Chapter 35

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Harry's POV

"Harry," a faint voice whispers, nudging me softly. "Harry, wake up." The now familiar voice rises in volume. My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light coming in from my bedroom windows. I look up to see Liam, freshly shaven and showered.

"What time is it?" My hoarse voice asks. I rub my eyes with both of my hands, yawning.

"It's almost 7:30 in the morning," he informs me. Remembering what day it is, without hesitation I'm off the bed in seconds.

"Took you long enough," he lowly chuckles. "Get showered and dressed Harold, we're rescuing Y/N today." He playfully slaps my chest. I can't help the big smile forming on my face. If everything goes smoothly today, we're gonna get her back. I'm gonna get her back. Nothing can go wrong today, we have to what we have to do.


Fresh clothes, clean face, and damp hair, but I'm ready to go.

"All set?" Liam asks. I nod urging him towards the door. He happily complies, following up right behind him.

Not wanting to waste any time, I speed as fast as I can to the station. I must have ran through many red lights, at the moment that doesn't matter though. I need to get to the station as fast as I possibly can before this asshole calls. Deep down, I'm scared he's going to change his mind, I can't take another day of not knowing what's happening to her. He's going to pay for doing what he did to her... He touched her, the images still engraved into my head of her being pinned down unable to move. I pray it was all a bluff and that he didn't actually touch her.

Shaking the horrid thoughts from my head, putting all of my concentration on this drive. I can't let anything distract me today, today I have to only be focused on getting her back and protecting her securely around my arms to never let her go.

Liam notices the uncertainty and silence as I ponder thoughts in my head, speaking up to break that tension,

"You alright Harry? Seem awfully quiet and concerned. Is it about how today is going to turn out?" I nod slowly, not saying a word. I've never been so nervous for something in my whole life. I want Y/N back safe and sound.

"Be positive about this mate, everything is going to be fine," he assures with a half smile. It seems like a pitiful smile, but I'll take that positivity any day over the negative thoughts swimming in my head.

"I know," I sigh huffing out a deep breath. I rub my chin with my two fingers trying to calm myself but deep down I'm a damn mess. I only ask that everything goes smoothly..


"Morning officer Quinn," I shake his hand.

"Hello gentlemen, morning to you as well. I'll let you know that we have a whole team ready to tackle this, that man's not getting away with this. Now we wait until he contacts you Mister Styles," He says.

"I'm still waiting on that. He should be calling soon, I hope." I say crossing my arms across my chest. I have the urge to start pacing back and forth like I always do but right now I can't let my nerves get the best of me. I have to keep it together though I feel any second I'm going to have a complete breakdown.

My eyes scan the room of this police station, seeing the men and women prepare themselves with armor. It's a great feeling of affirmation seeing these people helping to find my love.

About half an hour later, he still hasn't called. The people walking in and out of here makes me anxious. I'm starting to get worried, though

the word worried is totally an understatement at the moment.

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