Chapter 7

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"So he broke into your house?" Liam says through the phone.

"Well not exactly broke in. I left a spare key for him under the mat and well that's how he got in." I say as I get ready for bed.

"Hmmm. That Harold, always gets what he wants. Anyway changing subject, someone's special day is in two days?" I pull back the covers off my bed and slide in to get comfortable.


"Yours silly. It's your birthday in two days." How could I forget my birthday is in two days? I've been so caught up in other things, I forgot I'll be nineteen.

I fully rest my head on my pillow while holding up my phone to my ear.

"My birthday is the last thing on my mind right now." I lightly laugh. I think I'd just conform with a simple 'happy birthday' from all of my friends.

"I'm surprised you remembered Liam." I say truthfully.

"Course I remembered. It's your birthday. The last year you'll be a teenager." If only growing up seemed as fun as I once thought. Now, I'd give anything to stay a kid forever.

"Liam... Thank you. For everything, I honestly would have lost my mind without." I exasperate. He's been my sanity ever since I developed these feelings for Harry. A small yawn escapes from my mouth and I cover my mouth.

"Anytime love, and I'll let you go now. You've had another long day and you're tired, I can tell." He says softly.

"Alright, goodnight Liam." I say sleepily.

"Y/N?" He asks quickly.


"I.. Um... I.. Never mind. Sleep darlin'. Talk to ya tomorrow." We hang up at the same time, and I set my phone down.

I can only expect what tomorrow's crazy antics will bring. I'm not physically and emotionally ready.


"Harry for the last time it's okay that you left." I tell him for like the millionth time. He invited me over to his house just to hang and I was more than thrilled to go.

"Are you sure? I mean you were mad at me for blowing you off the first time, what makes a second time any different?" He says as he rests his elbows on the counter. I look through his cabinets to make us a small snack. Fortunately Kendall isn't here, though I don't doubt she's going to barge in through that front door.

"I'm going to be mad at you if you don't stop asking. Now shut up and tell me where you have the granola." I say standing on my tippy-toes pushing through a can of ravioli.

"I'll get it." He says walking over to me. I notice the bag of granola and reach for it. His hand too reached for it and his hand wrapped around my hand. I felt myself shudder at his touch. I turned to look at him and he was staring into my eyes. Oh those beautiful green eyes. I can feel my heart speeding and my stomach is doing that thing with the butterflies. I had the sudden urge to drop the stupid granola and kiss him, feel his lips on mine, but I can't. I have to refrain from my desires and urges to just tell Harry just how much I have fallen for him and how much I want his stinking lips on mine.

"Sorry." He murmurs silently removing his hand from mine.

I open my mouth to say something, but I'm interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

He quickly spaces himself from me and in walks in Kendall.

"Harry, ba-," she stops in her tracks and sees me, "I didn't know we were having company." She's not pleased that I'm here, I don't care though honestly.

"Yeah I invited Y/N over. I didn't know what time you'd be back." He says holding his hand out to her. She takes his hand in hers and he wraps his entire arm around her waist.

I look away before I run out of this place.

"Well now that Y/N is here maybe we can make an effort to get to know each other. I know she's still skeptical about me, but I just want everything between the both of us to be straight." I nearly laugh at how fake this woman is. I should just expose her for who she really is, but now is not the time. Not when it'd probably just sound like I'm making this up. I have no evidence about all that she has said. Liam believes me, and yet he has never seen who Kendall is.

"Kendall, believe me, I'm trying. I want this more than anything just to make Harry happy." I fold my arms together.

"Is it because you like him? Is that why?" I don't think I heard right. Did she just say that? I feel the blood draining from my veins. My mouth is suddenly dry and I can't get words to come out.

"Kendall, there's literally no reason to assume that." Harry says looking down at her.

"I have every reason to assume that. I don't know what else to do for her to like me, but I'm at that point where I just don't care anymore." Oh look, she's showing a bit of the real her. It's a miracle, it really is.

"She's my best friend. She feels like I have replaced her, which I didn't. I could never replace her. You're my girlfriend and she's my best friend. There's a difference and I want both of you to realize that." I want to say something, but I can't. My thoughts and words are frozen. I need to snap out of this trance.

"I don't like Harry. Not like that, I just.." She cuts me off before I can finish.

"I know when a woman likes a guy, I'm not stupid." She says smugly. She's doing this on purpose and I am so close to losing it. She is asking for it and nothing is going to hold me back.

"Kendall enough. Drop this." I practically beg her through my eyes. It's as if my warning from the other day wasn't clear enough. She doesn't know who I am and she has yet to see my fury.

Ever since he came back I haven't had a day to just relax and gather my thoughts together. There's one place I need to go to right now, and that's up there. Up to our... Well my runaway spot since he probably hasn't gone since he left.

"Harry, I need to go. I forgot I have to see.." I quickly think for a lie to come up with and Liam's name comes out of my mouth before realizing it. ".. Liam." His face drops at the mention of Liam's name and he looks displeased.

"Again? How many times are you gonna see Liam?" He says a bit aggressively. Kendall is just looking at me with a 'gotcha' face. I have to resist the urge to do everything I've been wanting to do to her.

"As many times as I want. I have to go now. I'll text you or call you later." I say as I rush to the front door. It's impossible to have anything normal when I'm with these two.

I hear Harry's footsteps come closer to me and his hand grips my upper arm turning me around.

"Y/N, don't do this." He looks at me dead in the eye. His words are almost a plea and I can't hold in everything anymore. Tears begin to spill from my eyes and I'm having a breakdown from all that's happened these past few days. All the tension, stress and emotion has led me to crying in front of Harry. She got to me, she got what she wanted.

His eyes are pained at the sight of my breakdown.

"Don't cry.. Y/N. Please don't. What is going on? Please tell me, please." He begs and says softly.

"I have to go Harry, I'm sorry." I say looking away and unhooking his hand from my arm.

I open the front door and hurry to my car as fast as possible. I can't stop the tears that are spilling out of my eyes. All that I have tried to avoid for so long has become a reality, and though I want to deny it, I just can't anymore. I'm in love with Harry, I am completely, madly in love with him. And this hurts more than anything, this wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. I want him, I need him. I love him, I love Harry fucking Styles.

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