Chapter 33

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Harry's POV

Liam and I haven't left the station for one second. I don't plan to either, I want to be informed about everything that involves Y/N. It's nearing sundown and this kidnapper hasn't called me since earlier this afternoon. It's frustrating not knowing anything or if he's going to call at all.

At least they've found something, somewhere she could possibly be. In the woods? I have no idea what could possibly be in there but I sure hope she's in a building of some sort at least. I keep wondering if she's being well fed. The fact that she probably still has on that short dress irks me, it barely covers her legs. I guess that's why I'm so paranoid and scared that this asshole is gonna try to get his way with her, I'd hurt him, I would.

"Mate, what time is it? Why hasn't this man called?" I shook my head not knowing how to respond to Liam's second question.

"It's nearing 7:30. I keep checking my phone but," I spoke too soon as my phone lit up with an oncoming call from the private number. Without hesitation I stand to my feet and answer it,

"About time you call," I baffle into the speaker.

"Glad to hear you know when I'm calling. I'm calling to hear about my money, so, what's the update on it?" He asks bluntly getting to the point.

I realize the investigators taking notice on the call, getting right on it to track this call again. We need exact pin point location on this bastard.

"Your money is being processed. Don't worry about it, it's fine. Let me talk to Y/N." I demand in a condescending voice. Liam stands next to me, trying to hear what he's saying.

"Not so fast Styles. I know you're smart enough to not have gone to the police about this, right? I did warn you that if you did, Y/N would pay the price for it." The threatening sound in his voice is enough to keep my mouth shut. He said he would have people watching our every move and if we went to the police about this, he'd know. Was that maybe just a bluff?

"Because you are aware I'm a man of my word, and I hope you are too. I want my money, Wednesday morning, don't fuck this up."

"I won't, I won't. Just please let me talk to Y/N, that's all I ask." I plea. With a sigh and heavy breath coming from the other line, he continues,

"At the moment, she can't. I guess you can say she's a little bit... shaken up." The perilous tone in his voice makes me shudder, I can tell he has a smirk on his god damn face. Nothing would make me happier than to rip it off his fucking face. Alarm suddenly go off in my head that he did something to her and at that very moment my heart sinks.

"What did you do? What did you do to her you piece of shit?" Venom laced clearly in my voice, almost hissing at the son of a bitch. My chest rises and falls in expeditiously pace. I'm begin to panic as images and thoughts begin clouding my head with some of the worst possible ideas.

"I just had a taste of her, that's all." He taunts. Liam's mouths to me a 'what's happening?'. He too has a fallen expression as he imagines what I'm thinking. Everyone is on full alert on the phone call I am on at the moment.

"I swear to fuck if you touched her," I raise my voice higher but quickly lower it, "I will hurt you, I will have no mercy, understand that?"

"Of course you would. Oh Styles she was amazing, she felt so good around me as I fucked her mercilessly. She was warm, nice and tight just the way I like em'. How you haven't fucked this beauty beats me, you must be gay." My mouth goes dry as I hear his spiteful words go in through my ear. He couldn't have, he couldn't. I can't hear anymore of this shit, he has to be lying. Please be lying.

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