Chapter 14

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I'm standing right next to Harry's car. I can hear him and Kendall bickering over how I hit her. She deserves what I did and so much more. That woman irks me more than anyone in this world and I am not a spiteful person.

I will admit, the girl can put up a fight. She scratched me on my chin, my cheek and the upper corner of my eye. I got her good though. I have never been a fighter, I have never even been in a fight but she crossed the damn line.

I touch the small cuts on my face and I wince. They actually hurt a bit. When I hear the door shut, I look up to see that Harry's walking towards the car. He's looks mad, pissed off even. He runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back. He's frustrated I can tell, he always has that habit.

"Get in the car," he says in a pissed off tone. I oblige to his order and climb into the seat. The tension is rising the moment he sits down. We stay seated in the car for a minute with nothing but pure silence. I'm actually a bit scared, Harry's voice was low and deep and that frightens me.

"Was fighting with her really necessary? Y/N I'm in deep shit now because of you." He huffs.

"Because of me? Excuse me, but your fucking girlfriend called me a slut, and this is all my fault? Oh no Harry, not this time." I defend myself. I only did what my instincts told me to do, and every hit she got she deserved.

"You girls are driving me insane. I care about you both but Jesus Christ you're both going to kill me. Now I have to worry about you two being in the same place at the same time."

"Then don't worry about it anymore Harry. If that's what you want, handle her. I'm out of here." I open the car door and make my way out of his drive way. Seconds later I hear his footsteps approaching me and I quicken my pace.

"Y/N, that's not what I want now please come back here." I ignore him and continue walking down the sidewalk.

I know damn well this isn't what I want, but I'm just still so mad and this the only way I thought of retaliating. Why did my life have to become such a mess? I

stop walking and turn around, Harry's standing at the end of the street. I move my feet towards him and he has a triumphant smile.

"I knew you wouldn't walk home, and I wouldn't let you." He smiles smugly. I roll my eyes at him and wince again because of the cut next to my eye.

"Harry just take me home. Today was going great, perfect even, and then you're stupid girlfriend ruins it. Honestly, how the hell can you stand her?" I ask as we walk again to his car. I can sense him rolling his eyes behind my back, I know he is.

"One, she's not stupid and two I can stand her. She's difficult at times, I know that." He says as he unlocks the car doors. I climb in his car sarcastically nodding my head. He's justifying her calling me a slut.

"I beg to differ. Why can't you see fake she is? You out of all people should see that right away in people."

He begins to back out of the driveway. I feel a sense of gratification that even after the fight, he's here with me and not her.

"Can we just not argue and let me drive? Jesus, we sound like a married couple." I second that.

The rest of the ride to my house, I stay silent. Today's been filled with many events, not like it hasn't been like that this past week. Today I thought it would've been normal, given that it was just Harry and I. If I knew that falling for him would be this complicated, I would've avoided it at all costs. I did try, I did, but he has something that no one else has, and I hate that. I sit in the car thinking how I almost told him everything and right there and then I could've ruined it all. I'm thankful we were interrupted, I know he wouldn't feel the same or else he wouldn't be with her. Even after what she called me he is going to stay with her and I need to accept that.

"We're here," he announces. I must have dozed off or something. That felt quick.

"I'm gonna head in. Thank you for making it up, you know for forgetting.. Never mind." I shake my head and start walking towards my front door. It feels like I barely spend any time here anymore.

"Y/N, hold up. Let me at least clean your, wounds," wounds? If anything I wounded her. I sigh but nod for him to come inside.


"Stop moving," he says running the small cloth over my eye.

"Well it stings Harold," I scold him. He puts the cloth over the scratch again and I wince again. Here I am sitting on a toilet seat while he's nursing me.

"Who's fault is that? Get in a fight again." He's treating me like a child and I really don't like that. I'm never gonna hear the end of this. If knowing this would happen then I wish I hadn't slapped Kendall, it's not worth all this scowling and scolding coming from Harry.

"That should do it," he says putting the cloth down. I get up from the seat and check in the mirror. It's not a scratch that'll leave a mark forever but it'll last at least 2 days.

I walk out of the bathroom while Harry following behind me.

"Am I a good nurse or what?" He jokes. It's good that he's not so mad anymore, I like when he's playful.

"You should leave now, wouldn't want to get Miss Jenner even more pissed," I feel bad for Harry as it is. I shouldn't complicate it even more for him. We stand in the middle of my bedroom, not saying a word. Even though he's ticked me off tonight, I still have the sudden urge to wrap my arms around him and take his lips on mine.

"Y/N, are you ever gonna tell me what's really wrong? I mean you were about to tell me when we were up there before we got interrupted. What's been bugging you I need to know?" He asks moving a strand of hair behind my ear. My breath hitches at his touch and I'm trembling again. It's like he's heroin and every time I'm near him, I need a small dose of him.

My eyes look up to meet his, and I'm troubled. I know I can't tell him, I just can't, not yet.

"Harry forget it. I told you that if I tell you everything would change, so please just let it go," I plea. I know it's killing him not knowing what's going on but it's for the sake of both of us.

His hand is still caressing my cheek and my entire body is heating up.

"I need to be frank with you Y/N, yesterday when I saw you kissing Liam at the party, I don't know what went through me but I wanted to yank him away from you and hit him but I knew better and you have no idea how hard it was.." That's quite the confession. Why does it bother him so much? Granted, it bothers me when he and Kendall kiss in front of me but that's a different story, I'm in love with him and he most likely just doesn't want me to be around guys.

I look down at the floor, not knowing what to say. I feel his fingers lift my chin up to meet his eyes again, his thumb is tracing my bottom lip and my heart is beating like crazy. What's going on?

He stares at me intently, and I don't move. I take in every feature of his face, his expression, his eyes, the way his nostrils flare, his full and plump lips that I so much desire. It's inevitable that the electricity in the room rose and it's pulling me closer to him.

"Why do I have the urge to kiss you Y/N?.." He whispers softly. Did he just say he wants to kiss me? I don't think I heard right, but no I did. I heard it clear as day.


"Kiss me, Harry," I respond, this is happening, it's really happening..

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