Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

After thinking about this for what seems like hours, I think I'll call her. She deserves at least that after I pulled that dick move on her.

I stand in the middle of my kitchen, leaning with my elbows on the island.

It's a good thing Kendall's not home yet, she'd have a huge fit if she knew about all of this. She's complicated, but I can deal with her.

I fish for my phone in my back pocket and am quick to dial in her number. It's only 8:34 in the afternoon, hopefully she isn't sleeping. Who could blame her, she must be exhausted because of me.

After a few rings, she finally picks up.

"Harry?" Her weak voice goes through my ear. Her voice is groggy and tired, she sounds like she's been crying.

"Y/N," I speak softly, "how're you?"

"I could be better, way better.." Her small voice fades. She lets a big breath of air as I try to come up with something to say. And in all honesty, I'm at a loss for words for once.

"Why'd you call me?" I can tell she's biting her lip, it's her usual nervous habit.

"To apologize for... You know why," I say truthfully. I can't even bring myself to say what for and that makes me such a god damn coward.

"I'm sorry for walking away Y/N. It was just so much to take in. You know how oblivious I am to things, and I never picked up any signs of you having feelings for me."

"Harry that doesn't justify you walking away like that. It hurt more than you think it did." I lean up from the island as I now begin to pace around the kitchen. I bring my free hand up to my forehead and rub my temples, mentally beating myself up over this.

I can't tell her what I've been recently feeling for her because not even I know exactly what it is. I don't know if what I'm feeling may be compassion but the more I hear her voice the more convinced I am that I really do feel something for her as more than my best friend. I just need

to make sure I am entirely positive that these feelings for her are real. And for some odd reason, I am scared as hell.

"I know it doesn't justify it. Y/N we really need to talk. We need to sort this out and-" She cuts me off.

"Sort what out? Harry I only admitted to loving you not like I have some drug problem. There is nothing to sort out so just leave it be."

Before I can say another word, I hear the front door close and the clicking of heels.

"Harry?" Kendall's voice booms from the living room to the kitchen. She automatically smiles when sees me, making her way toward me and embracing me in an amorous hug.

"Um uh, baby I'm on a very important call right now. Let me just finish this and I'll attend to you, okay?" I drape my arm around her waist and give her an assuring squeeze as she leaves a small kiss on my neck that makes my shudder.

"Make it quick. I missed you." She says sweetly, pouting her bottom lip.

I make my way into the living room, looking back to make sure she stayed in there. When she walks away I rapidly resume to my call.

"Are you still there?" I ask hoping she didn't end the call. I hear faint, small sobs coming from the other line.

"Y/N?" I say softly trying to get her attention.

"This is what I mean Harry. There's nothing to sort out about this. Look I love you and the last thing I want is for our friendship to end.. But if that's what needs to come down to this then," I'm quick to stop her from continuing.

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