Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

"Mate slow down, you'll get us pulled over," Liam warns me but I ignore him. I've gone on full desperation mode and I'm racing towards Kendall's house.

I am so glad all of her shit is gone from my house because honestly the thought of this woman makes me sick. She's put Y/N through so much shit, not as much as I have but if there's a possibility she's responsible for her disappearance then I will have no mercy other than to send her ass to jail.

I'm driving over eighty miles per hour on this freeway, hands tightly gripped on the steering wheel my knuckles are turning white.

"Liam, I swear to god if she has something to do with Y/N's kidnapping, I might lose my shit. I'm so on edge right now." I can feel the blood pumping at a rapid pace through my veins. Not knowing where she is, not knowing what that fucking asshole has done to her is eating me alive. I can't help but feel even more mad at myself for not being able to protect her. This shit wouldn't of fucking happen if I didn't push her away. All of that lead to this and this right here is my punishment for what I did, only she's going through it with me.

"I understand how you feel Harold, I want her back safe and sound but killing us on this drive is not going to benefit anyone so please slow down and relax." He's right. I can't let all this anger and frustration get the best of me when all of this energy should be saved to look for Y/N. I don't know how it is that I never noticed my love for her.

The way she looked yesterday before all the shit went down, god she looked so beautiful, so perfect. The way that dress hugged her luscious curves, it drove me insane. I was selfish enough to imagine ripping it off of her and watch it crumpled up on the floor along with my clothes as I would run my hands all over her body, exploring every single inch of her skin. My mouth peppering kisses along her jawline and collarbones.

Even now in this messed up situation, I think about how insane she has me over her, and above all, I just miss her presence. I miss my best friend so much.

I nod in agreement to Liam's words, taking a deep breath and relaxing. I need to focus on getting to Kendall's house and getting anything out of her.

"Harry, we haven't told anyone about this. I mean, what about her parents?" Liam asks. Not taking my eyes off the road, I begin to answer his question,

"Y/N's parents are out of the country. They always are, and between you and me, they don't give a shit about her. Yeah financially they support her, but they're never here for her. She needs them but contacting them would be useless. That's why I plan on taking matters into my hands. No one is to know about this until we have her back. Unwanted attention is not necessary at all." I feel bad for telling Liam about Y/N's relationship with her parents. I remember there were times when she'd call me late at night crying her eyes out because her mum and dad never reached out for her when she needed them most. I was always there for her, hell I've always been.

She's only nineteen years old, living on her own in LA being financially supported by her parents. The most support they'll ever show to their own daughter.

"I didn't know that," he replies. Expected answer.

"She never likes to talk about it. She'd rather talk good things about her folks than anything negative. That's how she is no matter the situation." Come to think of it, she's always been a strong girl. Her mentality is wise beyond her years.

"Still, shouldn't you at least call them? I mean someone's bound to let them know their daughter is missing,"

"I guess you're right. After all, they are her parents. But the money for her rescue is coming from me." I remind him. It's not a sense of pride, I just could care less about the money. It isn't nor never was important to me, but right now it's the only thing I have that can potentially save her life.

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