Chapter 39

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Liam's once bright smile when he entered the room sets into a deep frown, centering his eyebrows in the mid of his forehead. I know that's not what he wanted to hear, but I can't lie to Liam. Not when it's something as serious as this. I can't help but instantly regret telling him though, he's still so hopeful and I am still willing to give him that chance.

"Liam, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." I sigh putting my head down. I need to learn to be more sensitive, especially towards him.

"Hey, don't apologize," he places two fingers under my chin slightly raising my head to meet his brown eyes of his. They look broken and sad but he's wearing a small grin that warms my heart. "I asked you to be honest with me and that is exactly what you did. I can't expect you to stop loving Harry when it has only been a few days. Love just doesn't go away like that. Granted, a lot has happened in a few days but I don't blame you. I promised once that I'd wait until you were ready and that promise still stands." He smiles widely holding my hand in both of his. Why does Liam have to be so sweet? This just makes it even more complicated. It hasn't been an hour since I have been awake and already I have two men declaring their love for me. Though I'm still skeptical about Harry's supposed love.

That kiss meant something, I know it did. I wanted him to keep going, I wanted it to happen no matter the consequences. I know better though, I may still love Harry but I can't forget or forgive him for all he has done. Not only to me, but Sofia. Poor Sofia, when she finds out what her brother did it is going to break her, she's been through a lot. We all have been. Sometimes the things we have been through takes a toll on us and it drives us to do stupid things. Which in the end, is not worth it. More people end up hurt and no one is benefitting from it.

"Thank you Liam. I promised you too that I'd give you a chance and that still stands as well. I could see myself falling for you, it wouldn't be that hard," I smile at him. His grin grows even wider, taking my hand in his and planting a small kiss. Just half an hour ago, Harry and I were mercilessly kissing each other, ready to rip off our garments and now here I am reassuring Liam of his chances. Definitely still a fucked up situation.

"Oh, I almost forgot," he announces. Reaching for the small bouquet of flowers and stuffed teddy bear from the table. He holds them out in front of me with the cutest pout and puppy face ever. "I got these for you before I came in here. It's not much but hopefully it's enough to show how happy I am that you're back." I take the flowers and teddy bear from his hands. Smelling the beautiful scent the flowers give. They're violets and daisies, my favorites.

"Thank you Liam," I lean to kiss his cheek. He visibly flushes not even bothering to hide his childish grin. We sit in silence for a few minutes, it's not an awkward silence but more of a peaceful quietness. I think it's just to take in the fact that I'm back and I'm safe again from Marcus' manhandling and Andrew's overall mental health. A soft knock appears on the door, both of our heads snapping towards it. My stomach clenches thinking it's Harry but quickly relieved when it's the doctor and nurse.

"Miss Y/N, I see you're finally up. How're you feeling?" The doctor asks.

"Still a bit tired but better than I have in days," I respond with a full on smile. Liam stands taking a few steps behind to let the approaching doctor examine my estate while the nurse checks my vitals.

"Alright just follow the light with your eyes," he instructs with his mini flashlight. I do as I'm told, following the light as instructed. "Your pupils are back to normal, and the drug has left your body by now." He smiles reassuringly.

A sigh of relief washes through me, pulling a real genuine smile. "Thank you doctor, really." I turn my smiling face back to Liam who mirrors my facial expression. I still feel tired and weighed down, but I guess those are just the after effects.

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