Chapter 17

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I don't realize how long I was running for. It felt like hours though I'm sure it was only one or two. I'm back at my house, completely drained and drenched in sweat. It was one hell of a workout but it did me good. It cleared my mind, even if it was for a while.

I can't stop picturing last night though, everything that could've happened, everything that I wanted to happen but it didn't. I set my house keys on the key rack and drag my sore body up the stairs to my bedroom. I wonder what Harry thinks about all of this. He sprinted for the door before I could even begin to ask what exactly was going on.

I huff out a breath of air. I untie my hair letting it cascade down my back and grab a fresh pair of undergarments. I need to talk to Harry, but first I need to shower because I smell like I just ran for an hour..

Harry's POV

"Oh god," I groan, throwing my head back as pleasure consumes by body. We've been going at this for so long, and I am almost there. Her hands rest on my chest for support as she assists herself on me.

"Harry," she whimpers, unraveling from her euphoria, as I do too. Bringing down her head to my chest, she waits a few seconds before lifting herself off of me and laying down next to me.

"That was, wow," she breathes hard next to my ear. She gives me a weak smile, assuring that she's completely exhausted. She nuzzles her head into my neck, wrapping her arm around me. I run my hand up and down her back, my eyelids beginning to get heavy from the lack of sleep, we both drift into a serene slumber.


I awake from my nap at about noon. Kendall's still sleeping, her small body entwined with mine. I gently get up from the bed for the second time today. I don't know if what I just did made this any easier, and of course it didn't. Even after that I still can't stop thinking about Y/N. While Kendall and I were going at it, Y/N's face kept replacing Kendall's and I nearly ran to get those thoughts out of my head.

I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her or why I kissed her, all I know is that I wanted to kiss her.

I quickly change into a random tshirt and gray sweats. Exiting the room, I head for the kitchen to fetch myself a glass of water. I fill it up and down it in just a few gulps.

I know I won't be able to avoid Y/N forever, but I need to talk to her.

I need to settle whatever the hell is going on between us. Why is it that it aggravates me every time Liam is near her? It's blatantly obvious the guy likes her, and I'm sure she knows by now. She doesn't feel the same way for him and that gives me a great feeling of satisfaction.

"You are going insane Styles," I mutter to myself, slightly laughing. I need to go see her, but first I should jump in the shower.



I turn the shower keys off, feeling the little droplets go down my body. That was a much needed shower that relaxed all of my tense muscles. I wrap the towel around my wet body. I quickly get changed, eager to see if Harry's contacted me at all. I'm worried that the kiss scared him off. Losing Harry would break me.

Walking over to my nightstand, I check to see if I've gotten anything, but nothing so far. I sigh a deep breath, frowning at the fact at how miserable I am without him. I am so pathetic, falling in love makes you so stupid. And I just didn't fall for anyone, I fell for Harry, my best friend.

I turn to walk away when my phone goes off all the sudden. Not minding to check who it is, I eagerly answer the phone, in hopes that it's Harry,

"Harry?" I say a little too excited. I should really tone it down a notch.

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