfully warns.

"How could I?" I giggle.

I press end call and walk towards the kitchen. My phone vibrates again and I assume it's Harry, but to my surprise it's Liam.

"Hey Liam." I say.

"You back from Harry's yet?"

"Yeah. I just got in. And boy do I have news to tell you." I say as I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Like?" He says curiously.

I start from when I got there, from everything that happened in-between, and when I left.

"That's intense. I would have never expected for you to charge at her. You're always so calm and collected. She has awoken a new you." That she has. I have never disliked someone so much and I barely know her.

"Tell me about it. Oh Liam, I'm falling hard for Harry. I didn't ask for this. I'm so scared. If these feelings develop anymore, I don't know if being friends with Harry is..-" He cuts me off before I finish.

"Don't finish that. You know you don't mean it. I know how much you value your friendship with Harold and it'd break you, like it'd break him." He's right, losing Harry is my biggest fear. I can't let my feelings get in the way of our friendship.

"Look darlin' just sleep on it okay? You've obviously had a long day." He says onto the phone.

Shit, I forgot I was supposed to call Harry.

"Thank you Liam. For being by my side. Goodnight."

"G'night babe." He sighs with contentment.

I quickly hang up and run to my room before my phone shuts off. I fumble with my fingers to get to Harry's name and finally press it. After 4 rings he still didn't answer. I tried calling him again, but no answer again. I try a few more times before finally giving up. I assume he went to sleep. I was only on the phone with Liam for 15 minutes.

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