Chapter 47

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While I wait for Liam on this couch, Sofia and I have talked a good amount. She's told me how therapy helped her break out of her depression and how well she's doing in New York. Turns out we have so much in common.

I feel for her at the fact she doesn't have a family anymore. We talked about our relationship with Harry, how some parts were so similar yet different. We both loved him, well I still love him.

"But seriously Y/N, I know you love Harry just by the way you talk about him. He loves you, more than his own life. He also said you both have.. You know," she flushes not wanting to finish the sentence. Though I'm quick to catch on what she's pitching. Well leave it to Harry to tell her about us being intimately together.

I cough, clearing my throat. "And it was, beautiful. He made me feel beautiful in my own skin, he was gentle. I'm scared those beautiful memories will just stay that, as memories. There's no telling, unless someone were to see the future. I just have the feeling me and Harry won't ever be happy." I hate feeling like that but it's the truth. All odds are against us, that's why tonight I want to know if it'll work out with Liam.

Speaking about Liam, he's a little late. Well not as late, but he's always usually early. Fetching for my phone, I unlock it and send him a quick text,

"Where are you? Getting a little worried Liam :/" I hit send.

"You can't think that. You have to be positive about this. Just looking at you, you look hesitant about this date with Liam." She says. Sofia's right but I need to do this. I have to, Liam's counting on it. It depends on my happiness, even if I'm still so young. Which I am, I have whole life ahead of me to find love, but who's to say life won't be cut short? These days, no one knows how life can be so short.

Sighing, I run my hand through my long hair, "Sofia I don't know what to do. This is all so confusing, if you can forgive Harry for what he did to you, why can't I? Yeah what he did to me was bad but not as bad as you," maybe I'm taking this too far. Harry has shown that he's sorry, he's done a lot for me. Yet again so has Liam, which only brings us back to square one. 'Harry saved your life, Y/N' my conscious reminds me.

And that he did, I will always be grateful for Harry getting me out of that musty old warehouse.

Sofia puts her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it in a supporting manner. "Let your heart decide Y/N. Do what makes you happy. My brother's intentions were to have Harry miserable without you, don't let him win." Before I can respond, the doorbell rings, indicating that it's probably Liam. I look back to her with an unsure look, hesitant and definitely uncertain. "Might wanna go get that." I shake my head laughing but complying and getting up.

Sure enough when I open the door, it's Liam. He's dressed in casual wear, as where I might be too overdressed. "Hey.. Wow," he skims my body from head to toe. "You look really beautiful, I mean you always do but that dress, pardon my language but you look sexy as hell.. Which is only going to make this harder for me," he looks away, brows furrowing in the center. What did he mean by that?

"Liam, what do you mean?" He sighs in frustration, clasping both his hands on his face.

"Can I come in?" He asks and I nod. Closing the door behind me, I turn to see him standing while Sofia looks back and forth between Liam and I. She gets up hastily, with a slight grin on her face. She's so smug, Sofia is my kind of gal. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company," I can sense uncertainty in Liam, which is something I've felt far too many times.

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