Chapter 13

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I rushed into my house to quickly find something to wear. Harry gave me no time to fix up or anything. I'm still upset over what just happened with Liam, but it's for the best, I think. Leading him on was wrong of me to do and it had to stop. I just really hope he doesn't hold a grudge against me, I don't think I could live with it.

As I rummage through my entire wardrobe, I can't find anything. I have no idea whether Harry's taking me somewhere casual or fancy. Why can't he just tell me where exactly he's taking me? It'd save me from all this trouble. I go with a black sleeveless shirt, camo jacket, dark jeans, and a pair of boots. My hair is still a mess, so I curl some parts, but leave most of it natural and go with a burgundy color beanie. It's casual, but not too casual. By the time I'm done, I hear my doorbell ringing. I can feel my heartbeat begin to speed up, and my mouth suddenly becomes dry.
It's as if my body knows it's him and he has that weird effect on me.
I straighten out my clothes before making my way downstairs. When I open there's Harry leaning against my doorway. He looks incredibly hot. He's wearing a black button down shirt, black jeans and black shoes. He takes my very breath away.

"Hello." I greet him, giving a half smile. I'm nervous and my palms are sweating.
"Hi." He says simply. My thoughts are clouded from today's incident where we almost kissed. The kiss that would've either made or break me.

I'd give anything for Harry to love me the way I love him. "You look good." He says eyeing me up and down. Momentarily I stop breathing as his eyes scan me up and down.
"Thanks, so do you." I smile. We stay in silence for what feels like a whole minute before I open my mouth to break this awkward tension. "Do you want to go, or?" I ask curiously.

"Oh yeah of course. Are you ready?" He says standing up straight. I nod, and grab my keys from the key rack. We make our way to his car, and I can't help but wonder where he's taking me.
"So where are we going?" I ask climbing into the car.
"It's a surprise." He says, "this is my I'm sorry I fucked up present to you. I hope you like it."

"I really don't know if I'm up for surprises right now Harry." I say as he drives off. I think I've had enough surprises to shock me for the rest of my life.

"So me and Liam talked," I bring up the topic. I don't know if I should talk about it or if Harry should know. I shouldn't keep secrets away from him.

"About?" He signals me to continue.

"About me and him, and the kiss," I whisper but loud enough for him to hear. He brings his index finger and thumb to his chin, rubbing it gently as if he's thinking. It takes a while for him to actually respond.

"Y/N do you like him? Honestly, tell me the truth." I love you, Harry. Why can't you see my signals?
"Liam? No of course I don't. I mean he's a great friend and I care about him a lot, but I don't see myself with him. I couldn't."
Because I'd rather be with you. Maybe I should fire back with a question of my own. "What about you? Do you love Kendall?" I'm almost terrified to ask him, and I'm even more terrified of his answer. If he loves her then.. I honestly don't know. He huffs, almost a bit taken aback that I actually asked him that. If I wasn't mistaken, it looks as if he's not sure himself. I feel relived, to say the least.
"I mean, I care about her and she's great."

"Great in bed?" The words come out of my thoughts too soon and I cover my mouth. That was way over the line.
"Why would you ask that?" He says looking at me taking his eyes off the road for a second.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't-,"
"Hey, it's okay. I don't think you really wanna know about my sex life Y/N." 'I want to be a part of it' my subconscious and I almost choke on my own saliva. He takes a familiar turn, as I realize we are going farther out of the city. I know this road... I know it. It suddenly hit me that he's going to our runaway spot.

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