Chapter 42

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The moment I stepped foot into my dusty, in need of a clean up house, no time was wasted in rushing to my shower. Running up the stairs, hearing Liam in the distance of my embarking, scolding me about being careful. Swinging the door open to my room, the bed and everything left behind since I was last here remains exactly intact.

I take my essentials into the washroom, discarding of all my clothes in havoc. I have never been this excited for a bath. Turning on the shower keys, I wait a few seconds until the water gets warm. It must've been a good half hour scrubbing my entire body and lathering, rinsing and repeating for a good amount of times. The water feels amazing against my skin, hitting my back muscles alleviating the tension of not being in a comfort state for what seems so long.

Especially relieving me after last night's... Erotica. Not once have the images paused from replaying endlessly. The way Harry rocked into me, giving me the best orgasm any woman could ever experience. How he gripped my hips, callously moving inside of me, hitting that certain spot every time. He's skilled beyond belief.

A small frown sets in knowing that the experience gained was from him being with other women. Pushing those forbidden thoughts away, I wash the soap away, watching it go down the drain along with the memories. As much as I want it to happen again, it mustn't. I can't let it get the best of me.

The more I wash, I discover small purple bruises on my hips. Did we really go that tad bit extreme? A few more minutes under the relaxing water, I finally shut off the shower keys. Taking the towel from the rack and wrapping it around my wet body. So much more cleaner and fresh now.

Walking up to the mirror, I notice the love bites on my shoulder and the upper part of my chest. Holy crap, I'm marked like a bruised banana. Light touches to it with my fingertips tracing the marks, I smirk thinking about how he bit and sucked. Remembering Liam's downstairs waiting for me to get out the shower, I have to be careful so he doesn't see these. If he'd see them then..

There are good liars and there are bad liars and unfortunately, people like myself fall into the bad liars category. Besides, it's obvious when I lie, too much babbling involved. This is all so wicked and messed up. I'm still trying to figure what exactly is going on. I know I want to forgive Harry, but I can't. No matter what, I will always be reminded that he chose Kendall over me. I don't know if I want to, I'm scared. Downstairs there's a guy who's been with me through it all, being as patient as ever. Why can't I compromise? I know falling for Liam is not hard but after being with Harry intimately, it's on a whole other level.

My first time with Harry will be the last. I can't let my desires get the best of me, he just makes me so damn weak. Damn him for being so good at what he does.


"That must've been a really good shower," Liam says chuckling to me as I walk down the stairs in a sweater and sweats. Nothing beats comfortable like this.

"You have no idea," I reply, plopping down on the couch. It takes me a few moments to realize that this is it. I'm back in the comfort of my own home.

No more being trapped in a warehouse full of lunatics, no more manhandling, no more hospital. I'm free, without realizing how lucky my fate is, a tear rolls down my cheek slowly. "You don't know how happy I am to be safe now Liam," I bite my lips, eyes glossy. Although I made it out to be like it didn't scare not effect me, it did. To be helpless when no one's there to help you, to be mistreated like you're some kind of animal, it's by far the most frightening thing to ever go through.

Wiping the tears away with a grin, Liam pulls me in for a comforting hug, smoothing out my wet hair. "You should've never gone through that. None of it wouldn't of happen if Harold and I didn't fight, if I didn't throw that first punch," he says through gritted teeth. "I should have taken you home, you needed me and I wasn't there, I'm sorry," his voice becomes shaky.

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