Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

As I speed as fast as I can to Y/N's house, I realize my heart is in my mouth. She wasn't lying, Kendall really was cheating on me and I am so fucking stupid for not seeing it sooner. Y/N warned me time and time again to not trust her and I disregarded it like the shit person I am. My actions not only messed everything up but most importantly, I lost my best friend over Kendall, over some girl who I thought was faithful when in fact she's a sleaze to put it in the most nicest way I can. I knew what I felt for Y/N was the beginning of something much stronger than just the friendship, I loved her before I even realized I did and I was just so in denial because I was scared that everything would be a wreck and being the stubborn asshole that I am, I only made things worse.

My grip tightens on the steering wheel as I ponder about just how much Y/N has driven me crazy. How she frustrates me, how pesky and inquisitive she can be but that's what I love about her. I never thought I'd hear myself say that I love her, but I am. All this time wasted on a girl who didn't deserve shit when I had the girl of my dreams for years.

I know when I arrive to her house I'm gonna have to beg but I don't care. I will put my pride away for that girl if it means to get her forgiveness. It won't be easy, two months I let pass by and out of the blue I called her, I hope that didn't break her. That wasn't my intention.. Fuck, I have to get there now. I need her, I'm madly in love with her.

I press my foot down on the accelerator to speed up. I'm not that far anymore, I'm just praying she hears me out. I need her to..


"Do you really have to go?" I pout playfully as Liam puts his shoes back on. We spent almost the whole time playing cards on the floor and I beat him at least six times. It helped me clear my head and forget about that stupid phone call from stupid Harry. Maybe it was an accident, though part of me secretly wishes it wasn't.

"I'm sorry," he playfully frowns, "big day tomorrow. Have lots of promos to do with the boys early in the morning and I can't stay up too late."

"It's fine, you spend almost all of your time with me. I can't imagine how boring that is." I giggle. I almost forgot about what happened between him and I earlier. It shouldn't of happened but I was just so caught up in the moment and if I want to give Liam a chance to make me forget about Harry, we need to take things much more slower, and Liam is completely aware that I still have feelings for Harry, but he's patient and willing to wait as long as it takes. If it keeps going the way it is, then maybe there's a chance that I could fall for Liam. He's handsome, sweet caring, everything that makes a perfect boyfriend. I'm just so torn but it needs to go slower and what happened earlier will never happen again until I can commit.

If anything else would have happened.. I don't even want to think about it.

"Is it awkward?" I ask looking directly at him as he ties his shoes.

"Is what awkward?"

"You know.. With Harry and, erm, uh never mind." I shake my head quickly stopping myself from going on further. Why would it be awkward? It's not like Harry even asks about me nor does Liam mention me to him on my personal request. They're band mates and good friends.

"Harry and I hardly talk about.. You know this situation, so honestly it's not awkward. I don't approve of what he's done to you, but I don't hold any grudges against him. I could never." He assures me. The tone of his voice is enough to convince me that there's no bad blood between the two... Yet. I can't fathom being the reason Liam and Harry end up disliking each other because of me, I couldn't live with that. And their fans would have my head on a stick in less than a second. I smile warmly at him, and watch as he gets up dusting himself of the powder that came from the junk food we were consuming.

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