Chapter 9

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"Has Harry contacted you yet?" Liam asks as he drives to this surprise location.

"No," I shake my head and sigh. I know everything that happened yesterday was all so confusing for him, but he wouldn't just ignore me and not say happy birthday to me at all. I wouldn't blame him, I've been such a jerk to him and he has no idea why. Who would've known falling in love would be this ridiculously stressful? My life is so cliché, the best friend falls for her best friend after he meets someone.

"Don't worry about it, Harold would never not say happy birthday to you darlin'." He says.

"Maybe I just pissed him off with all this mysterious shit I've pulling on him. I mean I left his house in full sobs yesterday." I miss just being able to converse with him, it's impossible now.

"Well don't get sad on me now. The day hasn't started. Smile beautiful, it's my favorite thing about you." He winks. I blush a deep red and look away. Liam is so sweet, and sometimes I think what Harry said was right... I wouldn't want to give Liam false hope because honestly I care way too much about him. He's amazing and such a gentlemen but I couldn't bring myself to like him as more than a friend. Sure I said the same thing about Harry and now look at me. I keep running away from him and hiding, it's a mess.


Finally we arrive to this surprise place, and surprise it is.

"Liam, this is a go kart racing course. I have never been to one of these, oh my god." I say giddily. There's a stupid smile plastered on my face but I could care less at how weird I must look like right now. "XTreme Go Kart" are on the wall with big letters.

"Can we please spend all day here?" I can't help contain the excitement in me. I'm such a kid. I just turned nineteen and here I am jumping with joy.

"We could, but there's something I have planned for you later." He smiles. Another surprise? This is already good as it is.

"What are doing here then, lets go inside?" I am literally a child at a playground. I grab Liam's hand and pull him so we can head inside.


"Alright, what color helmet do you want?" He asks as we browse the helmets and protective gear.

"One that doesn't make my head look funny." I giggle.

"Okay, hmm... blue? Nah, I want blue." He playfully sticks his tongue out. Though this morning was weird with the whole Kendall thing, I'm having fun right now. So far so good.

"I'll have the black one then. It's much more better than your blue." I return his playful gesture.

"THE NEXT SET OF GO KARTS ARE IN 5 MINUTES" the announcer shouts through the PA.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick." Liam says. I nod as he turns. I check my phone to see if I've gotten anything from Harry, but all my messages are from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday, none which are Harry. I find myself dialing his phone number just to see if he picks up. After the fourth ring, I take it that he's not gonna answer. Did I piss him off or is he just mad that I ran out crying from his house? I decide to leave him a voicemail, in hopes that he'll hear it.

"Hey Harry, um... Look I'm sorry for running out like that yesterday. I don't know if you got my message from this morning. We need to talk, and soon. Please call me back, okay?.. Bye." I end the message and Liam returns from his bathroom break.

"All good?" I ask.

"Yeah. Lets get go kartin' shall we?" We walk to the course where all the go karts are line up and we choose ones that are next to each other.

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