Chapter 2

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"Y/N, are you in here?" Liam says as he walks into the kitchen. I'm standing next to the sink, after hearing Harry's words I've had to splash my face with water a few times. It shouldn't bother me, but it does. I don't get it.

"There you are." He walks towards me. "Why'd you run off like that babe?" He leans on the counter.

"I don't know. I felt a bit nauseous and I came here to get a glass of water." My lips press into a hard line. That was a bad lie. Even I wouldn't believe it. He sure as hell won't either.

"Mhm, I'm sure that's why." He raises his eyebrows.

"Alright fine maybe I'm in here because of Harry's all of a sudden announcement. I must look like a giant jerk for running off like that." I cross my arms together.

"He was asking where you went off to. I said I'd go look for you and here you are. If I'm not mistaken darlin' you look a bit defeated and upset. Is it because of Harry's new gal?" I'm so obvious.

What's the point of denying it, honestly.

My eyes meet Liam's brown eyes. I then look down and slowly nod, sighing.

"It's just, he's gone for 3 weeks and all of a sudden he comes with a girlfriend? And not just any girl that's Kendall Freaking Jenner. That's kind of like a sudden smack to the face." He gives me a weak smile and nod.

"You're jealous?" Oh that word. Jealousy only means that you envy someone for having something you want. In this case she doesn't have something I want... Rather something I already have.

"No, I'm not jealous. It's just that.. You know me and Harry are like this dynamic duo and..." Liam cuts me off before I finish,

"I get it. You're scared of being replaced?" I didn't think of it like that, but it makes sense. It was always just me and him. No relationships to get in the way of us. Hmmp.. I like that word, 'us'. Wait what am I saying? Oh geez, help me god.

"If it's of any reassurance, you'll always be his number one girl. No other girl will mean more to him than you. It's years of friendship with you and Harry versus him and a new relationship. Don't sweat it darlin'." He smiles warmly at me.

I guess he's right. I'm being selfish, Harry isn't mine to say he can't date whoever he wants. 'You wish he was.' My subconscious butts in. Not her now, she's going to torture me.

"Lets go back out there." I suggest. "I shouldn't have run off like that." He nods and places his hand on my back to lead the way.

"Y/N, are you alright? You ran off and you looked a bit sick, pale even." Harry says as I walk back into the living room. His... girlfriend isn't anywhere in sight. For a second I wished that all that happened was just my imagination and Harry didn't announce he was in a relationship. That wish was soon crushed when his eyes darted from mine to over my shoulder. He smiles widely at her.. Almost too widely.

"Y/N, sorry I didn't introduce you to her right away. I apologize." He says as he holds out his hand to her for the second time again.

"Kendall this is my best friend Y/N, Y/N this is Kendall." She holds out her hand. Suddenly my thoughts are clouded with images of me of taking her by the hand and swinging her from wall to wall. I shake those thoughts away and shake her hand.

"So this is the famous Y/N. She seems lovely. Very pretty too." I noted sarcasm in that. If that wasn't the most fake thing I have ever heard, I don't know what it is. Her tone was dry and uninterested. "Yeah, I'm his number one girl, not you." I snarl at her in my head.

"Likewise." I give her the most realistic fake smile I have ever given someone. I didn't know I could be this bitter and sour, towards anyone. I don't get a good vibe from her, and not just because of her relationship with Harry, but I see through people right away. And this girl is as transparent as a glass wall.

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