Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

"Officer, for the last time we don't know what happened. Our friend," I turn to glance at a pacing Liam who keeps running his hand over his chin.

"Look me and that gentleman over there got into a bit of a small... Fight. But nonetheless, Y/N got mad at us and decided to go home alone. Liam, the guy over there went to go check up on her and all of her stuff was on the ground and they left that note, but other than that we don't know shit," I explain the whole story again for like the fifth time. The fucking American crime system is such shit or whatever the hell it's called. How many more times do I have to explain to this officer what happened?

"Do you know anyone that could possibly want to hurt her or does she have any enemies?" The officer asks.

"Not that I know of," I say more calmly. I don't think there's anyone that could want to hurt her. She doesn't have any enemies that are capable of doing that shit, unless... No, no it couldn't have been Kendall, she's not capable of doing something as serious as that, could she? I mean yeah she never liked her but I don't see why she would do it when she's the one who cheated on me. The girl can't be that fucked up, but yet again I've come to realize that I don't even know Kendall that way. Maybe she's the one behind this.

"Alright young man, for now we can't do much but we will take care of it. The paper's no use for scanning it for finger prints since yours and that other guys are on here. We will send some of our guys to check out the area and ask any neighbor's if they saw anything suspicious," great, just great. Now we have to fucking wait to see if anything happens or if that asshole calls anyone.

I can't even fathom what's going on right now. Y/N must be scared as shit and if it was some guy who took her and dares to lay a hand on her... No, fuck I can't, I don't even want to picture what could possibly be happening to her right now.

"We will let you know as soon as possible if we have any news, but as of now we wait. You men have a good night." I mentally roll my eyes at this man. They really can't do shit.

I turn back to Liam who hasn't stopped pacing back and forth since we got here. I rub both my temples in frustration as he looks up,

"What did they say?" He asks frantically.

"They said they'll take care of it but as of now they have no leads, nothing at all. They kept the note but I don't even know why since it can't be used,"

"Fuck's sake, a woman has been kidnapped but these assholes act like it's not a big deal. What else did they say?"

"They'll let us know when's something has happened. I gave them both our information. They probably won't have anything till in a few hours. It's almost four o'clock, not very long till sunrise." If I could take matters into my own hands, I would. I would be doing a much better job than these people. I just don't know even know where to begin with so unfortunately I have to wait till we hear something from these police men.

"You think she's alright? Do you think whoever took her is capable of doing something to her?" His expression is that of a worried man and I can honestly relate to him right now.

"I don't know Liam, lets just hope not," I say truthfully. All I want for her is to be okay. Fuck Y/N, I love you so damn much.



"Wake up," I hear a man's voice. I groan and I feel a small nudge on my shoulder with a foot. "Hey, wake up!" My eyes fling open and squint at the sunlight coming in through the warehouse windows. For a second I thought all that happened last night was just a dreadful nightmare but as my eyes adjust to the guy staring down at me with cold, blue eyes that glisten by the sun's light. He's dressed in dark jeans and a crème colored blazer. His dark brown hair is pushed back in a gentlemen kind of way, but this guy has nothing gentlemen like at all.

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